Source code for toyplot.coordinates

# Copyright 2014, Sandia Corporation. Under the terms of Contract
# DE-AC04-94AL85000 with Sandia Corporation, the U.S. Government retains certain
# rights in this software.

"""Classes and functions for working with coordinate systems.

import collections
import itertools
import warnings

import numpy

import toyplot.broadcast
import toyplot.color
import toyplot.format
import toyplot.layout
import toyplot.locator
import toyplot.mark
import toyplot.projection
import toyplot.require

# Helpers

def _mark_exportable(table, column, exportable=True):
    table.metadata(column)["toyplot:exportable"] = exportable

def _opposite_location(location):
    return "above" if location == "below" else "below"

def _create_far_property():
    def getter(self):
        """Specifies the distance from the axis, in the opposite direction as `location`.
        return self._far

    def setter(self, value):
        if value is None:
            self._far = None
            self._far = toyplot.units.convert(value, target="px", default="px")

    return property(getter, setter)

def _create_line_style_property():
    def getter(self):
        """Dictionary of CSS property-value pairs.

        Use the *style* property to control the appearance of the line.  The
        following CSS properties are allowed:

        * opacity
        * stroke
        * stroke-dasharray
        * stroke-opacity
        * stroke-width

        Note that when assigning to the *style* property, the properties you
        supply are merged with the existing properties.
        return self._style

    def setter(self, value):
        self._style =

    return property(getter, setter)

def _create_location_property():
    def getter(self):
        return self._location

    def setter(self, value):
        self._location = toyplot.require.value_in(value, [None, "above", "below"])

    return property(getter, setter)

def _create_near_property():
    def getter(self):
        """Specifies the distance from the axis, in the same direction as `location`.
        return self._near

    def setter(self, value):
        if value is None:
            self._near = None
            self._near = toyplot.units.convert(value, target="px", default="px")

    return property(getter, setter)

def _create_offset_property():
    def getter(self):
        """Specifies the position relative to the axis.  Increasing values of
        *offset* move the position further away from the axis, whether the
        location is "above" or "below".

        :getter: Returns the offset in CSS pixels.

        :setter: Sets the offset using a number, string, or (number, string) tuple.  Assumes CSS pixels if units aren't provided.  See :ref:`units` for details.
        return self._offset

    def setter(self, value):
        if value is None:
            self._offset = value
            self._offset = toyplot.units.convert(value, target="px", default="px")

    return property(getter, setter)

def _create_show_property():
    def getter(self):
        return self._show

    def setter(self, value):
        if not isinstance(value, bool):
            raise ValueError("A boolean value is required.")
        self._show = value

    return property(getter, setter)

def _create_text_property():
    def getter(self):
        """The text to be displayed, or None.
        return self._text

    def setter(self, value):
        self._text = value

    return property(getter, setter)

def _create_text_style_property():
    def getter(self):
        """Dictionary of CSS property-value pairs.

        Use the *style* property to control the text appearance.  The
        following CSS properties are allowed:

        * alignment-baseline
        * baseline-shift
        * fill
        * fill-opacity
        * font-size
        * font-weight
        * opacity
        * stroke
        * stroke-opacity
        * stroke-width
        * text-anchor
        * -toyplot-anchor-shift

        Note that when assigning to the *style* property, the properties you
        supply are merged with the existing properties.
        return self._style

    def setter(self, value):
        self._style =

    return property(getter, setter)

def _create_projection(scale, domain_min, domain_max, range_min, range_max):
    if isinstance(scale, toyplot.projection.Projection):
        return scale
    if scale == "linear":
        return toyplot.projection.linear(domain_min, domain_max, range_min, range_max)
    scale, base = scale
    return toyplot.projection.log(base, domain_min, domain_max, range_min, range_max)

# Axis

[docs] class Axis(object): """One dimensional axis that can be used to create coordinate systems. """
[docs] class DomainHelper(object): """Controls domain related behavior for this axis.""" def __init__(self, domain_min, domain_max): self._min = domain_min self._max = domain_max self._show = True @property def min(self): """Specify an explicit domain minimum for this axis. By default the implicit domain minimum is computed from visible data. """ return self._min @min.setter def min(self, value): self._min = value @property def max(self): """Specify an explicit domain maximum for this axis. By default the implicit domain maximum is computed from visible data. """ return self._max @max.setter def max(self, value): self._max = value @property def show(self): """Control whether the domain should be made visible using the axis spine. """ return self._show @show.setter def show(self, value): toyplot.log.warning("Altering <axis> is experimental.") self._show = True if value else False
[docs] class InteractiveCoordinatesLabelHelper(object): """Controls the appearance and behavior of interactive coordinate labels.""" def __init__(self): self._show = True self._style = { "fill": "slategray", "font-size": "10px", "font-weight": "normal", "stroke": "none", "text-anchor": "middle", } show = _create_show_property() style = _create_text_style_property()
[docs] class InteractiveCoordinatesTickHelper(object): """Controls the appearance and behavior of interactive coordinate ticks.""" def __init__(self): self._show = True self._style = { "stroke":"slategray", "stroke-width": 1.0, } show = _create_show_property() style = _create_line_style_property()
[docs] class InteractiveCoordinatesHelper(object): """Controls the appearance and behavior of interactive coordinates.""" def __init__(self): self._label = toyplot.coordinates.Axis.InteractiveCoordinatesLabelHelper() self._location = None self._show = True self._tick = toyplot.coordinates.Axis.InteractiveCoordinatesTickHelper() @property def label(self): """:class:`toyplot.coordinates.Axis.InteractiveCoordinatesLabelHelper` instance.""" return self._label location = _create_location_property() """Controls the position of interactive coordinates relative to the axis. Allowed values are "above" (force coordinates to appear above the axis), "below" (the opposite), or `None` (the default - display interactive coordinates opposite tick labels). """ show = _create_show_property() """Set `False` to disable showing interactive coordinates for this axis.""" @property def tick(self): """:class:`toyplot.coordinates.Axis.InteractiveCoordinatesTickHelper` instance.""" return self._tick
[docs] class InteractiveHelper(object): """Controls interactive behavior for this axis.""" def __init__(self): self._coordinates = toyplot.coordinates.Axis.InteractiveCoordinatesHelper() @property def coordinates(self): """:class:`toyplot.coordinates.Axis.InteractiveCoordinatesHelper` instance.""" return self._coordinates
[docs] class LabelHelper(object): """Controls the appearance and behavior of an axis label.""" def __init__(self, text, style): self._location = None self._offset = None self._style = {} self._text = None = { "font-size": "12px", "font-weight": "bold", "stroke": "none", "text-anchor":"middle", } = style self.text = text location = _create_location_property() offset = _create_offset_property() style = _create_text_style_property() text = _create_text_property()
[docs] class SpineHelper(object): """Controls the appearance and behavior of an axis spine.""" def __init__(self): self._position = "low" self._show = True self._style = {} @property def position(self): return self._position @position.setter def position(self, value): self._position = value show = _create_show_property() style = _create_line_style_property()
[docs] class PerTickHelper(object): """Controls the appearanace and behavior of individual axis ticks."""
[docs] class TickProxy(object): def __init__(self, tick, allowed): self._tick = tick self._allowed = allowed @property def style(self): return self._tick.get("style", {}) @style.setter def style(self, value): self._tick["style"] = self._tick.get("style"),, allowed=self._allowed), )
def __init__(self, allowed): self._indices = collections.defaultdict(dict) self._values = collections.defaultdict(dict) self._allowed = allowed def __call__(self, index=None, value=None): if index is None and value is None: raise ValueError("Must specify tick index or value.") # pragma: no cover if index is not None and value is not None: raise ValueError("Must specify either index or value, not both.") # pragma: no cover if index is not None: return Axis.PerTickHelper.TickProxy(self._indices[index], self._allowed) elif value is not None: return Axis.PerTickHelper.TickProxy(self._values[value], self._allowed)
[docs] def styles(self, values): results = [self._indices[index].get("style", None) if index in self._indices else None for index in range(len(values))] for value in self._values: deltas = numpy.abs(values - value) results[numpy.argmin(deltas)] = self._values[value].get("style", None) return results
[docs] class TicksHelper(object): """Controls the appearance and behavior of axis ticks.""" def __init__(self, locator, angle): self._far = None self._labels = Axis.TickLabelsHelper(angle) self._location = None self._locator = locator self._near = None self._show = False self._style = {} self._tick = Axis.PerTickHelper( far = _create_far_property() location = _create_location_property() """Controls the position of ticks (and labels) relative to the axis. Allowed values are "above" (force labels to appear above the axis), "below" (the opposite), or `None` (use default, context-sensitive behavior). """ near = _create_near_property() show = _create_show_property() style = _create_line_style_property() @property def labels(self): return self._labels @property def locator(self): return self._locator @locator.setter def locator(self, value): self._locator = value @property def tick(self): return self._tick
[docs] class TickLabelsHelper(object): """Controls the appearance and behavior of axis tick labels.""" def __init__(self, angle): self._angle = angle self._label = Axis.PerTickHelper( self._offset = None self._show = True self._style = { "font-size": "10px", "font-weight": "normal", "stroke": "none", } style = _create_text_style_property() offset = _create_offset_property() show = _create_show_property() @property def angle(self): return self._angle @angle.setter def angle(self, value): self._angle = value @property def label(self): return self._label
def __init__( self, label=None, domain_min=None, domain_max=None, scale="linear", show=True, tick_angle=0, tick_locator=None, ): self._finalized = None self._data_max = None self._data_min = None self._display_max = None self._display_min = None self._domain = Axis.DomainHelper(domain_min, domain_max) self._interactive = Axis.InteractiveHelper() self._label = Axis.LabelHelper(label, style={}) self._scale = None self._show = show self._spine = Axis.SpineHelper() self._tick_labels = [] self._tick_locations = [] self._tick_titles = [] self._ticks = Axis.TicksHelper(tick_locator, tick_angle) self.scale = scale show = _create_show_property() @property def interactive(self): """:class:`toyplot.coordinates.Axis.InteractiveHelper` instance.""" return self._interactive @property def domain(self): """:class:`toyplot.coordinates.Axis.DomainHelper` instance.""" return self._domain @property def label(self): """:class:`toyplot.coordinates.Axis.LabelHelper` instance.""" return self._label @property def scale(self): return self._scale @scale.setter def scale(self, value): if value == "linear": self._scale = "linear" return elif value in ["log", "log10"]: self._scale = ("log", 10) return elif value == "log2": self._scale = ("log", 2) return elif isinstance(value, tuple) and len(value) == 2: scale, base = value if scale == "log": self._scale = ("log", base) return raise ValueError( """Scale must be "linear", "log", "log10", "log2" or a ("log", base) tuple.""") @property def spine(self): """:class:`toyplot.coordinates.Axis.SpineHelper` instance.""" return self._spine @property def ticks(self): """:class:`toyplot.coordinates.Axis.TicksHelper` instance.""" return self._ticks def _update_domain(self, values, display=True, data=True): if display: self._display_min, self._display_max =[self._display_min, self._display_max], values)) if data: self._data_min, self._data_max =[self._data_min, self._data_max], values)) def _locator(self): if self.ticks.locator is not None: return self.ticks.locator if self.scale == "linear": return toyplot.locator.Extended() if isinstance(self.scale, toyplot.projection.Projection): return toyplot.locator.Null() else: scale, base = self.scale if scale == "log": return toyplot.locator.Log(base=base) raise RuntimeError("Unable to create an appropriate locator.") # pragma: no cover def _finalize( self, x1, x2, y1, y2, offset, domain_min, domain_max, tick_locations, tick_labels, tick_titles, default_tick_location, default_ticks_near, default_ticks_far, default_label_location, ): if self._finalized is None: self._x1 = x1 self._x2 = x2 self._y1 = y1 self._y2 = y2 self._offset = offset self._domain_min = domain_min self._domain_max = domain_max self._tick_locations = tick_locations self._tick_labels = tick_labels self._tick_titles = tick_titles self._tick_location = self.ticks.location if self.ticks.location is not None else default_tick_location self._ticks_near = self.ticks.near if self.ticks.near is not None else default_ticks_near self._ticks_far = self.ticks.far if self.ticks.far is not None else default_ticks_far self._tick_labels_location = self._tick_location self._tick_labels_offset = self.ticks.labels.offset if self.ticks.labels.offset is not None else 6 self._label_location = self.label.location if self.label.location is not None else default_label_location self._label_offset = self.label.offset if self.label.offset is not None else 22 self._interactive_coordinates_location = self.interactive.coordinates.location if self.interactive.coordinates.location is not None else _opposite_location(self._tick_labels_location) endpoints = numpy.row_stack(((x1, y1), (x2, y2))) length = numpy.linalg.norm(endpoints[1] - endpoints[0]) self.projection = _create_projection( scale=self.scale, domain_min=domain_min, domain_max=domain_max, range_min=0.0, range_max=length, ) self._finalized = self return self._finalized
########################################################################## # Cartesian
[docs] class Cartesian(object): """Standard two-dimensional Cartesian coordinate system. Do not create Cartesian instances directly. Use factory methods such as :meth:`toyplot.canvas.Canvas.cartesian` instead. """
[docs] class LabelHelper(object): """Controls the appearance and behavior of a Cartesian coordinate system label.""" def __init__(self, text, style): self._style = {} self._text = None = { "font-size": "14px", "font-weight": "bold", "stroke": "none", "text-anchor":"middle", "-toyplot-vertical-align":"bottom", } = style self.text = text self.offset = 8 style = _create_text_style_property() text = _create_text_property() offset = _create_offset_property()
def __init__( self, aspect, hyperlink, label, padding, palette, scenegraph, show, xaxis, xlabel, xmax, xmax_range, xmin, xmin_range, xscale, xshow, xticklocator, yaxis, ylabel, ymax, ymax_range, ymin, ymin_range, yscale, yshow, yticklocator, ): if palette is None: palette = toyplot.color.Palette() self._finalized = None self._xmin_range = xmin_range self._xmax_range = xmax_range self._ymin_range = ymin_range self._ymax_range = ymax_range self._aspect = None self.aspect = aspect self._hyperlink = None self.hyperlink = hyperlink self._expand_domain_range_x = None self._expand_domain_range_y = None self._expand_domain_range_left = None self._expand_domain_range_right = None self._expand_domain_range_top = None self._expand_domain_range_bottom = None self._padding = toyplot.units.convert(padding, target="px", default="px") self._palette = palette self._bar_colors = itertools.cycle(self._palette) self._ellipse_colors = itertools.cycle(self._palette) self._fill_colors = itertools.cycle(self._palette) self._graph_colors = itertools.cycle(self._palette) self._plot_colors = itertools.cycle(self._palette) self._scatterplot_colors = itertools.cycle(self._palette) self._rect_colors = itertools.cycle(self._palette) self._text_colors = itertools.cycle(self._palette) self._show = show self.label = Cartesian.LabelHelper( text=label, style={}, ) if xaxis is None: xaxis = Axis() = xshow xaxis.label.text = xlabel xaxis.domain.min = xmin xaxis.domain.max = xmax xaxis.ticks.locator = xticklocator xaxis.scale = xscale if yaxis is None: yaxis = Axis() = yshow yaxis.label.text = ylabel yaxis.domain.min = ymin yaxis.domain.max = ymax yaxis.ticks.locator = yticklocator yaxis.scale = yscale self.x = xaxis self.y = yaxis self._scenegraph = scenegraph @property def aspect(self): """Control the mapping from domains to ranges. By default, each axis maps its domain to its range separately, which is what is usually expected from a plot. Sometimes, both axes have the same domain. In this case, it is desirable that both axes are mapped to a consistent range to avoid "squashing" or "stretching" the data. To do so, set `aspect` to "fit-range". """ return self._aspect @aspect.setter def aspect(self, value): if value not in [None, "fit-range"]: raise ValueError("Unknown aspect value: %s" % value) # pragma: no cover self._aspect = value @property def hyperlink(self): """Specify a URI that will be hyperlinked from the axes range.""" return self._hyperlink @hyperlink.setter def hyperlink(self, value): self._hyperlink = toyplot.require.hyperlink(value) @property def show(self): """Control axis visibility. Use the `show` property to hide all visible parts of the axes: labels, spines, ticks, tick labels, etc. Note that this does not affect visibility of the axes contents, just the axes themselves. """ return self._show @show.setter def show(self, value): self._show = value @property def padding(self): """Control the default distance between axis spines and data. By default, axis spines are offset slightly from the data, to avoid visual clutter and overlap. Use `padding` to change this offset. The default units are CSS pixels, but you may specify the padding using any :ref:`units` you like. """ return self._padding @padding.setter def padding(self, value): self._padding = toyplot.units.convert(value, target="px", default="px") def _set_xmin_range(self, value): self._xmin_range = value xmin_range = property(fset=_set_xmin_range) def _set_xmax_range(self, value): self._xmax_range = value xmax_range = property(fset=_set_xmax_range) def _set_ymin_range(self, value): self._ymin_range = value ymin_range = property(fset=_set_ymin_range) def _set_ymax_range(self, value): self._ymax_range = value ymax_range = property(fset=_set_ymax_range) def _finalize(self): if self._finalized is None: # Begin with the implicit domain defined by our children. for child in self._scenegraph.targets(self.x, "map"): child = child._finalize() if child is not None: self.x._update_domain(child.domain("x"), display=True, data=not child.annotation) (x, y), (left, right, top, bottom) = child.extents(["x", "y"]) self._expand_domain_range_x = x if self._expand_domain_range_x is None else numpy.concatenate((self._expand_domain_range_x, x)) self._expand_domain_range_left = left if self._expand_domain_range_left is None else numpy.concatenate((self._expand_domain_range_left, left)) self._expand_domain_range_right = right if self._expand_domain_range_right is None else numpy.concatenate((self._expand_domain_range_right, right)) for child in self._scenegraph.targets(self.y, "map"): child = child._finalize() if child is not None: self.y._update_domain(child.domain("y"), display=True, data=not child.annotation) (x, y), (left, right, top, bottom) = child.extents(["x", "y"]) self._expand_domain_range_y = y if self._expand_domain_range_y is None else numpy.concatenate((self._expand_domain_range_y, y)) self._expand_domain_range_top = top if self._expand_domain_range_top is None else numpy.concatenate((self._expand_domain_range_top, top)) self._expand_domain_range_bottom = bottom if self._expand_domain_range_bottom is None else numpy.concatenate((self._expand_domain_range_bottom, bottom)) # Begin with the implicit domain defined by our data. xdomain_min = self.x._display_min xdomain_max = self.x._display_max ydomain_min = self.y._display_min ydomain_max = self.y._display_max # If there is no implicit domain (we don't have any data), default # to the origin. if xdomain_min is None: xdomain_min = 0 if xdomain_max is None: xdomain_max = 0 if ydomain_min is None: ydomain_min = 0 if ydomain_max is None: ydomain_max = 0 # Ensure that the domain is never empty. if xdomain_min == xdomain_max: xdomain_min -= 0.5 xdomain_max += 0.5 if ydomain_min == ydomain_max: ydomain_min -= 0.5 ydomain_max += 0.5 # Optionally expand the domain in range-space (used to make room for text). if self._expand_domain_range_x is not None: x_projection = _create_projection( self.x.scale, domain_min=xdomain_min, domain_max=xdomain_max, range_min=self._xmin_range, range_max=self._xmax_range, ) range_x = x_projection(self._expand_domain_range_x) range_left = range_x + self._expand_domain_range_left range_right = range_x + self._expand_domain_range_right domain_left = x_projection.inverse(range_left) domain_right = x_projection.inverse(range_right) xdomain_min, xdomain_max =[xdomain_min, xdomain_max, domain_left, domain_right]) if self._expand_domain_range_y is not None: y_projection = _create_projection( self.y.scale, domain_min=ydomain_min, domain_max=ydomain_max, range_min=self._ymax_range, range_max=self._ymin_range, ) range_y = y_projection(self._expand_domain_range_y) range_top = range_y + self._expand_domain_range_top range_bottom = range_y + self._expand_domain_range_bottom domain_top = y_projection.inverse(range_top) domain_bottom = y_projection.inverse(range_bottom) ydomain_min, ydomain_max =[ydomain_min, ydomain_max, domain_top, domain_bottom]) # Optionally expand the domain to match the aspect ratio of the range. if self._aspect == "fit-range": dwidth = (xdomain_max - xdomain_min) dheight = (ydomain_max - ydomain_min) daspect = dwidth / dheight raspect = (self._xmax_range - self._xmin_range) / (self._ymax_range - self._ymin_range) if daspect < raspect: offset = ((dwidth * (raspect / daspect)) - dwidth) * 0.5 xdomain_min -= offset xdomain_max += offset elif daspect > raspect: offset = ((dheight * (daspect / raspect)) - dheight) * 0.5 ydomain_min -= offset ydomain_max += offset # Allow users to override the domain. if self.x.domain.min is not None: xdomain_min = self.x.domain.min if self.x.domain.max is not None: xdomain_max = self.x.domain.max if self.y.domain.min is not None: ydomain_min = self.y.domain.min if self.y.domain.max is not None: ydomain_max = self.y.domain.max # Ensure that the domain is never empty. if xdomain_min == xdomain_max: xdomain_min -= 0.5 xdomain_max += 0.5 if ydomain_min == ydomain_max: ydomain_min -= 0.5 ydomain_max += 0.5 # Calculate tick locations and labels. xtick_locations = [] xtick_labels = [] xtick_titles = [] if and xtick_locations, xtick_labels, xtick_titles = self.x._locator().ticks(xdomain_min, xdomain_max) ytick_locations = [] ytick_labels = [] ytick_titles = [] if and ytick_locations, ytick_labels, ytick_titles = self.y._locator().ticks(ydomain_min, ydomain_max) # Allow tick locations to grow (never shrink) the domain. if len(xtick_locations): xdomain_min = numpy.amin((xdomain_min, xtick_locations[0])) xdomain_max = numpy.amax((xdomain_max, xtick_locations[-1])) if len(ytick_locations): ydomain_min = numpy.amin((ydomain_min, ytick_locations[0])) ydomain_max = numpy.amax((ydomain_max, ytick_locations[-1])) # Create projections for each axis. self._x_projection = _create_projection( scale=self.x.scale, domain_min=xdomain_min, domain_max=xdomain_max, range_min=self._xmin_range, range_max=self._xmax_range, ) self._y_projection = _create_projection( scale=self.y.scale, domain_min=ydomain_min, domain_max=ydomain_max, range_min=self._ymax_range, range_max=self._ymin_range, ) # Finalize positions for all axis components. if self.x.spine.position == "low": x_offset = self.padding x_spine_y = self._ymax_range x_ticks_near = 0 x_ticks_far = 5 x_tick_location = "below" x_label_location = "below" elif self.x.spine.position == "high": x_offset = -self.padding # pylint: disable=invalid-unary-operand-type x_spine_y = self._ymin_range x_ticks_near = 5 x_ticks_far = 0 x_tick_location = "above" x_label_location = "above" else: x_offset = 0 x_spine_y = self._y_projection(self.x.spine.position) x_ticks_near = 3 x_ticks_far = 3 x_tick_location = "below" x_label_location = "below" if self.y.spine._position == "low": y_offset = -self.padding # pylint: disable=invalid-unary-operand-type y_spine_x = self._xmin_range y_ticks_near = 0 y_ticks_far = 5 y_tick_location = "above" y_label_location = "above" elif self.y.spine._position == "high": y_offset = self.padding y_spine_x = self._xmax_range y_ticks_near = 0 y_ticks_far = 5 y_tick_location = "below" y_label_location = "below" else: y_offset = 0 y_spine_x = self._x_projection(self.y.spine._position) y_ticks_near = 3 y_ticks_far = 3 y_tick_location = "below" y_label_location = "below" # Finalize the axes. self.x._finalize( x1=self._xmin_range, x2=self._xmax_range, y1=x_spine_y, y2=x_spine_y, offset=x_offset, domain_min=xdomain_min, domain_max=xdomain_max, tick_locations=xtick_locations, tick_labels=xtick_labels, tick_titles=xtick_titles, default_tick_location=x_tick_location, default_ticks_far=x_ticks_far, default_ticks_near=x_ticks_near, default_label_location=x_label_location, ) self.y._finalize( x1=y_spine_x, x2=y_spine_x, y1=self._ymax_range, y2=self._ymin_range, offset=y_offset, domain_min=ydomain_min, domain_max=ydomain_max, tick_locations=ytick_locations, tick_labels=ytick_labels, tick_titles=ytick_titles, default_tick_location=y_tick_location, default_ticks_far=y_ticks_far, default_ticks_near=y_ticks_near, default_label_location=y_label_location, ) self._finalized = self return self._finalized
[docs] def project(self, axis, values): """Project a set of domain values to coordinate system range values. Note that this API is intended for advanced users creating their own custom marks, end-users should never need to use it. Parameters ---------- axis: "x" or "y", required The axis to be projected values: array-like, required The values to be projected Returns ------- projected: :class:`numpy.ndarray` The projected values. """ if axis == "x": return self._x_projection(values) elif axis == "y": return self._y_projection(values) raise ValueError("Unexpected axis: %s" % axis)
[docs] def add_mark(self, mark): """Add a mark to the axes. This is only of use when creating your own custom Toyplot marks. It is not intended for end-users. Example ------- To add your own custom mark to a set of axes:: mark = axes.add(MyCustomMark()) Parameters ---------- mark: :class:`toyplot.mark.Mark`, required Returns ------- mark: :class:`toyplot.mark.Mark` """ self._scenegraph.add_edge(self, "render", mark) self._scenegraph.add_edge(self.x, "map", mark) self._scenegraph.add_edge(self.y, "map", mark) return mark
[docs] def bars( self, a, b=None, c=None, along="x", baseline="stacked", color=None, filename=None, hyperlink=None, opacity=1.0, style=None, title=None, ): """Add stacked bars to the axes. This command generates one-or-more series of stacked bars. For convenience, you can call it with many different types of input. To generate a single series of :math:`M` bars, pass an optional vector of :math:`M` bar positions plus a vector of :math:`M` bar magnitudes: >>> axes.bars(magnitudes) >>> axes.bars(centers, magnitudes) >>> axes.bars(minpos, maxpos, magnitudes) To generate :math:`N` stacked series of :math:`M` bars, pass an optional vector of :math:`M` bar positions plus an :math:`M \\times N` matrix of bar magnitudes: >>> axes.bars(magnitudes) >>> axes.bars(centers, magnitudes) >>> axes.bars(minpos, maxpos, magnitudes) As a convenience for working with :func:`numpy.histogram`, you may pass a 2-tuple containing :math:`M` counts and :math:`M+1` bin edges: >>> axes.bars((counts, edges)) Alternatively, you can generate :math:`N-1` stacked series of :math:`M` bars by passing an optional vector of :math:`M` bar positions plus an :math:`M \\times N` matrix of bar *boundaries*: >>> axes.bars(boundaries, baseline=None) >>> axes.bars(centers, boundaries, baseline=None) >>> axes.bars(minpos, maxpos, boundaries, baseline=None) Parameters ---------- a, b, c: array-like series data. along: string, "x" or "y", optional Specify "x" (the default) for vertical bars, or "y" for horizontal bars. baseline: array-like, "stacked", "symmetrical", "wiggle", or None color: array-like set of colors, optional Specify a single color for all bars, one color per series, or one color per bar. Color values can be explicit toyplot colors, or scalar values to be mapped to colors using the `colormap` or `palette` parameter. opacity: array-like set of opacities, optional Specify a single opacity for all bars, one opacity per series, or one opacity per bar. title: array-like set of strings, optional Specify a single title, one title per series, or one title per bar. hyperlink: array-like set of strings, optional Specify a single hyperlink, one hyperlink per series, or one hyperlink per bar. style: dict, optional Collection of CSS styles to be applied globally. Returns ------- bars: :class:`toyplot.mark.BarBoundaries` or :class:`toyplot.mark.BarMagnitudes` """ along = toyplot.require.value_in(along, ["x", "y"]) if baseline is None: if a is not None and b is not None and c is not None: a = toyplot.require.scalar_vector(a) b = toyplot.require.scalar_vector(b, len(a)) c = toyplot.require.scalar_array(c) if c.ndim == 1: c = toyplot.require.scalar_vector(c, len(a)) series = (numpy.repeat(0, len(c)), c)) elif c.ndim == 2: series = toyplot.require.scalar_matrix(c) position =, b)) elif a is not None and b is not None: a = toyplot.require.scalar_vector(a) b = toyplot.require.scalar_array(b) if b.ndim == 1: b = toyplot.require.scalar_vector(b, len(a)) series = (numpy.repeat(0, len(b)), b)) elif b.ndim == 2: series = toyplot.require.scalar_matrix(b) position = numpy.concatenate( (a[0:1] - (a[1:2] - a[0:1]) * 0.5, (a[:-1] + a[1:]) * 0.5, a[-1:] + (a[-1:] - a[-2:-1]) * 0.5)) position =[:-1], position[1:])) else: a = toyplot.require.scalar_array(a) if a.ndim == 1: a = toyplot.require.scalar_vector(a) series = (numpy.repeat(0, len(a)), a)) elif a.ndim == 2: series = toyplot.require.scalar_matrix(a) position =[0]) - 0.5, numpy.arange(series.shape[0]) + 0.5)) default_color = [next(self._bar_colors) for i in range(series.shape[1] - 1)] color = toyplot.color.broadcast( colors=color, shape=(series.shape[0], series.shape[1] - 1), default=default_color, ) opacity = toyplot.broadcast.scalar( opacity, (series.shape[0], series.shape[1] - 1)) title = toyplot.broadcast.pyobject( title, (series.shape[0], series.shape[1] - 1)) hyperlink = toyplot.broadcast.pyobject( hyperlink, (series.shape[0], series.shape[1] - 1)) style = {"stroke": "white", "stroke-width": 1.0},,, ) if along == "x": coordinate_axes = ["x", "y"] elif along == "y": coordinate_axes = ["y", "x"] table = table["left"] = position.T[0] _mark_exportable(table, "left") table["right"] = position.T[1] _mark_exportable(table, "right") boundary_keys = [] fill_keys = [] opacity_keys = [] title_keys = [] hyperlink_keys = [] boundary_keys.append("boundary0") table[boundary_keys[-1]] = series.T[0] for index, (boundary_column, fill_column, opacity_column, title_column, hyperlink_column) in enumerate( zip(series.T[1:], color.T, opacity.T, title.T, hyperlink.T)): boundary_keys.append("boundary" + str(index + 1)) fill_keys.append("fill" + str(index)) opacity_keys.append("opacity" + str(index)) title_keys.append("title" + str(index)) hyperlink_keys.append("hyperlink" + str(index)) table[boundary_keys[-1]] = boundary_column _mark_exportable(table, boundary_keys[-1]) table[fill_keys[-1]] = fill_column table[opacity_keys[-1]] = opacity_column table[title_keys[-1]] = title_column table[hyperlink_keys[-1]] = hyperlink_column return self.add_mark( toyplot.mark.BarBoundaries( coordinate_axes=coordinate_axes, table=table, left="left", right="right", boundaries=boundary_keys, fill=fill_keys, opacity=opacity_keys, title=title_keys, hyperlink=hyperlink_keys, style=style, filename=filename, )) else: # baseline is not None if a is not None and b is not None and c is not None: a = toyplot.require.scalar_vector(a) b = toyplot.require.scalar_vector(b, len(a)) c = toyplot.require.scalar_array(c) if c.ndim == 1: c = toyplot.require.scalar_vector(c, len(a)) series =,)) elif c.ndim == 2: series = toyplot.require.scalar_matrix(c, rows=len(a)) position =, b)) elif a is not None and b is not None: a = toyplot.require.scalar_vector(a) b = toyplot.require.scalar_array(b) if b.ndim == 1: b = toyplot.require.scalar_vector(b, len(a)) series =,)) elif b.ndim == 2: series = toyplot.require.scalar_matrix(b, rows=len(a)) position = numpy.concatenate( (a[0:1] - (a[1:2] - a[0:1]) * 0.5, (a[:-1] + a[1:]) * 0.5, a[-1:] + (a[-1:] - a[-2:-1]) * 0.5)) position =[:-1], position[1:])) elif a is not None: if isinstance(a, tuple) and len(a) == 2: counts, edges = a position =[:-1], edges[1:])) series =, len(position)), )) else: a = toyplot.require.scalar_array(a) if a.ndim == 1: series =,)) elif a.ndim == 2: series = a position =[0]) - 0.5, numpy.arange(series.shape[0]) + 0.5)) default_color = [next(self._bar_colors) for i in range(series.shape[1])] color = toyplot.color.broadcast( colors=color, shape=series.shape, default=default_color, ) opacity = toyplot.broadcast.scalar(opacity, series.shape) title = toyplot.broadcast.pyobject(title, series.shape) hyperlink = toyplot.broadcast.pyobject(hyperlink, series.shape) style = {"stroke": "white", "stroke-width": 1.0},,, ) if isinstance(baseline, str): baseline = toyplot.require.value_in(baseline, ["stacked", "symmetric", "wiggle"]) if baseline == "stacked": baseline = numpy.zeros(series.shape[0]) elif baseline == "symmetric": baseline = -0.5 * numpy.sum(series, axis=1) elif baseline == "wiggle": n = series.shape[1] baseline = numpy.zeros(series.shape[0]) for i in range(n): for j in range(i): baseline += series.T[j] baseline *= -(1.0 / (n + 1)) if along == "x": coordinate_axes = ["x", "y"] elif along == "y": coordinate_axes = ["y", "x"] table = table["left"] = position.T[0] _mark_exportable(table, "left") table["right"] = position.T[1] _mark_exportable(table, "right") table["baseline"] = baseline _mark_exportable(table, "baseline") magnitude_keys = [] fill_keys = [] opacity_keys = [] title_keys = [] hyperlink_keys = [] for index, (magnitude_column, fill_column, opacity_column, title_column, hyperlink_column) in enumerate( zip(series.T, color.T, opacity.T, title.T, hyperlink.T)): magnitude_keys.append("magnitude" + str(index)) fill_keys.append("fill" + str(index)) opacity_keys.append("opacity" + str(index)) title_keys.append("title" + str(index)) hyperlink_keys.append("hyperlink" + str(index)) table[magnitude_keys[-1]] = magnitude_column _mark_exportable(table, magnitude_keys[-1]) table[fill_keys[-1]] = fill_column table[opacity_keys[-1]] = opacity_column table[title_keys[-1]] = title_column table[hyperlink_keys[-1]] = hyperlink_column return self.add_mark( toyplot.mark.BarMagnitudes( coordinate_axes=coordinate_axes, table=table, left="left", right="right", baseline="baseline", magnitudes=magnitude_keys, fill=fill_keys, opacity=opacity_keys, title=title_keys, hyperlink=hyperlink_keys, style=style, filename=filename, ))
[docs] def color_scale( self, colormap, label=None, tick_locator=None, width=10, padding=10, ): """Add a color scale to the axes. The color scale displays a mapping from scalar values to colors, for the given colormap. Note that the supplied colormap must have an explicitly defined domain (specified when the colormap was created), otherwise the mapping would be undefined. Parameters ---------- colormap: :class:`toyplot.color.Map`, required Colormap to be displayed. label: string, optional Human-readable label placed below the axis. ticklocator: :class:`toyplot.locator.TickLocator`, optional Controls the placement and formatting of axis ticks and tick labels. Returns ------- axes: :class:`toyplot.coordinates.Numberline` """ axis = self._scenegraph.source("render", self).color_scale( colormap=colormap, x1=self._xmax_range + width + self._padding, x2=self._xmax_range + width + self._padding, y1=self._ymax_range, y2=self._ymin_range, width=width, padding=padding, show=True, label=label, ticklocator=tick_locator, scale="linear", ) return axis
[docs] def ellipse( self, x, y, rx, ry, angle=None, color=None, opacity=1.0, title=None, style=None, filename=None, ): """Add ellipses to the axes. This command creates a single series of one-or-more ellipses. To create one ellipse, pass scalar values for the center and x and y radiuses: >>> axes.ellipse(xcenter, ycenter, xradius, yradius) You may also specify an optional angle, measured in degrees, that will be used to rotate the ellipse counter-clockwise around its center: >>> axes.ellipse(xcenter, ycenter, xradius, yradius, angle) To create :math:`M` ellipses, pass size-:math:`M` vectors for each of the parameters: >>> axes.ellipse(xcenters, ycenters, xradiuses, yradiuses) >>> axes.ellipse(xcenters, ycenters, xradiuses, yradiuses, angles) Parameters ---------- x, y: array-like series of center coordinates. rx, ry: array-like series of x and y radiuses. angle: array-like series of rotation angles, optional. color: array-like series of colors, optional. Specify a single color for all ellipses, or one color per ellipse. Color values can be explicit Toyplot colors, scalar values to be mapped to colors with a default colormap, or a (scalar, colormap) tuple containing scalar values to be mapped to colors with the given colormap. opacity: array-like set of opacities, optional. Specify a single opacity for all ellipses, or one opacity per ellipse. title: array like set of strings, optional. Specify a single title for all ellipses, or one title per ellipse. style: dict, optional Collection of CSS styles to be applied to every ellipse. filename: string, optional Specify a default filename to be used if the end-viewer decides to export the plot data. Returns ------- mark: :class:`toyplot.mark.Ellipse` containing the mark data. """ if angle is None: angle = numpy.zeros_like(x) table = table["x"] = toyplot.require.scalar_vector(x) table["y"] = toyplot.require.scalar_vector(y, length=table.shape[0]) table["rx"] = toyplot.require.scalar_vector(rx, length=table.shape[0]) table["ry"] = toyplot.require.scalar_vector(ry, length=table.shape[0]) table["angle"] = toyplot.require.scalar_vector(angle, length=table.shape[0]) table["opacity"] = toyplot.broadcast.scalar(opacity, table.shape[0]) table["title"] = toyplot.broadcast.pyobject(title, table.shape[0]) style = {"stroke": "none"},,, ) default_color = [next(self._rect_colors)] table["toyplot:fill"] = toyplot.color.broadcast( colors=color, shape=(table.shape[0], 1), default=default_color, )[:, 0] coordinate_axes = ["x", "y"] return self.add_mark( toyplot.mark.Ellipse( coordinate_axes, table=table, x=["x"], y=["y"], rx=["rx"], ry=["ry"], angle=["angle"], fill=["toyplot:fill"], opacity=["opacity"], title=["title"], style=style, filename=filename, ))
[docs] def fill( self, a, b=None, c=None, along="x", baseline=None, color=None, opacity=1.0, title=None, style=None, annotation=False, filename=None, ): """Fill multiple regions separated by curves. Parameters ---------- a, b, c: array-like sets of coordinates If `a`, `b`, and `c` are provided, they specify the X coordinates, bottom coordinates, and top coordinates of the region respectively. If only `a` and `b` are provided, they specify the X coordinates and top coordinates, with the bottom coordinates lying on the X axis. If only `a` is provided, it specifies the top coordinates, with the bottom coordinates lying on the X axis and the X coordinates ranging from [0, N). title: string, optional Human-readable title for the mark. The SVG / HTML backends render the title as a tooltip. style: dict, optional Collection of CSS styles to apply to the mark. See :class:`toyplot.mark.FillBoundaries` for a list of useful styles. annotation: boolean, optional Set to True if this mark should be considered an annotation. Returns ------- mark: :class:`toyplot.mark.FillBoundaries` or :class:`toyplot.mark.FillMagnitudes` """ along = toyplot.require.value_in(along, ["x", "y"]) if baseline is None: if a is not None and b is not None and c is not None: position = toyplot.require.scalar_vector(a) bottom = toyplot.require.scalar_vector(b, len(position)) top = toyplot.require.scalar_vector(c, len(position)) series =, top)) elif a is not None and b is not None: position = toyplot.require.scalar_vector(a) b = toyplot.require.scalar_array(b) if b.ndim == 1: bottom =, len(a)) top = toyplot.require.scalar_vector(b, len(a)) series =, top)) elif b.ndim == 2: series = toyplot.require.scalar_matrix(b) else: a = toyplot.require.scalar_array(a) if a.ndim == 1: bottom =, len(a)) top = toyplot.require.scalar_vector(a) series =, top)) position =[0]) elif a.ndim == 2: series = toyplot.require.scalar_matrix(a) position =[0]) default_color = [next(self._fill_colors) for i in range(series.shape[1] - 1)] color = toyplot.color.broadcast( colors=color, shape=(series.shape[1] - 1,), default=default_color, ) opacity = toyplot.broadcast.scalar(opacity, series.shape[1] - 1) title = toyplot.broadcast.pyobject(title, series.shape[1] - 1) style = {"stroke": "none"},,, ) if along == "x": coordinate_axes = ["x", "y"] elif along == "y": coordinate_axes = ["y", "x"] table = table[coordinate_axes[0]] = position _mark_exportable(table, coordinate_axes[0]) boundaries = [] for index, column in enumerate(series.T): key = coordinate_axes[1] + str(index) table[key] = column _mark_exportable(table, key) boundaries.append(key) return self.add_mark( toyplot.mark.FillBoundaries( coordinate_axes=coordinate_axes, table=table, position=[coordinate_axes[0]], boundaries=boundaries, fill=color, opacity=opacity, title=title, style=style, annotation=annotation, filename=filename, )) else: # baseline is not None if a is not None and b is not None: b = toyplot.require.scalar_array(b) if b.ndim == 1: series =,)) elif b.ndim == 2: series = b position = toyplot.require.scalar_vector(a, series.shape[0]) else: a = toyplot.require.scalar_array(a) if a.ndim == 1: series =,)) elif a.ndim == 2: series = a position =[0]) default_color = [next(self._fill_colors) for i in range(series.shape[1])] color = toyplot.color.broadcast( colors=color, shape=(series.shape[1],), default=default_color, ) opacity = toyplot.broadcast.scalar(opacity, series.shape[1]) title = toyplot.broadcast.pyobject(title, series.shape[1]) style = {"stroke": "none"},,, ) if isinstance(baseline, str): baseline = toyplot.require.value_in(baseline, ["stacked", "symmetric", "wiggle"]) if baseline == "stacked": baseline =[0]) elif baseline == "symmetric": baseline = -0.5 *, axis=1) elif baseline == "wiggle": n = series.shape[1] baseline =[0]) for i in range(n): for j in range(i): baseline += series.T[j] baseline *= -(1.0 / (n + 1)) if along == "x": coordinate_axes = ["x", "y"] elif along == "y": coordinate_axes = ["y", "x"] table = table[coordinate_axes[0]] = position _mark_exportable(table, coordinate_axes[0]) table["baseline"] = baseline magnitudes = [] for index, column in enumerate(series.T): key = coordinate_axes[1] + str(index) table[key] = column _mark_exportable(table, key) magnitudes.append(key) return self.add_mark( toyplot.mark.FillMagnitudes( coordinate_axes=coordinate_axes, table=table, position=[coordinate_axes[0]], baseline=["baseline"], magnitudes=magnitudes, fill=color, opacity=opacity, title=title, style=style, annotation=annotation, filename=filename, ))
[docs] def graph( self, a, b=None, c=None, olayout=None, layout=None, along="x", ecolor=None, efilename=None, eopacity=1.0, estyle=None, ewidth=1.0, hmarker=None, mmarker=None, mposition=0.5, tmarker=None, varea=None, vcolor=None, vcoordinates=None, vfilename=None, vlabel=None, vlshow=True, vlstyle=None, vmarker="o", vopacity=1.0, vsize=None, vstyle=None, vtitle=None, ): # pragma: no cover """Add a graph plot to the axes. Parameters ---------- Returns ------- plot: :class:`toyplot.mark.Graph` """ layout = toyplot.layout.graph(a, b, c, olayout=olayout, layout=layout, vcoordinates=vcoordinates) along = toyplot.require.value_in(along, ["x", "y"]) if vlabel is None: vlabel = layout.vids elif vlabel == False: vlabel = [""] * layout.vcount default_color = [next(self._graph_colors)] vcolor = toyplot.color.broadcast( colors=vcolor, shape=layout.vcount, default=default_color, ) vmarker = toyplot.broadcast.pyobject(vmarker, layout.vcount) if varea is None and vsize is None: vsize = toyplot.broadcast.scalar(4, layout.vcount) elif varea is None and vsize is not None: vsize = toyplot.broadcast.scalar(vsize, layout.vcount) elif varea is not None and vsize is None: vsize = numpy.sqrt(toyplot.broadcast.scalar(varea, layout.vcount)) else: toyplot.log.warning("Graph vsize parameter overrides varea.") vsize = toyplot.broadcast.scalar(vsize, layout.vcount) vopacity = toyplot.broadcast.scalar(vopacity, layout.vcount) vtitle = toyplot.broadcast.pyobject(vtitle, layout.vcount) vstyle =, vlstyle = { "font-size": "12px", "font-weight": "normal", "stroke": "none", "text-anchor": "middle", "-toyplot-vertical-align": "middle", },,, ) ecolor = toyplot.color.broadcast( colors=ecolor, shape=layout.ecount, default=default_color, ) ewidth = toyplot.broadcast.scalar(ewidth, layout.ecount) eopacity = toyplot.broadcast.scalar(eopacity, layout.ecount) estyle =, hmarker = toyplot.broadcast.pyobject(hmarker, layout.ecount) mmarker = toyplot.broadcast.pyobject(mmarker, layout.ecount) mposition = toyplot.broadcast.scalar(mposition, layout.ecount) tmarker = toyplot.broadcast.pyobject(tmarker, layout.ecount) if along == "x": coordinate_axes = ["x", "y"] elif along == "y": coordinate_axes = ["y", "x"] vtable = vtable["id"] = layout.vids for axis, coordinates in zip(coordinate_axes, layout.vcoordinates.T): vtable[axis] = coordinates _mark_exportable(vtable, axis) vtable["label"] = vlabel vtable["marker"] = vmarker vtable["size"] = vsize vtable["color"] = vcolor vtable["opacity"] = vopacity vtable["title"] = vtitle etable = etable["source"] = layout.edges.T[0] _mark_exportable(etable, "source") etable["target"] = layout.edges.T[1] _mark_exportable(etable, "target") etable["shape"] = layout.eshapes etable["color"] = ecolor etable["width"] = ewidth etable["opacity"] = eopacity etable["hmarker"] = hmarker etable["mmarker"] = mmarker etable["mposition"] = mposition etable["tmarker"] = tmarker return self.add_mark( toyplot.mark.Graph( coordinate_axes=coordinate_axes, ecolor=["color"], ecoordinates=layout.ecoordinates, efilename=efilename, eopacity=["opacity"], eshape=["shape"], esource=["source"], estyle=estyle, etable=etable, etarget=["target"], ewidth=["width"], hmarker=["hmarker"], mmarker=["mmarker"], mposition=["mposition"], tmarker=["tmarker"], vcolor=["color"], vcoordinates=coordinate_axes, vfilename=vfilename, vid=["id"], vlabel=["label"], vlshow=vlshow, vlstyle=vlstyle, vmarker=["marker"], vopacity=["opacity"], vsize=["size"], vstyle=vstyle, vtable=vtable, vtitle=["title"], ))
[docs] def hlines( self, y, color=None, opacity=1.0, title=None, style=None, annotation=True, ): """Add horizontal line(s) to the axes. Horizontal lines are convenient because they're guaranteed to fill the axes from left to right regardless of the axes size. Parameters ---------- y: array-like set of Y coordinates One horizontal line will be drawn through each Y coordinate provided. title: string, optional Human-readable title for the mark. The SVG / HTML backends render the title as a tooltip. style: dict, optional Collection of CSS styles to apply to the mark. See :class:`toyplot.mark.AxisLines` for a list of useful styles. annotation: boolean, optional Set to True if this mark should be considered an annotation. Returns ------- hlines: :class:`toyplot.mark.AxisLines` """ table = table["y"] = toyplot.require.scalar_vector(y) _mark_exportable(table, "y") color = toyplot.color.broadcast( colors=color, shape=(table.shape[0], 1),, ) table["color"] = color[:, 0] table["opacity"] = toyplot.broadcast.scalar(opacity, table.shape[0]) table["title"] = toyplot.broadcast.pyobject(title, table.shape[0]) style =, return self.add_mark( toyplot.mark.AxisLines( coordinate_axes=["y"], table=table, coordinates=["y"], stroke=["color"], opacity=["opacity"], title=["title"], style=style, annotation=annotation, ))
[docs] def plot( self, a, b=None, along="x", color=None, stroke_width=2.0, opacity=1.0, title=None, marker=None, area=None, size=None, mfill=None, mopacity=1.0, mtitle=None, style=None, mstyle=None, mlstyle=None, filename=None, ): """Add bivariate line plots to the axes. Parameters ---------- a, b: array-like sets of coordinates If `a` and `b` are provided, they specify the first and second coordinates respectively of each point in the plot. If only `a` is provided, it provides second coordinates, and the first coordinates will range from [0, N). along: string, optional Controls the mapping from coordinates to axes. When set to "x" (the default), first and second coordinates map to the X and Y axes. When set to "y", the coordinates are reversed. color: array-like, optional Overrides the default per-series colors provided by the axis palette. Specify one color, or one-color-per-series. Colors may be CSS colors, toyplot colors, or scalar values that will be mapped to colors using `colormap` or `palette`. stroke_width: array-like, optional Overrides the default stroke width of the plots. Specify one width in drawing units, or one-width-per-series. stroke_opacity: array-like, optional Overrides the default opacity of the plots. Specify one opacity, or one-opacity-per-series. marker: array-like, optional Allows markers to be rendered for each plot datum. Specify one marker, one-marker-per-series, or one-marker-per-datum. Markers can use the string marker type as a shortcut, or a full marker specification. size: array-like, optional Controls marker sizes. Specify one size, one-size-per-series, or one-size-per-datum. fill: array-like, optional Override the fill color for markers, which defaults to the per-series color specified by `color`. Specify one color, one-color-per-series, or one-color-per-datum. Colors may be CSS colors, toyplot colors, or scalar values that will be mapped to colors using `fill_colormap` or `fill_palette`. opacity: array-like, optional Overrides the default opacity of the markers. Specify one opacity, one-opacity-per-series, or one-opacity-per-datum. title: array-like, optional Human-readable title for the data series. The SVG / HTML backends render the title using tooltips. Specify one title or one-title-per-series. style: dict, optional Collection of CSS styles applied to all plots. mstyle: dict, optional Collection of CSS styles applied to all markers. mlstyle: dict, optional Collection of CSS styles applied to all marker labels. Returns ------- mark: :class:`toyplot.mark.Plot` """ along = toyplot.require.value_in(along, ["x", "y"]) if a is not None and b is not None: position = toyplot.require.scalar_vector(a) b = toyplot.require.scalar_array(b) if b.ndim == 1: b = toyplot.require.scalar_vector(b, len(position)) series =,)) elif b.ndim == 2: series = toyplot.require.scalar_matrix(b, rows=len(position)) else: a = toyplot.require.scalar_array(a) if a.ndim == 1: series =,)) position =[0]) elif a.ndim == 2: series = a position =[0]) default_color = [next(self._plot_colors) for i in range(series.shape[1])] stroke = toyplot.color.broadcast( colors=color, shape=(series.shape[1],), default=default_color, ) stroke_width = toyplot.broadcast.scalar(stroke_width, series.shape[1]) stroke_opacity = toyplot.broadcast.scalar( opacity, series.shape[1]) stroke_title = toyplot.broadcast.pyobject(title, series.shape[1]) marker = toyplot.broadcast.pyobject(marker, series.shape) if area is None and size is None: msize = toyplot.broadcast.scalar(4, series.shape) elif area is None and size is not None: msize = toyplot.broadcast.scalar(size, series.shape) elif area is not None and size is None: msize = numpy.sqrt(toyplot.broadcast.scalar(area, series.shape)) else: toyplot.log.warning("Plot size parameter overrides area.") msize = toyplot.broadcast.scalar(size, series.shape) mfill = toyplot.color.broadcast( colors=mfill, shape=series.shape, default=stroke, ) mstroke = toyplot.color.broadcast(colors=mfill, shape=series.shape) mopacity = toyplot.broadcast.scalar(mopacity, series.shape) mtitle = toyplot.broadcast.pyobject(mtitle, series.shape) style =, mstyle =, mlstyle =, if along == "x": coordinate_axes = ["x", "y"] elif along == "y": coordinate_axes = ["y", "x"] table = table[coordinate_axes[0]] = position _mark_exportable(table, coordinate_axes[0]) series_keys = [] marker_keys = [] msize_keys = [] mfill_keys = [] mstroke_keys = [] mopacity_keys = [] mtitle_keys = [] for index, (series_column, marker_column, msize_column, mfill_column, mstroke_column, mopacity_column, mtitle_column) in enumerate( zip(series.T, marker.T, msize.T, mfill.T, mstroke.T, mopacity.T, mtitle.T)): series_keys.append(coordinate_axes[1] + str(index)) marker_keys.append("marker" + str(index)) msize_keys.append("size" + str(index)) mfill_keys.append("fill" + str(index)) mstroke_keys.append("stroke" + str(index)) mopacity_keys.append("opacity" + str(index)) mtitle_keys.append("title" + str(index)) table[series_keys[-1]] = series_column _mark_exportable(table, series_keys[-1]) table[marker_keys[-1]] = marker_column table[msize_keys[-1]] = msize_column table[mfill_keys[-1]] = mfill_column table[mstroke_keys[-1]] = mstroke_column table[mopacity_keys[-1]] = mopacity_column table[mtitle_keys[-1]] = mtitle_column return self.add_mark( toyplot.mark.Plot( coordinate_axes=coordinate_axes, table=table, coordinates=[coordinate_axes[0]], series=series_keys, stroke=stroke, stroke_width=stroke_width, stroke_opacity=stroke_opacity, stroke_title=stroke_title, marker=marker_keys, msize=msize_keys, mfill=mfill_keys, mstroke=mstroke_keys, mopacity=mopacity_keys, mtitle=mtitle_keys, style=style, mstyle=mstyle, mlstyle=mlstyle, filename=filename, ))
[docs] def rectangle( self, a, b, c, d, along="x", color=None, filename=None, opacity=1.0, style=None, title=None, ): table = table["left"] = toyplot.require.scalar_vector(a) table["right"] = toyplot.require.scalar_vector( b, length=table.shape[0]) table["top"] = toyplot.require.scalar_vector(c, length=table.shape[0]) table["bottom"] = toyplot.require.scalar_vector( d, length=table.shape[0]) table["opacity"] = toyplot.broadcast.scalar(opacity, table.shape[0]) table["title"] = toyplot.broadcast.pyobject(title, table.shape[0]) style = {"stroke": "none"},,, ) default_color = [next(self._rect_colors)] table["toyplot:fill"] = toyplot.color.broadcast( colors=color, shape=(table.shape[0], 1), default=default_color, )[:, 0] if along == "x": coordinate_axes = ["x", "y"] elif along == "y": coordinate_axes = ["y", "x"] return self.add_mark( toyplot.mark.Range( coordinate_axes=coordinate_axes, coordinates=["left", "right", "top", "bottom"], filename=filename, fill=["toyplot:fill"], opacity=["opacity"], style=style, table=table, title=["title"], ))
[docs] def scatterplot( self, a, b=None, along="x", area=None, color=None, filename=None, hyperlink=None, marker="o", mlstyle=None, mstyle=None, opacity=1.0, size=None, title=None, ): """Add a bivariate plot to the axes. Parameters ---------- a, b: array-like sets of coordinates If `a` and `b` are provided, they specify the X coordinates and Y coordinates of each point in the plot. If only `a` is provided, it specifies the Y coordinates, and the X coordinates will range from [0, N). title: string, optional Human-readable title for the mark. The SVG / HTML backends render the title as a tooltip. style: dict, optional Collection of CSS styles to apply across all datums. Returns ------- plot: :class:`toyplot.mark.Plot` """ along = toyplot.require.value_in(along, ["x", "y"]) if a is not None and b is not None: position = toyplot.require.scalar_vector(a) b ="float64") if b.ndim == 0: b = toyplot.require.scalar_vector(b, len(position)) series =,)) elif b.ndim == 1: b = toyplot.require.scalar_vector(b, len(position)) series =,)) elif b.ndim == 2: series = toyplot.require.scalar_matrix(b, rows=len(position)) else: a ="float64") if a.ndim == 1: series =,)) position =[0]) elif a.ndim == 2: series = a position =[0]) default_color = [next(self._scatterplot_colors) for i in range(series.shape[1])] mfill = toyplot.color.broadcast( colors=color, shape=series.shape, default=default_color, ) marker = toyplot.broadcast.pyobject(marker, series.shape) if area is None and size is None: msize = toyplot.broadcast.scalar(4, series.shape) elif area is None and size is not None: msize = toyplot.broadcast.scalar(size, series.shape) elif area is not None and size is None: msize = numpy.sqrt(toyplot.broadcast.scalar(area, series.shape)) else: toyplot.log.warning("Size parameter overrides area.") msize = toyplot.broadcast.scalar(size, series.shape) mstroke = toyplot.color.broadcast(colors=mfill, shape=series.shape) mopacity = toyplot.broadcast.scalar(opacity, series.shape) mtitle = toyplot.broadcast.pyobject(title, series.shape) mhyperlink = toyplot.broadcast.pyobject(hyperlink, series.shape) mstyle =, mlstyle =, if along == "x": coordinate_axes = ["x", "y"] elif along == "y": coordinate_axes = ["y", "x"] table = table[coordinate_axes[0]] = position _mark_exportable(table, coordinate_axes[0]) coordinate_keys = [] marker_keys = [] msize_keys = [] mfill_keys = [] mstroke_keys = [] mopacity_keys = [] mtitle_keys = [] mhyperlink_keys = [] for index, (series_column, marker_column, msize_column, mfill_column, mstroke_column, mopacity_column, mtitle_column, mhyperlink_column) in enumerate( zip(series.T, marker.T, msize.T, mfill.T, mstroke.T, mopacity.T, mtitle.T, mhyperlink.T)): coordinate_keys.append(coordinate_axes[0]) coordinate_keys.append(coordinate_axes[1] + str(index)) marker_keys.append("marker" + str(index)) msize_keys.append("size" + str(index)) mfill_keys.append("fill" + str(index)) mstroke_keys.append("stroke" + str(index)) mopacity_keys.append("opacity" + str(index)) mtitle_keys.append("title" + str(index)) mhyperlink_keys.append("hyperlink" + str(index)) table[coordinate_keys[-1]] = series_column _mark_exportable(table, coordinate_keys[-1]) table[marker_keys[-1]] = marker_column table[msize_keys[-1]] = msize_column table[mfill_keys[-1]] = mfill_column table[mstroke_keys[-1]] = mstroke_column table[mopacity_keys[-1]] = mopacity_column table[mtitle_keys[-1]] = mtitle_column table[mhyperlink_keys[-1]] = mhyperlink_column return self.add_mark( toyplot.mark.Point( coordinate_axes=coordinate_axes, coordinates=coordinate_keys, filename=filename, marker=marker_keys, mfill=mfill_keys, mhyperlink=mhyperlink_keys, mlstyle=mlstyle, mopacity=mopacity_keys, msize=msize_keys, mstroke=mstroke_keys, mstyle=mstyle, mtitle=mtitle_keys, table=table, ))
[docs] def share( self, axis="x", hyperlink=None, palette=None, xlabel=None, xmax=None, xmin=None, xscale="linear", xticklocator=None, ylabel=None, ymax=None, ymin=None, yscale="linear", yticklocator=None, ): """Create a Cartesian coordinate system with a shared axis. Parameters ---------- axis: string, optional The axis that will be shared. Allowed values are "x" and "y". xmin, xmax, ymin, ymax: float, optional Used to explicitly override the axis domain (normally, the domain is implicitly defined by any marks added to the axes). xlabel, ylabel: string, optional Human-readable axis labels. xticklocator, yticklocator: :class:`toyplot.locator.TickLocator`, optional Controls the placement and formatting of axis ticks and tick labels. xscale, yscale: "linear", "log", "log10", "log2", or a ("log", <base>) tuple, optional Specifies the mapping from data to canvas coordinates along an axis. Returns ------- axes: :class:`toyplot.coordinates.Cartesian` """ shared = Cartesian( aspect=self._aspect, hyperlink=hyperlink, label=None, padding=self._padding, palette=palette, scenegraph=self._scenegraph, show=True, xaxis=self.x if axis == "x" else None, xlabel=xlabel, xmax=xmax, xmax_range=self._xmax_range, xmin=xmin, xmin_range=self._xmin_range, xscale=xscale, xshow=True, xticklocator=xticklocator, yaxis=self.y if axis == "y" else None, ylabel=ylabel, ymax=ymax, ymax_range=self._ymax_range, ymin=ymin, ymin_range=self._ymin_range, yscale=yscale, yshow=True, yticklocator=yticklocator, ) shared.x.spine.position = "high" if axis == "y" else "low" shared.y.spine.position = "high" if axis == "x" else "low" self.hyperlink = None for parent in self._scenegraph.sources("render", self): self._scenegraph.add_edge(parent, "render", shared) return shared
[docs] def text( self, a, b, text, angle=0, color=None, opacity=1.0, title=None, style=None, filename=None, annotation=True, ): """Add text to the axes. Parameters ---------- a, b: float Coordinates of the text anchor. text: string The text to be displayed. title: string, optional Human-readable title for the mark. The SVG / HTML backends render the title as a tooltip. style: dict, optional Collection of CSS styles to apply to the mark. See :class:`toyplot.mark.Text` for a list of useful styles. annotation: boolean, optional Set to True if this mark should be considered an annotation. Returns ------- text: :class:`toyplot.mark.Text` """ table = table["x"] = toyplot.require.scalar_vector(a) _mark_exportable(table, "x") table["y"] = toyplot.require.scalar_vector(b, table.shape[0]) _mark_exportable(table, "y") table["text"] = toyplot.broadcast.pyobject(text, table.shape[0]) _mark_exportable(table, "text") table["angle"] = toyplot.broadcast.scalar(angle, table.shape[0]) table["opacity"] = toyplot.broadcast.scalar(opacity, table.shape[0]) table["title"] = toyplot.broadcast.pyobject(title, table.shape[0]) style =, default_color = [next(self._text_colors)] color = toyplot.color.broadcast( colors=color, shape=(table.shape[0], 1), default=default_color, ) table["fill"] = color[:, 0] return self.add_mark( toyplot.mark.Text( coordinate_axes=["x", "y"], table=table, coordinates=["x", "y"], text=["text"], angle=["angle"], fill=["fill"], opacity=["opacity"], title=["title"], style=style, annotation=annotation, filename=filename, ))
[docs] def vlines( self, x, color=None, opacity=1.0, title=None, style=None, annotation=True, ): """Add vertical line(s) to the axes. Vertical lines are convenient because they're guaranteed to fill the axes from top to bottom regardless of the axes size. Parameters ---------- x: array-like set of X coordinates One vertical line will be drawn through each X coordinate provided. title: string, optional Human-readable title for the mark. The SVG / HTML backends render the title as a tooltip. style: dict, optional Collection of CSS styles to apply to the mark. See :class:`toyplot.mark.AxisLines` for a list of useful styles. annotation: boolean, optional Set to True if this mark should be considered an annotation. Returns ------- mark: :class:`toyplot.mark.AxisLines` """ table = table["x"] = toyplot.require.scalar_vector(x) _mark_exportable(table, "x") color = toyplot.color.broadcast( colors=color, shape=(table.shape[0], 1),, ) table["color"] = color[:, 0] table["opacity"] = toyplot.broadcast.scalar(opacity, table.shape[0]) table["title"] = toyplot.broadcast.pyobject(title, table.shape[0]) style =, return self.add_mark( toyplot.mark.AxisLines( coordinate_axes=["x"], table=table, coordinates=["x"], stroke=["color"], opacity=["opacity"], title=["title"], style=style, annotation=annotation, ))
########################################################################## # Numberline
[docs] class Numberline(object): """Standard one-dimensional coordinate system / numberline. Do not create Numberline instances directly. Use factory methods such as :meth:`toyplot.canvas.Canvas.numberline` instead. """ def __init__( self, x1, y1, x2, y2, padding, palette, spacing, min, max, show, label, ticklocator, scale, scenegraph, ): if palette is None: palette = toyplot.color.Palette() self._finalized = None self._axis = Axis( show=show, label=label, domain_min=min, domain_max=max, tick_locator=ticklocator, tick_angle=0, scale=scale, ) self._child_offset = {} self._palette = palette self._scenegraph = scenegraph self._scatterplot_colors = itertools.cycle(self._palette) self._range_colors = itertools.cycle(self._palette) self._child_style = {} self._child_width = {} self._x1 = x1 self._x2 = x2 self._y1 = y1 self._y2 = y2 self.padding = padding self.spacing = spacing @property def axis(self): """:class:`toyplot.coordinates.Axis` instance that provides the numberline coordinate system.""" return self._axis @property def show(self): """Control axis visibility. Use the `show` property to hide all visible parts of the axis: label, spine, ticks, tick labels, etc. Note that this does not affect visibility of the numberline contents, just the axis. """ return @show.setter def show(self, value): = value @property def padding(self): """Control the default distance between the axis spine and data. By default, the axis spine is offset slightly from the data, to avoid visual clutter and overlap. Use `padding` to change this offset. The default units are CSS pixels, but you may specify the padding using any :ref:`units` you like. """ return self._padding @padding.setter def padding(self, value): self._padding = toyplot.units.convert(value, target="px", default="px") @property def spacing(self): """Control the default distance between data added to the numberline. The default units are CSS pixels, but you may specify the spacing using any :ref:`units` you like. """ return self._spacing @spacing.setter def spacing(self, value): self._spacing = toyplot.units.convert(value, target="px", default="px") def _update_domain(self, values, display=True, data=True): self.axis._update_domain([values], display=display, data=data)
[docs] def add_mark(self, mark): """Add a mark to the axes. This is only of use when creating your own custom Toyplot marks. It is not intended for end-users. Example ------- To add your own custom mark to a set of axes:: mark = axes.add(MyCustomMark()) Parameters ---------- mark: :class:`toyplot.mark.Mark`, required Returns ------- mark: :class:`toyplot.mark.Mark` """ if not isinstance(mark, toyplot.mark.Mark): raise ValueError("Expected toyplot.mark.Mark, received %s" % type(mark)) self._scenegraph.add_edge(self, "render", mark) return mark
def _default_offset(self, offset): if offset is None: offset = len(self._scenegraph.targets(self, "render")) * self._spacing return offset
[docs] def colormap(self, colormap, offset=None, width=10, style=None): if not isinstance(colormap, toyplot.color.Map): raise ValueError("A toyplot.color.Map instance is required.") # pragma: no cover if colormap.domain.min is None or colormap.domain.max is None: raise ValueError("Cannot create color scale without explicit colormap domain.") # pragma: no cover offset = self._default_offset(offset) self._update_domain(numpy.array([colormap.domain.min, colormap.domain.max]), display=True, data=True) self._child_offset[colormap] = offset self._child_width[colormap] = width self._child_style[colormap] = style self._scenegraph.add_edge(self, "render", colormap)
[docs] def range( self, start, end, color=None, filename=None, offset=None, opacity=1.0, style=None, title=None, width=10, ): offset = self._default_offset(offset) table = table["start"] = toyplot.require.scalar_vector(start) table["end"] = toyplot.require.scalar_vector( end, length=table.shape[0]) table["opacity"] = toyplot.broadcast.scalar(opacity, table.shape[0]) table["title"] = toyplot.broadcast.pyobject(title, table.shape[0]) style = {"stroke": "none"},,, ) default_color = [next(self._range_colors)] table["toyplot:fill"] = toyplot.color.broadcast( colors=color, shape=(table.shape[0], 1), default=default_color, )[:, 0] mark = self.add_mark( toyplot.mark.Range( coordinate_axes=["axis"], coordinates=["start", "end"], filename=filename, fill=["toyplot:fill"], opacity=["opacity"], style=style, table=table, title=["title"], )) self._child_offset[mark] = offset self._child_width[mark] = width self._update_domain(numpy.column_stack((table["start"], table["end"])), display=True, data=True) return mark
[docs] def scatterplot( self, coordinates, area=None, color=None, filename=None, hyperlink=None, marker="o", mlstyle=None, mstyle=None, offset=None, opacity=1.0, size=None, title=None, ): """Add a univariate plot to the axes. Parameters ---------- coordinate: array-like one-dimensional coordinates title: string, optional Human-readable title for the mark. The SVG / HTML backends render the title as a tooltip. style: dict, optional Collection of CSS styles to apply across all datums. Returns ------- plot: :class:`toyplot.mark.Plot` """ coordinates ="float64") if coordinates.ndim == 1: coordinates =,)) elif coordinates.ndim == 2: pass default_color = [next(self._scatterplot_colors) for i in range(coordinates.shape[1])] mfill = toyplot.color.broadcast( colors=color, shape=coordinates.shape, default=default_color, ) marker = toyplot.broadcast.pyobject(marker, coordinates.shape) if area is None and size is None: msize = toyplot.broadcast.scalar(4, coordinates.shape) elif area is None and size is not None: msize = toyplot.broadcast.scalar(size, coordinates.shape) elif area is not None and size is None: msize = numpy.sqrt(toyplot.broadcast.scalar(area, coordinates.shape)) else: toyplot.log.warning("Size parameter overrides area.") msize = toyplot.broadcast.scalar(size, coordinates.shape) mstroke = toyplot.color.broadcast(colors=mfill, shape=coordinates.shape) mopacity = toyplot.broadcast.scalar(opacity, coordinates.shape) mtitle = toyplot.broadcast.pyobject(title, coordinates.shape) mhyperlink = toyplot.broadcast.pyobject(hyperlink, coordinates.shape) mstyle =, mlstyle =, self._update_domain(coordinates) coordinate_axes = ["x"] table = coordinate_keys = [] marker_keys = [] msize_keys = [] mfill_keys = [] mstroke_keys = [] mopacity_keys = [] mtitle_keys = [] mhyperlink_keys = [] for index, (coordinate_column, marker_column, msize_column, mfill_column, mstroke_column, mopacity_column, mtitle_column, mhyperlink_column) in enumerate( zip(coordinates.T, marker.T, msize.T, mfill.T, mstroke.T, mopacity.T, mtitle.T, mhyperlink.T)): coordinate_keys.append(coordinate_axes[0] + str(index)) marker_keys.append("marker" + str(index)) msize_keys.append("size" + str(index)) mfill_keys.append("fill" + str(index)) mstroke_keys.append("stroke" + str(index)) mopacity_keys.append("opacity" + str(index)) mtitle_keys.append("title" + str(index)) mhyperlink_keys.append("hyperlink" + str(index)) table[coordinate_keys[-1]] = coordinate_column _mark_exportable(table, coordinate_keys[-1]) table[marker_keys[-1]] = marker_column table[msize_keys[-1]] = msize_column table[mfill_keys[-1]] = mfill_column table[mstroke_keys[-1]] = mstroke_column table[mopacity_keys[-1]] = mopacity_column table[mtitle_keys[-1]] = mtitle_column table[mhyperlink_keys[-1]] = mhyperlink_column offset = self._default_offset(offset) mark = toyplot.mark.Point( coordinate_axes=coordinate_axes, coordinates=coordinate_keys, filename=filename, marker=marker_keys, mfill=mfill_keys, mhyperlink=mhyperlink_keys, mlstyle=mlstyle, mopacity=mopacity_keys, msize=msize_keys, mstroke=mstroke_keys, mstyle=mstyle, mtitle=mtitle_keys, table=table, ) self.add_mark(mark) self._child_offset[mark] = offset return mark
def _finalize(self): if self._finalized is None: # Begin with the implicit domain defined by our data. domain_min = self.axis._display_min domain_max = self.axis._display_max # If there is no implicit domain (we don't have any data), default # to the origin. if domain_min is None: domain_min = 0 if domain_max is None: domain_max = 0 # Ensure that the domain is never empty. if domain_min == domain_max: domain_min -= 0.5 domain_max += 0.5 # Allow users to override the domain. if self.axis.domain.min is not None: domain_min = self.axis.domain.min if self.axis.domain.max is not None: domain_max = self.axis.domain.max # Ensure that the domain is never empty. if domain_min == domain_max: domain_min -= 0.5 domain_max += 0.5 # Calculate tick locations and labels. tick_locations = [] tick_labels = [] tick_titles = [] if tick_locations, tick_labels, tick_titles = self.axis._locator().ticks(domain_min, domain_max) # Allow tick locations to grow (never shrink) the domain. if len(tick_locations): domain_min = numpy.amin((domain_min, tick_locations[0])) domain_max = numpy.amax((domain_max, tick_locations[-1])) # Finalize the axis. self.axis._finalize( x1=self._x1, x2=self._x2, y1=self._y1, y2=self._y2, offset=self.padding, domain_min=domain_min, domain_max=domain_max, tick_locations=tick_locations, tick_labels=tick_labels, tick_titles=tick_titles, default_tick_location="below", default_ticks_near=3, default_ticks_far=3, default_label_location="below", #label_baseline_shift="-200%", ) self._finalized = self return self._finalized
########################################################################## # Table
[docs] class Table(object): """Row and column-based table coordinate system. Do not create Table instances directly. Use factory methods such as :meth:`toyplot.canvas.Canvas.table` instead. """
[docs] class Label(object): """Controls the appearance and behavior of the table label.""" def __init__(self, text, style): self._style = {} self._text = None self.text = text = { "font-weight": "bold", } = style style = _create_text_style_property() text = _create_text_property()
[docs] class CellMark(object): """Abstract interface for objects that embed other Toyplot visualizations in table cells.""" def __init__(self, table, axes, series): self._table = table self._axes = axes self._series = toyplot.require.value_in(series, ["columns", "rows"]) self._finalized = None def _finalize(self): raise NotImplementedError() # pragma: no cover
[docs] class CellBarMark(CellMark): def __init__( self, table, axes, baseline, color, filename, opacity, padding, series, style, title, width, ): Table.CellMark.__init__(self, table, axes, series) self._baseline = baseline self._color = color self._filename = filename self._opacity = opacity self._padding = toyplot.units.convert(padding, "px", "px") self._style = style self._title = title self._width = toyplot.require.scalar(width) def _finalize(self): if self._finalized is None: rows, columns = numpy.nonzero(self._table._cell_axes == self._axes) row_min = rows.min() row_max = rows.max() column_min = columns.min() column_max = columns.max() if self._series == "columns": shape = (row_max + 1 - row_min, column_max + 1 - column_min) cell_begin = self._table._cell_top cell_end = self._table._cell_bottom cell_indices = numpy.unique(rows) along = "y" along_axis = self._axes.y series = self._table._cell_data[self._table._cell_axes == self._axes].reshape(shape).astype("float64") elif self._series == "rows": shape = (column_max + 1 - column_min, row_max + 1 - row_min) cell_begin = self._table._cell_left cell_end = self._table._cell_right cell_indices = numpy.unique(columns) along = "x" along_axis = self._axes.x series = self._table._cell_data[self._table._cell_axes == self._axes].reshape(shape).astype("float64")[:, ::-1] width = min(0.5 - numpy.finfo("float32").eps, 0.5 * self._width) begin = numpy.arange(shape[0]) - width end = numpy.arange(shape[0]) + width segments = [] for index, cell_index in enumerate(cell_indices): segments.append(toyplot.projection.Piecewise.Segment( "linear", index - 0.5, index - 0.5, index + 0.5, index + 0.5, cell_begin[cell_index] + self._padding, cell_begin[cell_index] + self._padding, cell_end[cell_index] - self._padding, cell_end[cell_index] - self._padding, )) projection = toyplot.projection.Piecewise(segments) along_axis._scale = projection color = self._color if color == "datum": color = series elif isinstance(color, tuple) and len(color) == 2 and color[0] == "datum": color = (series, color[1]) self._finalized = self._axes.bars( begin, end, series, along=along, baseline=self._baseline, color=color, filename=self._filename, opacity=self._opacity, style=self._style, title=self._title, ) self._axes._scenegraph.remove_edge(self._axes, "render", self._finalized) return self._finalized
[docs] class CellPlotMark(CellMark): def __init__( self, table, axes, area, color, filename, marker, mfill, mlstyle, mopacity, mstyle, mtitle, opacity, series, size, stroke_width, style, title, ): Table.CellMark.__init__(self, table, axes, series) self._area = area self._color = color self._filename = filename self._marker = marker self._mfill = mfill self._mlstyle = mlstyle self._mopacity = mopacity self._mstyle = mstyle self._mtitle = mtitle self._opacity = opacity self._size = size self._stroke_width = stroke_width self._style = style self._title = title def _finalize(self): if self._finalized is None: rows, columns = numpy.nonzero(self._table._cell_axes == self._axes) row_min = rows.min() row_max = rows.max() column_min = columns.min() column_max = columns.max() if self._series == "columns": shape = (row_max + 1 - row_min, column_max + 1 - column_min) cell_begin = self._table._cell_top cell_end = self._table._cell_bottom cell_indices = numpy.unique(rows) along = "y" along_axis = self._axes.y series = self._table._cell_data[self._table._cell_axes == self._axes].reshape(shape).astype("float64") elif self._series == "rows": shape = (column_max + 1 - column_min, row_max + 1 - row_min) cell_begin = self._table._cell_left cell_end = self._table._cell_right cell_indices = numpy.unique(columns) along = "x" along_axis = self._axes.x series = self._table._cell_data[self._table._cell_axes == self._axes].reshape(shape).astype("float64")[:, ::-1] segments = [] for index, cell_index in enumerate(cell_indices): segments.append(toyplot.projection.Piecewise.Segment( "linear", index - 0.5, index - 0.5, index + 0.5, index + 0.5, cell_begin[cell_index], cell_begin[cell_index], cell_end[cell_index], cell_end[cell_index], )) projection = toyplot.projection.Piecewise(segments) along_axis._scale = projection color = self._color if color == "datum": color = series elif isinstance(color, tuple) and len(color) == 2 and color[0] == "datum": color = (series, color[1]) mfill = self._mfill if mfill == "datum": mfill = series elif isinstance(mfill, tuple) and len(mfill) == 2 and mfill[0] == "datum": mfill = (series, mfill[1]) self._finalized = self._axes.plot( series, along=along, area=self._area, color=color, filename=self._filename, marker=self._marker, mfill=mfill, mlstyle=self._mlstyle, mopacity=self._mopacity, mstyle=self._mstyle, mtitle=self._mtitle, opacity=self._opacity, size=self._size, stroke_width=self._stroke_width, style=self._style, title=self._title, ) self._axes._scenegraph.remove_edge(self._axes, "render", self._finalized) return self._finalized
[docs] class EmbeddedCartesian(Cartesian): def __init__(self, table, *args, **kwargs): toyplot.coordinates.Cartesian.__init__(self, *args, xmin_range=0, xmax_range=1, ymin_range=0, ymax_range=1, **kwargs) self._table = table
[docs] def cell_bars( self, baseline="stacked", color=None, filename=None, opacity=1.0, padding=0, series="columns", style=None, title=None, width=0.5, ): return self.add_mark( toyplot.coordinates.Table.CellBarMark( table=self._table, axes=self, baseline=baseline, color=color, filename=filename, opacity=opacity, padding=padding, series=series, style=style, title=title, width=width, ))
[docs] def cell_plot( self, area=None, color=None, filename=None, marker=None, mfill=None, mlstyle=None, mopacity=1.0, mstyle=None, mtitle=None, opacity=1.0, series="columns", size=None, stroke_width=2.0, style=None, title=None, ): return self.add_mark( toyplot.coordinates.Table.CellPlotMark( table=self._table, axes=self, area=area, color=color, filename=filename, marker=marker, mfill=mfill, mlstyle=mlstyle, mopacity=mopacity, mstyle=mstyle, mtitle=mtitle, opacity=opacity, series=series, size=size, stroke_width=stroke_width, style=style, title=title, ))
[docs] class CellReference(object): def __init__(self, table, selection): self._table = table self._selection = selection def _set_align(self, value): self._table._cell_align[self._selection] = value align = property(fset=_set_align) def _set_angle(self, value): self._table._cell_angle[self._selection] = value angle = property(fset=_set_angle) def _set_data(self, value): self._table._cell_data[self._selection] = numpy.array(value).flat data = property(fset=_set_data) def _set_format(self, value): self._table._cell_format[self._selection] = value format = property(fset=_set_format) def _set_height(self, value): row_indices, column_indices = self._table._selection_coordinates(self._selection) self._table._row_heights[row_indices] = toyplot.units.convert(value, "px", "px") height = property(fset=_set_height) def _set_lstyle(self, value): value =, value = [, value) for style in self._table._cell_lstyle[self._selection]] self._table._cell_lstyle[self._selection] = value lstyle = property(fset=_set_lstyle) def _set_show(self, value): self._table._cell_show[self._selection] = True if value else False show = property(fset=_set_show) def _set_style(self, value): value =, value = [, value) for style in self._table._cell_style[self._selection]] self._table._cell_style[self._selection] = value style = property(fset=_set_style) def _set_title(self, value): self._table._cell_title[self._selection] = str(value) title = property(fset=_set_title) def _set_hyperlink(self, value): self._table._cell_hyperlink[self._selection] = str(value) hyperlink = property(fset=_set_hyperlink) def _set_width(self, value): row_indices, column_indices = self._table._selection_coordinates(self._selection) self._table._column_widths[column_indices] = toyplot.units.convert(value, "px", "px") width = property(fset=_set_width)
[docs] def cartesian( self, aspect=None, hyperlink=None, cell_padding=3, label=None, padding=3, palette=None, show=True, xlabel=None, xmax=None, xmin=None, xscale="linear", xshow=False, xticklocator=None, ylabel=None, ymax=None, ymin=None, yscale="linear", yshow=False, yticklocator=None, ): axes = toyplot.coordinates.Table.EmbeddedCartesian( aspect=aspect, hyperlink=hyperlink, label=label, padding=padding, palette=palette, scenegraph=self._table._scenegraph, show=show, xaxis=None, xlabel=xlabel, xmax=xmax, xmin=xmin, xscale=xscale, xshow=xshow, xticklocator=xticklocator, yaxis=None, ylabel=ylabel, ymax=ymax, ymin=ymin, yscale=yscale, yshow=yshow, yticklocator=yticklocator, table=self._table, ) self._table._merge_cells(self._selection) self._table._cell_format[self._selection] = toyplot.format.NullFormatter() self._table._cell_axes[self._selection] = axes self._table._axes.append(axes) self._table._axes_padding.append(cell_padding) return axes
[docs] def merge(self): self._table._merge_cells(self._selection) self._table._cell_data[self._selection] = self._table._cell_data[self._selection][0] return self
[docs] class ColumnCellReference(CellReference): def __init__(self, table, selection): Table.CellReference.__init__(self, table, selection)
[docs] def delete(self): row_indices, column_indices = self._table._selection_coordinates(self._selection) self._table._delete_cells(column_indices, axis=1)
[docs] class RowCellReference(CellReference): def __init__(self, table, selection): Table.CellReference.__init__(self, table, selection)
[docs] def delete(self): row_indices, column_indices = self._table._selection_coordinates(self._selection) self._table._delete_cells(row_indices, axis=0)
[docs] class DistanceArrayReference(object): def __init__(self, array): self._array = array def __getitem__(self, key): return self._array[key] def __setitem__(self, key, value): self._array[key] = toyplot.units.convert(value, "px", "px")
[docs] class GapReference(object): def __init__(self, row_gaps, column_gaps): self._row_gaps = row_gaps self._column_gaps = column_gaps @property def rows(self): return Table.DistanceArrayReference(self._row_gaps) @property def columns(self): return Table.DistanceArrayReference(self._column_gaps)
[docs] class GridReference(object): def __init__(self, table, hlines, vlines): self._table = table self._hlines = hlines self._vlines = vlines @property def hlines(self): return self._hlines @property def vlines(self): return self._vlines @property def separation(self): return self._table._separation @separation.setter def separation(self, value): self._table._separation = value @property def style(self): return self._table._gstyle @style.setter def style(self, value): self._table._gstyle = self._table._gstyle,,, )
[docs] class Region(object):
[docs] class ColumnAccessor(object): def __init__(self, region): self._region = region def __getitem__(self, selection): table, region = self._region._selection() region[Ellipsis, selection] = True return Table.ColumnCellReference(self._region._table, table)
[docs] def insert(self, before=None, after=None): if (before is None) + (after is None) != 1: raise ValueError("Specify either before or after.") if before is not None: table, region = self._region._selection() region[Ellipsis, before] = True rows, columns = numpy.nonzero(table) before = numpy.unique(columns) if after is not None: table, region = self._region._selection() region[Ellipsis, after] = True rows, columns = numpy.nonzero(table) after = numpy.unique(columns) self._region._table._insert_cells(before=before, after=after, axis=1)
[docs] class RowAccessor(object): def __init__(self, region): self._region = region def __getitem__(self, selection): table, region = self._region._selection() region[selection, Ellipsis] = True return Table.RowCellReference(self._region._table, table)
[docs] def insert(self, before=None, after=None): if (before is None) + (after is None) != 1: raise ValueError("Specify either before or after.") if before is not None: table, region = self._region._selection() region[before, Ellipsis] = True rows, columns = numpy.nonzero(table) before = numpy.unique(rows) if after is not None: table, region = self._region._selection() region[after, Ellipsis] = True rows, columns = numpy.nonzero(table) after = numpy.unique(rows) self._region._table._insert_cells(before=before, after=after, axis=0)
[docs] class CellAccessor(object): def __init__(self, region): self._region = region def __getitem__(self, selection): table, region = self._region._selection() region[selection] = True return Table.CellReference(self._region._table, table)
def __init__(self, table, row_begin, row_end, column_begin, column_end): self._table = table self._row_begin = row_begin self._row_end = row_end self._column_begin = column_begin self._column_end = column_end def _selection(self): table = numpy.zeros(self._table._shape, dtype="bool") region = table[self._row_begin:self._row_end, self._column_begin:self._column_end] return table, region @property def cell(self): return Table.Region.CellAccessor(self) @property def cells(self): region_selection = numpy.zeros(self._table._shape, dtype="bool") region_selection[self._row_begin:self._row_end, self._column_begin:self._column_end] = True return Table.CellReference(self._table, region_selection) @property def column(self): return Table.Region.ColumnAccessor(self) @property def gaps(self): return Table.GapReference(self._table._row_gaps[self._row_begin:self._row_end-1], self._table._column_gaps[self._column_begin: self._column_end-1]) @property def grid(self): return Table.GridReference( self._table, self._table._hlines[self._row_begin:self._row_end+1, self._column_begin:self._column_end], self._table._vlines[self._row_begin:self._row_end, self._column_begin:self._column_end+1], ) @property def row(self): return Table.Region.RowAccessor(self) @property def shape(self): return (self._row_end - self._row_begin, self._column_end - self._column_begin)
def __init__( self, xmin_range, xmax_range, ymin_range, ymax_range, rows, columns, trows, brows, lcolumns, rcolumns, label, scenegraph, annotation, filename, ): self._finalized = None self._xmin_range = xmin_range self._xmax_range = xmax_range self._ymin_range = ymin_range self._ymax_range = ymax_range self._scenegraph = scenegraph self._annotation = False self.annotation = annotation self._filename = toyplot.require.filename(filename) self._shape = (trows + rows + brows, lcolumns + columns + rcolumns) self._cell_align = numpy.empty(self._shape, dtype="object") self._cell_angle = numpy.zeros(self._shape, dtype="float") self._cell_axes = numpy.empty(self._shape, dtype="object") self._cell_data = numpy.empty(self._shape, dtype="object") self._cell_format = numpy.tile(toyplot.format.BasicFormatter(), self._shape) self._cell_group = numpy.arange(self._shape[0] * self._shape[1]).reshape(self._shape) self._cell_lstyle = numpy.empty(self._shape, dtype="object") self._cell_region = numpy.zeros(self._shape, dtype="int") self._cell_region[:trows, :lcolumns] = 0 self._cell_region[:trows, lcolumns:lcolumns+columns] = 1 self._cell_region[:trows, lcolumns+columns:] = 2 self._cell_region[trows:trows+rows, :lcolumns] = 3 self._cell_region[trows:trows+rows, lcolumns:lcolumns+columns] = 4 self._cell_region[trows:trows+rows, lcolumns+columns:] = 5 self._cell_region[trows+rows:, :lcolumns] = 6 self._cell_region[trows+rows:, lcolumns:lcolumns+columns] = 7 self._cell_region[trows+rows:, lcolumns+columns:] = 8 self._cell_show = numpy.ones(self._shape, dtype="bool") self._cell_style = numpy.empty(self._shape, dtype="object") self._cell_title = numpy.empty(self._shape, dtype="object") self._cell_hyperlink = numpy.empty(self._shape, dtype="object") self._hlines = numpy.empty((self._shape[0] + 1, self._shape[1]), dtype="object") self._hlines_show = numpy.ones((self._shape[0] + 1, self._shape[1]), dtype="bool") self._vlines = numpy.empty((self._shape[0], self._shape[1] + 1), dtype="object") self._vlines_show = numpy.ones((self._shape[0], self._shape[1] + 1), dtype="bool") self._row_heights = numpy.zeros(self._shape[0], dtype="float") self._row_gaps = numpy.zeros(self._shape[0] - 1, dtype="float") self._column_widths = numpy.zeros(self._shape[1], dtype="float") self._column_gaps = numpy.zeros(self._shape[1] - 1, dtype="float") self._axes = [] self._axes_padding = [] self._label = Table.Label( label, style={"font-size": "14px", "baseline-shift": "100%"}) self._separation = 2 self._gstyle = {"stroke":, "stroke-width": 0.5} lstyle = { } self._cell_lstyle[...] = lstyle self._cell_align[...] = "center" @property def annotation(self): return self._annotation @annotation.setter def annotation(self, value): self._annotation = True if value else False def _region_bounds(self, region): rows, columns = numpy.nonzero(self._cell_region == region) if len(rows) and len(columns): return (rows.min(), rows.max() + 1, columns.min(), columns.max() + 1) return (0, 0, 0, 0) def _selection_coordinates(self, selection): table_selection = numpy.zeros(self._shape, dtype="bool") table_selection[selection] = True return numpy.nonzero(table_selection) def _merge_cells(self, selection): self._cell_group[selection] = numpy.unique(self._cell_group).max() + 1 # pylint: disable=no-member # TODO: Handle non-rectangular shapes here row_indices, column_indices = self._selection_coordinates(selection) if row_indices.max() - row_indices.min() > 0: self._hlines_show[row_indices.min() + 1 : row_indices.max() + 1, column_indices.min() : column_indices.max() + 1] = False if column_indices.max() - column_indices.min() > 0: self._vlines_show[row_indices.min() : row_indices.max() + 1, column_indices.min() + 1 : column_indices.max() + 1] = False def _delete_cells(self, indices, axis): indices = numpy.unique(indices) self._cell_align = numpy.delete(self._cell_align, indices, axis=axis) self._cell_angle = numpy.delete(self._cell_angle, indices, axis=axis) self._cell_axes = numpy.delete(self._cell_axes, indices, axis=axis) self._cell_data = numpy.delete(self._cell_data, indices, axis=axis) self._cell_format = numpy.delete(self._cell_format, indices, axis=axis) self._cell_group = numpy.delete(self._cell_group, indices, axis=axis) self._cell_lstyle = numpy.delete(self._cell_lstyle, indices, axis=axis) self._cell_region = numpy.delete(self._cell_region, indices, axis=axis) self._cell_show = numpy.delete(self._cell_show, indices, axis=axis) self._cell_style = numpy.delete(self._cell_style, indices, axis=axis) self._cell_title = numpy.delete(self._cell_title, indices, axis=axis) self._cell_hyperlink = numpy.delete(self._cell_hyperlink, indices, axis=axis) self._hlines = numpy.delete(self._hlines, indices, axis=axis) self._hlines_show = numpy.delete(self._hlines_show, indices, axis=axis) self._vlines = numpy.delete(self._vlines, indices, axis=axis) self._vlines_show = numpy.delete(self._vlines_show, indices, axis=axis) if axis == 0: self._row_heights = numpy.delete(self._row_heights, indices) if axis == 1: self._column_widths = numpy.delete(self._column_widths, indices) # TODO: handle this better if axis == 0: self._row_gaps = self._row_gaps[len(indices):] if axis == 1: self._column_gaps = self._column_gaps[len(indices):] self._shape = self._cell_align.shape def _insert_cells(self, before, after, axis): # Create a selection for the source row / column. source = numpy.zeros(self.shape[axis], dtype="bool") if before is not None: source[before] = True if after is not None: source[after] = True source = numpy.flatnonzero(source) if axis == 0: source = (source, Ellipsis) if axis == 1: source = (Ellipsis, source) # Numpy always inserts *before* a given row / column, so convert everything into strictly "before" indices. position = numpy.zeros(self.shape[axis] + 1, dtype="bool") if before is not None: position[before] = True if after is not None: position[1:][after] = True position = numpy.flatnonzero(position) self._cell_align = numpy.insert(self._cell_align, position, None, axis=axis) self._cell_angle = numpy.insert(self._cell_angle, position, 0, axis=axis) self._cell_axes = numpy.insert(self._cell_axes, position, None, axis=axis) self._cell_data = numpy.insert(self._cell_data, position, None, axis=axis) self._cell_format = numpy.insert(self._cell_format, position, toyplot.format.BasicFormatter(), axis=axis) self._cell_group = numpy.insert(self._cell_group, position, -1, axis=axis) self._cell_group[self._cell_group == -1] = numpy.unique(self._cell_group).max() + 1 + numpy.arange(numpy.count_nonzero(self._cell_group == -1)) # pylint: disable=no-member self._cell_lstyle = numpy.insert(self._cell_lstyle, position, None, axis=axis) self._cell_region = numpy.insert(self._cell_region, position, self._cell_region[source], axis=axis) self._cell_show = numpy.insert(self._cell_show, position, True, axis=axis) self._cell_style = numpy.insert(self._cell_style, position, self._cell_style[source], axis=axis) self._cell_title = numpy.insert(self._cell_title, position, None, axis=axis) self._cell_hyperlink = numpy.insert(self._cell_hyperlink, position, None, axis=axis) self._hlines = numpy.insert(self._hlines, position, self._hlines[source], axis=axis) self._hlines_show = numpy.insert(self._hlines_show, position, True, axis=axis) self._vlines = numpy.insert(self._vlines, position, self._vlines[source], axis=axis) self._vlines_show = numpy.insert(self._vlines_show, position, True, axis=axis) if axis == 0: self._row_heights = numpy.insert(self._row_heights, position, 0) if axis == 1: self._column_widths = numpy.insert(self._column_widths, position, 0) # TODO: handle this better if axis == 0: self._row_gaps = numpy.concatenate((self._row_gaps, numpy.zeros(len(position)))) if axis == 1: self._column_gaps = numpy.concatenate((self._column_gaps, numpy.zeros(len(position)))) self._shape = self._cell_align.shape @property def body(self): region = Table.Region(self, *self._region_bounds(4)) return region @property def bottom(self): region = Table.Region(self, *self._region_bounds(7)) region.left = Table.Region(self, *self._region_bounds(6)) region.right = Table.Region(self, *self._region_bounds(8)) return region @property def cells(self): return Table.Region(self, 0, self.shape[0], 0, self.shape[1]) @property def label(self): return self._label @property def left(self): region = Table.Region(self, *self._region_bounds(3)) return region @property def right(self): region = Table.Region(self, *self._region_bounds(5)) return region @property def shape(self): return self._shape @property def top(self): region = Table.Region(self, *self._region_bounds(1)) region.left = Table.Region(self, *self._region_bounds(0)) region.right = Table.Region(self, *self._region_bounds(2)) return region def _finalize(self): if self._finalized is None: # Collect explicit row heights, column widths, and gaps. row_heights = numpy.zeros(len(self._row_heights) + len(self._row_gaps)) row_heights[0::2] = self._row_heights row_heights[1::2] = self._row_gaps column_widths = numpy.zeros(len(self._column_widths) + len(self._column_gaps)) column_widths[0::2] = self._column_widths column_widths[1::2] = self._column_gaps # Compute implicit heights and widths for the remaining rows and columns. table_height = self._ymax_range - self._ymin_range available_height = table_height - numpy.sum(row_heights) default_height = available_height / numpy.count_nonzero(row_heights[0::2] == 0) row_heights[0::2][row_heights[0::2] == 0] = default_height table_width = self._xmax_range - self._xmin_range available_width = table_width - numpy.sum(column_widths) default_width = available_width / numpy.count_nonzero(column_widths[0::2] == 0) column_widths[0::2][column_widths[0::2] == 0] = default_width row_boundaries = self._ymin_range + numpy.cumsum(numpy.concatenate(([0], row_heights))) column_boundaries = self._xmin_range + numpy.cumsum(numpy.concatenate(([0], column_widths))) # Compute cell boundaries. self._cell_top = row_boundaries[0::2] self._cell_bottom = row_boundaries[1::2] self._cell_left = column_boundaries[0::2] self._cell_right = column_boundaries[1::2] # Compute grid boundaries. self._row_boundaries = numpy.concatenate(( row_boundaries[0:1], (row_boundaries[1:-1:2] + row_boundaries[2:-1:2]) / 2, row_boundaries[-1:], )) self._column_boundaries = numpy.concatenate(( column_boundaries[0:1], (column_boundaries[1:-1:2] + column_boundaries[2:-1:2]) / 2, column_boundaries[-1:], )) # Assign ranges and finalize embedded coordinate systems. for axes, padding in zip(self._axes, self._axes_padding): axes_rows, axes_columns = numpy.nonzero(self._cell_axes == axes) row_min = axes_rows.min() row_max = axes_rows.max() column_min = axes_columns.min() column_max = axes_columns.max() if isinstance(axes, toyplot.coordinates.Cartesian): axes.xmin_range = self._cell_left[column_min] + padding axes.xmax_range = self._cell_right[column_max] - padding axes.ymin_range = self._cell_top[row_min] + padding axes.ymax_range = self._cell_bottom[row_max] - padding else: raise NotImplementedError("Unknown coordinate system: %s" % axes) # pragma: no cover self._finalized = self return self._finalized