# Copyright 2014, Sandia Corporation. Under the terms of Contract
# DE-AC04-94AL85000 with Sandia Corporation, the U.S. Government retains certain
# rights in this software.
"""Provides layout algorithms.
import time
import custom_inherit
import numpy
import toyplot.units
from toyplot.require import as_float
def region(
"""Specify a rectangular target region relative to a parent region.
xmin: :class:`number<numbers.Number>`, required
Minimum X boundary of the parent region, specified in CSS pixel units.
xmax: :class:`number<numbers.Number>`, required
Maximum X boundary of the parent region, specified in CSS pixel units.
ymin: :class:`number<numbers.Number>`, required
Minimum Y boundary of the parent region, specified in CSS pixel units.
ymax: :class:`number<numbers.Number>`, required
Maximum Y boundary of the parent region, specified in CSS pixel units.
margin: :class:`number<numbers.Number>`, string, (:class:`number<numbers.Number>`, string) tuple, or tuple containing between one and four :class:`numbers<numbers.Number>`, strings, or (:class:`number<numbers.Number>`, string) tuples, optional
Padding around the target region, specified in real-world units. Defaults
to CSS pixel units. See :ref:`units` for details. Follows the same behavior as the CSS margin property.
xmin, xmax, ymin, ymax: :class:`number<numbers.Number>`
The boundaries of the target region, specified in CSS pixel units.
if margin is None:
margin = 0
if isinstance(margin, tuple):
if len(margin) == 4:
margin_top = toyplot.units.convert(margin[0], "px", default="px")
margin_right = toyplot.units.convert(margin[1], "px", default="px")
margin_bottom = toyplot.units.convert(margin[2], "px", default="px")
margin_left = toyplot.units.convert(margin[3], "px", default="px")
elif len(margin) == 3:
margin_top = toyplot.units.convert(margin[0], "px", default="px")
margin_left = margin_right = toyplot.units.convert(margin[1], "px", default="px")
margin_bottom = toyplot.units.convert(margin[2], "px", default="px")
elif len(margin) == 2:
margin_top = margin_bottom = toyplot.units.convert(margin[0], "px", default="px")
margin_left = margin_right = toyplot.units.convert(margin[1], "px", default="px")
elif len(margin) == 1:
margin_top = margin_bottom = margin_left = margin_right = toyplot.units.convert(margin[0], "px", default="px")
margin_top = margin_bottom = margin_left = margin_right = toyplot.units.convert(margin, "px", default="px")
def convert(vmin, vmax, value):
value = toyplot.units.convert(
value, "px", default="px", reference=vmax - vmin)
if value < 0:
return as_float(vmax + value)
return as_float(vmin + value)
# Specify explicit bounds for the region
if bounds is not None:
if isinstance(bounds, tuple) and len(bounds) == 4:
return (
convert(xmin, xmax, bounds[0]),
convert(xmin, xmax, bounds[1]),
convert(ymin, ymax, bounds[2]),
convert(ymin, ymax, bounds[3]),
raise TypeError("bounds parameter must be an (xmin, xmax, ymin, ymax) tuple.") # pragma: no cover
# Specify an explicit rectangle for the region
if rect is not None:
if isinstance(rect, tuple) and len(rect) == 4:
x = convert(xmin, xmax, rect[0])
y = convert(ymin, ymax, rect[1])
width = toyplot.units.convert(
rect[2], "px", default="px", reference=xmax - xmin)
height = toyplot.units.convert(
rect[3], "px", default="px", reference=ymax - ymin)
return (x, x + width, y, y + height)
raise ValueError("Unrecognized rect type") # pragma: no cover
# Offset a rectangle from a corner
if corner is not None:
if isinstance(corner, tuple) and len(corner) == 4:
position = corner[0]
inset = toyplot.units.convert(corner[1], "px", default="px")
width = toyplot.units.convert(
corner[2], "px", default="px", reference=xmax - xmin)
height = toyplot.units.convert(
corner[3], "px", default="px", reference=ymax - ymin)
raise ValueError("corner parameter must be a (corner, inset, width, height) tuple.") # pragma: no cover
if position == "top":
return ((xmin + xmax - width) / 2,
(xmin + xmax + width) / 2,
ymin + inset,
ymin + inset + height)
elif position == "top-right":
return (
xmax -
width -
xmax -
ymin +
ymin +
inset +
elif position == "right":
return (
xmax - width - inset,
xmax - inset,
(ymin + ymax - height) / 2,
(ymin + ymax + height) / 2)
elif position == "bottom-right":
return (
xmax -
width -
xmax -
ymax -
inset -
ymax -
elif position == "bottom":
return ((xmin + xmax - width) / 2,
(xmin + xmax + width) / 2,
ymax - inset - height,
ymax - inset)
elif position == "bottom-left":
return (
xmin +
xmin +
inset +
ymax -
inset -
ymax -
elif position == "left":
return (
xmin + inset,
xmin + inset + width,
(ymin + ymax - height) / 2,
(ymin + ymax + height) / 2)
elif position == "top-left":
return (
xmin +
xmin +
inset +
ymin +
ymin +
inset +
raise ValueError("Unrecognized corner") # pragma: no cover
# Choose a cell from an MxN grid, with optional column/row spanning.
if grid is not None:
# Cell n (in left-to-right, top-to-bottom order) of an M x N grid
if len(grid) == 3:
M, N, n = grid
i = n // N
j = n % N
rowspan, colspan = (1, 1)
elif len(grid) == 4: # Cell i,j of an M x N grid
M, N, i, j = grid
rowspan, colspan = (1, 1)
# Cells [i, i+rowspan), [j, j+colspan) of an M x N grid
elif len(grid) == 6:
M, N, i, rowspan, j, colspan = grid
cell_width = (xmax - xmin) / N
cell_height = (ymax - ymin) / M
return (
(j * cell_width) + margin_left,
((j + colspan) * cell_width) - margin_right,
(i * cell_height) + margin_top,
((i + rowspan) * cell_height) - margin_bottom,
# If nothing else fits, consume the entire region
return (xmin + margin_left, xmax - margin_right, ymin + margin_top, ymax - margin_bottom)
class Graph(object):
"""Stores graph layout information.
Typically used when sharing a layout among more than one graph.
def __init__(self, vids, vcoordinates, edges, eshapes, ecoordinates):
self._vids = vids
self._vcoordinates = vcoordinates
self._edges = edges
self._eshapes = eshapes
self._ecoordinates = ecoordinates
def vcount(self):
"""Return the number of vertices :math:`V` in the graph."""
return len(self._vids)
def vids(self):
"""Return :math:`V` graph vertex identifiers."""
return self._vids
def vcoordinates(self):
"""Return graph vertex coordinates as a :math:`V \\times 2` matrix."""
return self._vcoordinates
def ecount(self):
"""Return the number of edges :math:`E` in the graph."""
return len(self._edges)
def eshapes(self):
"""Return a vector of :math:`E` string edge shapes."""
return self._eshapes
def ecoordinates(self):
"""Return a matrix of edge coordinates. The number of coordinates is determined by the contents of the `eshapes` vector."""
return self._ecoordinates
def edges(self):
"""Return the graph edges as a :math:`E \\times 2` matrix of source, target indices."""
return self._edges
def graph(a, b=None, c=None, olayout=None, layout=None, vcoordinates=None):
"""Compute a graph layout."""
stack = [c, b, a]
# Identify the graph's edges.
if isinstance(stack[-1], numpy.ndarray) and stack[-1].ndim == 2 and stack[-1].shape[1] == 2:
edges = stack.pop()
ecount = edges.shape[0]
sources = toyplot.require.vector(stack.pop())
ecount = len(sources)
targets = toyplot.require.vector(stack.pop(), ecount)
edges = numpy.column_stack((sources, targets))
# Identify the vertex ids induced by the edges.
vids, edges = numpy.unique(edges, return_inverse=True)
edges = edges.reshape((ecount, 2), order="C")
# If the caller supplied extra vertex ids, merge them in.
if stack and stack[-1] is not None:
extra_vids = toyplot.require.vector(stack.pop())
disconnected_vids = numpy.setdiff1d(extra_vids, vids)
vids = numpy.append(vids, disconnected_vids)
# Setup storage to receive vertex coordinates
vcount = len(vids)
ivcoordinates = numpy.ma.masked_all((vcount, 2))
# If the caller supplied the layout for an external graph, merge those coordinates in.
if olayout is not None:
olayout = toyplot.require.instance(olayout, (toyplot.mark.Graph, toyplot.layout.Graph))
oindices = numpy.in1d(olayout.vids, vids, assume_unique=True)
iindices = numpy.in1d(vids, olayout.vids, assume_unique=True)
ivcoordinates[iindices] = olayout.vcoordinates[oindices]
# If the caller supplied extra vertex coordinates, merge them in.
if vcoordinates is not None:
external_vcoordinates = toyplot.require.scalar_matrix(vcoordinates, rows=vcount, columns=2)
mask = numpy.ma.getmaskarray(external_vcoordinates)
ivcoordinates = numpy.ma.where(mask, ivcoordinates, external_vcoordinates)
# Apply the layout algorithm to whatever's left.
start = time.time()
if layout is None:
# If there are unspecified coordinates, use a force-directed layout.
if numpy.ma.is_masked(ivcoordinates):
layout = toyplot.layout.FruchtermanReingold()
# Otherwise, we can ignore the vertices and just create edges.
layout = toyplot.layout.IgnoreVertices()
vcoordinates, eshapes, ecoordinates = layout.graph(ivcoordinates, edges)
toyplot.log.info("Graph layout time: %s ms", (time.time() - start) * 1000)
if numpy.ma.is_masked(vcoordinates):
raise RuntimeError("Graph layout cannot return masked vertex coordinates.") # pragma: no cover
return Graph(vids, vcoordinates, edges, eshapes, ecoordinates)
def _add_at(target, target_indices, source):
"""Add source values to the target and handle duplicate indices correctly.
With numpy, the expression `target[indices] += source` does not work intuitively
if there are duplicate indices. This function handles this case as you would
expect, by accumulating multiple values for a single target.
if getattr(numpy.add, "at", None) is not None:
numpy.add.at(target, target_indices, source)
else: # Shim for numpy < 1.8
for source_index, target_index in enumerate(target_indices): # pragma: no cover
target[target_index] += source[source_index]
#def _floyd_warshall_shortest_path(vcount, edges):
# """Compute the (directed) shortest paths between every pair of vertices in a graph, using the Floyd-Warshall algorithm.
# Floyd-Warshall is a good choice for computing paths between all pairs of
# vertices in dense graphs.
# Note that this algorithm is directed, i.e. a path from i -> j doesn't imply
# a path from j -> i. The results will contain numpy.inf for vertices that
# have no path.
# Returns
# -------
# shortest_paths: :math:`V \\times V matrix`
# A matrix where element :math:`E_ij` contains the shortest path distance
# between vertex :math:`i` and vertex :math:`j`.
# """
# distance = numpy.empty((vcount, vcount))
# distance[...] = numpy.inf
# distance[numpy.diag_indices_from(distance)] = 0
# distance[edges.T[0], edges.T[1]] = 1
# for k in numpy.arange(vcount):
# for i in numpy.arange(vcount):
# for j in numpy.arange(vcount):
# if distance[i, j] > distance[i, k] + distance[k, j]:
# distance[i, j] = distance[i, k] + distance[k, j]
# return distance
def _adjacency_list(vcount, edges):
"""Return an adjacency list representation of a graph."""
targets = [[] for i in numpy.arange(vcount)]
for source, target in edges:
return targets
def _require_tree(children):
"""Return the root vertex and maximum depth of a tree.
children: list of lists
Adjacency list representation of a graph.
root: integer
Index of the root vertex.
depth: integer
Maximum depth of the tree.
roots = numpy.setdiff1d(numpy.arange(len(children)), numpy.concatenate(children))
if len(roots) != 1:
raise ValueError("Not a tree.") # pragma: no cover
root = roots[0]
depth = []
visited = numpy.zeros(len(children), dtype=bool)
def mark_visited(vertex, vdepth=0):
if visited[vertex]:
raise ValueError("Not a tree.") # pragma: no cover
visited[vertex] = True
for child in children[vertex]:
mark_visited(child, vdepth + 1)
return root, max(depth)
class EdgeLayout(object, metaclass=custom_inherit.DocInheritMeta(style="numpy_napoleon")):
"""Abstract interface for algorithms that compute graph edge coordinates."""
def edges(self, vcoordinates, edges):
"""Return edge coordinates for a graph.
vcoordinates : :math:`V \\times 2` matrix
Contains the coordinates for every graph vertex, in vertex order.
edges : :math:`E \\times 2` matrix
Contains the integer vertex indices for every graph edge in edge
order. The first and second matrix columns contain the source and
target vertices respectively.
eshapes : array of :math:`E` strings
Contains a shape string for each edge, in edge order. The shape
string contains drawing codes that define an arbitrary-complexity
path for the edge, using a set of current coordinates and a turtle
drawing model. The following codes are currently allowed:
* `M` - change the current coordinates without drawing (requires one set of coordinates).
* `L` - draw a straight line segment from the current coordinates (requires one set of coordinates).
* `Q` - draw a quadratic Bezier curve from the current coordinates (requires two sets of coordinates).
* `C` - draw a cubic Bezier curve from the current coordinates (requires three sets of coordinates).
ecoordinates : matrix containing two columns
Contains coordinates for each of the edge shape strings, in drawing-code order.
raise NotImplementedError() # pragma: no cover
class StraightEdges(EdgeLayout):
"""Creates straight edges between graph vertices."""
def edges(self, vcoordinates, edges):
loops = edges.T[0] == edges.T[1]
if numpy.any(loops):
toyplot.log.warning("Graph contains %s loop edges that will not be visible.", numpy.count_nonzero(loops))
eshapes = numpy.tile("ML", len(edges))
ecoordinates = numpy.empty((len(edges) * 2, 2))
ecoordinates[0::2] = vcoordinates[edges.T[0]]
ecoordinates[1::2] = vcoordinates[edges.T[1]]
return eshapes, ecoordinates
class CurvedEdges(EdgeLayout):
"""Creates curved edges between graph vertices.
curvature : number
Controls the curvature of each edge's arc, as a percentage of the
distance between the edge's vertices. Use negative values to curve
edges in the opposite direction.
def __init__(self, curvature=0.15):
self._curvature = curvature
def edges(self, vcoordinates, edges):
loops = edges.T[0] == edges.T[1]
if numpy.any(loops):
toyplot.log.warning("Graph contains %s loop edges that will not be visible.", numpy.count_nonzero(loops))
eshapes = numpy.tile("MQ", len(edges))
ecoordinates = numpy.empty((len(edges) * 3, 2))
sources = vcoordinates[edges.T[0]]
targets = vcoordinates[edges.T[1]]
offsets = numpy.dot(targets - sources, [[0, 1], [-1, 0]]) * self._curvature
midpoints = ((sources + targets) * 0.5) + offsets
ecoordinates[0::3] = sources
ecoordinates[1::3] = midpoints
ecoordinates[2::3] = targets
return eshapes, ecoordinates
class GraphLayout(object, metaclass=custom_inherit.DocInheritMeta(style="numpy_napoleon")):
"""Abstract interface for algorithms that compute coordinates for graph vertices and edges."""
def graph(self, vcoordinates, edges):
"""Compute vertex and edge coordinates for a graph.
vcoordinates : :math:`V \\times 2` masked array
Coordinates for every graph vertex, in vertex order. Where
practical, only masked coordinates will have values assigned by the
underlying algorithm.
edges : :math:`E \\times 2` matrix
Contains the integer vertex indices for every graph edge in edge
order. The first and second matrix columns contain the source and
target vertices respectively.
vcoordinates : :math:`V \\times 2` matrix
Contains coordinates for every graph vertex, in vertex order.
eshapes : array of :math:`E` strings
Contains a shape string for each edge, in edge order. The shape
string contains drawing codes that define an arbitrary-complexity
path for the edge, using a set of current coordinates and a turtle
drawing model. The following codes are currently allowed:
* `M` - change the current coordinates without drawing (requires one set of coordinates).
* `L` - draw a straight line segment (requires one set of coordinates).
* `Q` - draw a quadratic Bezier curve (requires two sets of coordinates).
* `C` - draw a cubic Bezier curve (requires three sets of coordinates).
ecoordinates : matrix containing two columns
Contains coordinates for each of the edge shape strings, in drawing-code order.
raise NotImplementedError() # pragma: no cover
class IgnoreVertices(GraphLayout):
"""Do-nothing graph layout for use when all vertices are already specified.
edges: :class:`toyplot.layout.EdgeLayout` instance, optional
The default will generate straight edges.
def __init__(self, edges=None):
if edges is None:
edges = StraightEdges()
self._edges = edges
def graph(self, vcoordinates, edges):
eshapes, ecoordinates = self._edges.edges(vcoordinates, edges)
return vcoordinates, eshapes, ecoordinates
class Random(GraphLayout):
"""Compute a random graph layout.
edges: :class:`toyplot.layout.EdgeLayout` instance, optional
The default will generate straight edges.
seed: integer, optional
Random seed used to generate vertex coordinates.
def __init__(self, edges=None, seed=1234):
if edges is None:
edges = StraightEdges()
self._edges = edges
self._seed = seed
def graph(self, vcoordinates, edges):
generator = numpy.random.RandomState(seed=self._seed)
mask = numpy.ma.getmaskarray(vcoordinates)
vcoordinates = numpy.ma.where(mask, generator.uniform(-1, 1, size=vcoordinates.shape), vcoordinates)
eshapes, ecoordinates = self._edges.edges(vcoordinates, edges)
return vcoordinates, eshapes, ecoordinates
class Eades(GraphLayout):
"""Compute a force directed graph layout using the 1984 algorithm of Eades.
edges: :class:`toyplot.layout.EdgeLayout` instance, optional
The default will generate straight edges.
c1, c2, c3, c4: numbers, optional
Constants defined in Eades' original paper.
M: integer, optional
Number of iterations to run the spring simulation.
seed: integer, optional
Random seed used to initialize vertex coordinates.
def __init__(self, edges=None, c1=2, c2=1, c3=1, c4=0.1, M=100, seed=1234):
if edges is None:
edges = StraightEdges()
self._edges = edges
self._c1 = c1
self._c2 = c2
self._c3 = c3
self._c4 = c4
self._M = M
self._seed = seed
def graph(self, vcoordinates, edges):
generator = numpy.random.RandomState(seed=self._seed)
# Initialize coordinates
mask = numpy.ma.getmaskarray(vcoordinates)
vcoordinates = numpy.ma.where(mask, generator.uniform(-1, 1, size=vcoordinates.shape), vcoordinates)
# Repeatedly apply attract / repel forces to the vertices
vertices = numpy.column_stack(numpy.triu_indices(n=len(vcoordinates), k=1))
for iteration in numpy.arange(self._M):
offsets = numpy.zeros_like(vcoordinates)
# Repel
a = vcoordinates[vertices.T[0]]
b = vcoordinates[vertices.T[1]]
delta = a - b
distance = numpy.linalg.norm(delta, axis=1)[:, None]
delta /= distance
force = self._c3 / numpy.square(distance)
delta *= force
_add_at(offsets, vertices.T[0], delta)
_add_at(offsets, vertices.T[1], -delta)
# Attract
a = vcoordinates[edges.T[0]]
b = vcoordinates[edges.T[1]]
delta = b - a
distance = numpy.linalg.norm(delta, axis=1)[:, None]
delta /= distance
force = self._c1 * numpy.log(distance / self._c2)
delta *= force
_add_at(offsets, edges.T[0], delta)
_add_at(offsets, edges.T[1], -delta)
# Sum offsets
vcoordinates = numpy.ma.where(mask, vcoordinates + self._c4 * offsets, vcoordinates)
eshapes, ecoordinates = self._edges.edges(vcoordinates, edges)
return vcoordinates, eshapes, ecoordinates
class FruchtermanReingold(GraphLayout):
"""Compute a force directed graph layout using the 1991 algorithm of Fruchterman and Reingold.
edges: :class:`toyplot.layout.EdgeLayout` instance, optional
The default will generate straight edges.
area, temperature: numbers, optional
Constants defined in the original paper.
M: integer, optional
Number of iterations to run the spring simulation.
seed: integer, optional
Random seed used to initialize vertex coordinates.
def __init__(self, edges=None, area=1, temperature=0.1, M=50, seed=1234):
if edges is None:
edges = StraightEdges()
self._edges = edges
self._area = area
self._temperature = temperature
self._M = M
self._seed = seed
def graph(self, vcoordinates, edges):
generator = numpy.random.RandomState(seed=self._seed)
# Setup parameters
k = numpy.sqrt(self._area / len(vcoordinates))
# Initialize coordinates
mask = numpy.ma.getmaskarray(vcoordinates)
vcoordinates = numpy.ma.where(mask, generator.uniform(-1, 1, size=vcoordinates.shape), vcoordinates)
# Repeatedly apply attract / repel forces to the vertices
vertices = numpy.column_stack(numpy.triu_indices(n=len(vcoordinates), k=1))
for temperature in numpy.linspace(self._temperature, 0, self._M, endpoint=False):
offsets = numpy.zeros_like(vcoordinates)
# Repel
a = vcoordinates[vertices.T[0]]
b = vcoordinates[vertices.T[1]]
delta = a - b
distance = numpy.linalg.norm(delta, axis=1)[:, None]
delta /= distance
force = numpy.square(k) / distance
delta *= force
_add_at(offsets, vertices.T[0], +delta)
_add_at(offsets, vertices.T[1], -delta)
# Attract
a = vcoordinates[edges.T[0]]
b = vcoordinates[edges.T[1]]
delta = b - a
distance = numpy.linalg.norm(delta, axis=1)[:, None]
delta /= distance
force = numpy.square(distance) / k
delta *= force
_add_at(offsets, edges.T[0], +delta)
_add_at(offsets, edges.T[1], -delta)
# Limit offsets to the temperature
distance = numpy.linalg.norm(offsets, axis=1)
offsets /= distance[:, None]
offsets *= numpy.minimum(temperature, distance)[:, None]
# Sum offsets
vcoordinates = numpy.ma.where(mask, vcoordinates + offsets, vcoordinates)
eshapes, ecoordinates = self._edges.edges(vcoordinates, edges)
return vcoordinates, eshapes, ecoordinates
class Buchheim(GraphLayout):
"""Compute a tree layout using the 2002 algorithm of Buchheim, Junger, and Leipert.
Note: this layout currently ignores preexisting vertex coordinates.
def __init__(self, edges=None, basis=None):
if edges is None:
edges = StraightEdges()
if basis is None:
basis = [[1, 0], [0, -1]]
self._edges = edges
self._basis = numpy.array(basis)
def graph(self, vcoordinates, edges):
# Convert the graph to an adjacency list
children = _adjacency_list(len(vcoordinates), edges)
# Ensure we actually have a tree
root, depth = _require_tree(children)
# Get rid of the mask, it complicates things.
vcoordinates = numpy.array(vcoordinates)
# Convert our flat adjacency list into a hierarchy, to make the implementation easier.
class Vertex(object):
def __init__(self, vertex, parent=None, number=0, depth=0):
self.vertex = vertex
self.parent = parent
self.number = number
self.depth = depth
self.children = [Vertex(child, self, number, depth+1) for number, child in enumerate(children[vertex])]
self.mod = 0
self.thread = None
self.ancestor = self
self.prelim = 0
self.change = 0
self.shift = 0
# We follow Appendix A of the original paper as closely as possible here.
distance = 1
def FirstWalk(v):
if not v.children: # v is a leaf
v.prelim = 0
if v.number: # v has a left sibling
v.prelim = v.parent.children[v.number-1].prelim + distance
else: # v is not a leaf
defaultAncestor = v.children[0] # leftmost child of v
for w in v.children:
defaultAncestor = Apportion(w, defaultAncestor)
midpoint = 0.5 * (v.children[0].prelim + v.children[-1].prelim)
if v.number: # v has a left sibling
v.prelim = v.parent.children[v.number-1].prelim + distance
v.mod = v.prelim - midpoint
v.prelim = midpoint
def Apportion(v, defaultAncestor):
if v.number: # v has a left sibling
vip = vop = v
vim = v.parent.children[v.number-1]
vom = vip.parent.children[0]
sip = vip.mod
sop = vop.mod
sim = vim.mod
som = vom.mod
while NextRight(vim) and NextLeft(vip):
vim = NextRight(vim)
vip = NextLeft(vip)
vom = NextLeft(vom)
vop = NextRight(vop)
vop.ancestor = v
shift = (vim.prelim + sim) - (vip.prelim + sip) + distance
if shift > 0:
MoveSubtree(Ancestor(vim, v, defaultAncestor), v, shift)
sip += shift
sop += shift
sim += vim.mod
sip += vip.mod
som += vom.mod
sop += vop.mod
if NextRight(vim) and not NextRight(vop):
vop.thread = NextRight(vim)
vop.mod += sim - sop
if NextLeft(vip) and not NextLeft(vom):
vom.thread = NextLeft(vip)
vom.mod += sip - som
defaultAncestor = v
return defaultAncestor
def NextLeft(v):
if v.children:
return v.children[0]
return v.thread
def NextRight(v):
if v.children:
return v.children[-1]
return v.thread
def MoveSubtree(wm, wp, shift):
subtrees = wp.number - wm.number
wp.change -= shift / subtrees
wp.shift += shift
wm.change += shift / subtrees
wp.prelim += shift
wp.mod += shift
def ExecuteShifts(v):
shift = 0
change = 0
for w in v.children:
w.prelim += shift
w.mod += shift
change += w.change
shift += w.shift + change
def Ancestor(vim, v, defaultAncestor):
if vim.ancestor in v.parent.children:
return vim.ancestor
return defaultAncestor
def SecondWalk(v, m):
vcoordinates[v.vertex][0] = v.prelim + m
vcoordinates[v.vertex][1] = v.depth
for w in v.children:
SecondWalk(w, m + v.mod)
r = Vertex(root)
SecondWalk(r, -r.prelim)
vcoordinates = numpy.dot(vcoordinates, self._basis)
eshapes, ecoordinates = self._edges.edges(vcoordinates, edges)
return vcoordinates, eshapes, ecoordinates