Source code for toyplot.font

# Copyright 2014, Sandia Corporation. Under the terms of Contract
# DE-AC04-94AL85000 with Sandia Corporation, the U.S. Government retains certain
# rights in this software.

"""Font management and font metrics.

import custom_inherit
import reportlab.pdfbase.pdfmetrics

import toyplot.units

[docs]class Font(object, metaclass=custom_inherit.DocInheritMeta(style="numpy_napoleon")): """Abstract interface for objects that return information about a specific combination of typeface and size.""" @property def ascent(self): """Font ascent (maximum height above the baseline). Returns ------- ascent: :class:`number<numbers.Number>` ascent of the font in CSS pixels. """ raise NotImplementedError() # pragma: no cover @property def descent(self): """Font descent (maximum height below the baseline). Returns ------- descent: :class:`number<numbers.Number>` descent of the font in CSS pixels. """ raise NotImplementedError() # pragma: no cover
[docs] def width(self, string): """Return the width of a string if rendered using the font. Parameters ---------- string: str, required The text to be measured. Returns ------- width: :class:`number<numbers.Number>` Width of the string in CSS pixels, if rendered using the given font and font size. """ raise NotImplementedError() # pragma: no cover
[docs]class Library(object, metaclass=custom_inherit.DocInheritMeta(style="numpy_napoleon")): """Abstract interface for objects that manage a collection of fonts."""
[docs] def font(self, style): """Lookup a font using CSS style information and return a corresponding Font object. Parameters ---------- style: dict containing CSS style information Returns ------- font: instance of :class:`toyplot.font.Font` """ raise NotImplementedError() # pragma: no cover
[docs]class ReportlabFont(Font): """Use Reportlab to access the metrics for a font. Parameters ---------- font_family: str PDF font family to use for measurement. font_size: number Font size for the measurement. Defaults to CSS pixel units, and supports all toyplot :ref:`units`. """ def __init__(self, family, size): self._family = family self._size = toyplot.units.convert(size, target="pt", default="px") ascent, descent = reportlab.pdfbase.pdfmetrics.getAscentDescent(self._family, self._size) self._ascent = toyplot.units.convert(ascent, target="px", default="pt") self._descent = toyplot.units.convert(descent, target="px", default="pt") def __repr__(self): # pragma: no cover return "<toyplot.font.ReportlabFont family=%r size=%r ascent=%r descent=%r>" % (self._family, self._size, self.ascent, self.descent) @property def ascent(self): return self._ascent @property def descent(self): return self._descent
[docs] def width(self, string): width = reportlab.pdfbase.pdfmetrics.stringWidth(string, self._family, self._size) width = toyplot.units.convert(width, target="px", default="pt") return width
[docs]class ReportlabLibrary(Library): """Use Reportlab to provide information about standard PDF fonts.""" def __init__(self): self._cache = dict()
[docs] def font(self, style): """ Returns ------- font: instance of :class:`toyplot.font.ReportlabFont` """ size = style["font-size"] bold = True if style.get("font-weight", "") == "bold" else False italic = True if style.get("font-style", "") == "italic" else False for font_family in style["font-family"].split(","): font_family = font_family.lower() if font_family not in ReportlabLibrary.font._substitutions: continue font_family = ReportlabLibrary.font._substitutions[font_family] key = (font_family, bold, italic, size) if key not in self._cache: family = ReportlabLibrary.font._font_table[(font_family, bold, italic)] self._cache[key] = ReportlabFont(family, size) return self._cache[key] raise ValueError("Unknown font family: %s" % style) # pragma: no cover
font._substitutions = { "courier": "courier", "helvetica": "helvetica", "monospace": "courier", "sans-serif": "helvetica", "serif": "times", "times": "times", } font._font_table = { ("courier", False, False): "Courier", ("courier", True, False): "Courier-Bold", ("courier", False, True): "Courier-Oblique", ("courier", True, True): "Courier-BoldOblique", ("helvetica", False, False): "Helvetica", ("helvetica", True, False): "Helvetica-Bold", ("helvetica", False, True): "Helvetica-Oblique", ("helvetica", True, True): "Helvetica-BoldOblique", ("times", False, False): "Times-Roman", ("times", True, False): "Times-Bold", ("times", False, True): "Times-Italic", ("times", True, True): "Times-BoldItalic", }