Source code for toyplot.canvas

# Copyright 2014, Sandia Corporation. Under the terms of Contract
# DE-AC04-94AL85000 with Sandia Corporation, the U.S. Government retains certain
# rights in this software.

"""Implements the :class:`toyplot.canvas.Canvas` class, which defines the space that is available for creating plots.

import collections
import numbers

import numpy
import toyplot.coordinates
import toyplot.broadcast
import toyplot.color
import toyplot.config
import toyplot.layout
import toyplot.scenegraph
import toyplot.units

[docs]class AnimationFrame(object): """Used to specify modifications to a `toyplot.canvas.Canvas` for animation. Do not create AnimationFrame instances yourself, use :meth:`toyplot.canvas.Canvas.frame` and :meth:`toyplot.canvas.Canvas.frames` instead. """ def __init__(self, changes, count, number, begin, end): self._changes = changes self._count = count self._number = number self._begin = begin self._end = end @property def count(self): """Total number of frames in the current animation. """ return self._count @property def number(self): """Current animation frame number (zero-based). """ return self._number @property def begin(self): """Beginning of the current frame in seconds. """ return self._begin @property def end(self): """End of the current frame in seconds. """ return self._end @property def length(self): """Duration of the current frame in seconds. """ return self._end - self._begin
[docs] def set_mark_style(self, mark, style): """Change the style of a mark. Parameters ---------- mark: :class:`toyplot.mark.Mark` instance style: dict containing CSS style information """ if not isinstance(mark, toyplot.mark.Mark): raise ValueError( "Mark style can only be set on toyplot.mark.Mark instances.") self._changes.add(self._begin, self._end, "set-mark-style", dict(mark=mark, style=style))
[docs] def set_datum_style(self, mark, series, datum, style): """Change the style of one datum in a :class:`toyplot.mark.Mark` at the current frame. Parameters ---------- mark: :class:`toyplot.mark.Mark`, required Mark containing the datum to modify. series: int, required Zero-based index of the series containing the datum to modify. datum: int, required Zero-based index of the datum to modify. style: dict, required Python dict containing CSS style information to be assigned to the datum. """ if not isinstance(mark, ( toyplot.mark.BarBoundaries, toyplot.mark.BarMagnitudes, toyplot.mark.Plot, toyplot.mark.Point, )): raise ValueError("Cannot set datum style for %s." % type(mark)) self._changes.add(self._begin, self._end, "set-datum-style", dict(mark=mark, series=series, datum=datum, style=style))
[docs] def set_text(self, mark, text, style=None): self.set_datum_text(mark, 0, 0, text, style)
[docs] def set_datum_text(self, mark, series, datum, text, style=None): """Change the text in a :class:`toyplot.mark.Text` at the current frame. Note ---- Currently, animated text completely overwrites the original - thus, it cannot inherit style (including color) information, which you will have to re-specify explicitly. Parameters ---------- mark: :class:`toyplot.mark.Text`, required Mark containing the text to modify. series: int, required Zero-based index of the series containing the datum to modify. datum: int, required Zero-based index of the datum to modify. text: str, required String containing the new text to be assigned to the datum. style: dict, optional Python dict containing CSS style information to be assigned to the datum. angle: float, optional Angle for the new text. """ if not isinstance(mark, toyplot.mark.Text): raise ValueError("mark must be an instance of toyplot.mark.Text.") if not isinstance(series, int): raise ValueError("series must be an integer index.") if not isinstance(datum, int): raise ValueError("datum must be an integer index.") if not isinstance(text, str): raise ValueError("text must be a string.") if not isinstance(style, (dict, type(None))): raise ValueError("style must be a dict or None.") self._changes.add(self._begin, self._end, "set-datum-text", dict(mark=mark, series=series, datum=datum, text=text, style=style))
########################################################################## # Canvas
[docs]class Canvas(object): """Top-level container for Toyplot drawings. Parameters ---------- width: number, string, or (number, string) tuple, optional Width of the canvas. Assumes CSS pixels if units aren't provided. Defaults to 600px (6.25") if unspecified. See :ref:`units` for details on how Toyplot handles real world units. height: number, string, or (number, string) tuple, optional Height of the canvas. Assumes CSS pixels if units aren't provided. Defaults to the canvas width if unspecified. See :ref:`units` for details on how Toyplot handles real world units. style: dict, optional Collection of CSS styles to apply to the canvas. hyperlink: string, optional When specified, the entire canvas is hyperlinked to the given URI. Note that hyperlinks set on other entities (such as axes, marks, or text) will override this. autorender: boolean, optional Turn autorendering on / off for this canvas. Defaults to the value in :data:`toyplot.config.autorender`. autoformat: string, optional Specify the format ("html" or "png") to be used for autorendering this canvas. Defaults to the value in :data:`toyplot.config.autoformat`. Examples -------- The following would create a Canvas 8 inches wide and 6 inches tall, with a yellow background: >>> canvas = toyplot.Canvas("8in", "6in", style={"background-color":"yellow"}) """ class _AnimationChanges(object): def __init__(self): self._begin = [] self._end = [] self._change = [] self._state = [] def add(self, begin, end, change, state): self._begin.append(begin) self._end.append(end) self._change.append(change) self._state.append(state) def __init__(self, width=None, height=None, style=None, hyperlink=None, autorender=None, autoformat=None): if width is None: width = toyplot.config.width if height is None: height = toyplot.config.height self._width = toyplot.units.convert(width, "px", default="px") if width is not None else 600 self._height = toyplot.units.convert(height, "px", default="px") if height is not None else self._width self._hyperlink = None self._style = { "background-color": "transparent", "border-color":, "border-style": "none", "border-width": 1.0, "fill":, "fill-opacity": 1.0, "font-family": "Helvetica", "font-size": "12px", "opacity": 1.0, "stroke":, "stroke-opacity": 1.0, "stroke-width": 1.0, } self.hyperlink = hyperlink = style self._changes = toyplot.Canvas._AnimationChanges() self._scenegraph = toyplot.scenegraph.SceneGraph() self.autorender(autorender, autoformat) def _repr_html_(self): from . import html return toyplot.html.tostring(self, style={"text-align":"center"}) def _repr_png_(self): from . import png return toyplot.png.render(self) @property def height(self): """Height of the canvas in CSS pixels.""" return self._height @height.setter def height(self, value): self._height = toyplot.units.convert(value, "px", default="px") @property def hyperlink(self): """URI that will be hyperlinked from the entire canvas.""" return self._hyperlink @hyperlink.setter def hyperlink(self, value): self._hyperlink = toyplot.require.hyperlink(value) @property def style(self): """Collection of CSS styles that will be applied to the canvas.""" return self._style @style.setter def style(self, value): self._style = self._style,, allowed=set(["background-color", "border-color", "border-style", "border-width"])), ) @property def width(self): """Width of the canvas in CSS pixels.""" return self._width @width.setter def width(self, value): self._width = toyplot.units.convert(value, "px", default="px")
[docs] def frame(self, begin, end=None, number=None, count=None): """Return a single animation frame that can be used to animate the canvas contents. Parameters ---------- begin: float Specify the frame start time (in seconds). end: float, optional Specify the frame end time (in seconds). number: integer, optional Specify a number for this frame. count: integer, optional Specify the total number of frames of which this frame is one. Returns ------- frame: :class:`toyplot.canvas.AnimationFrame` instance. """ if end is None: end = begin + (1.0 / 30.0) if number is None: number = 0 if count is None: count = 1 return AnimationFrame(changes=self._changes, count=count, number=number, begin=begin, end=end)
[docs] def frames(self, frames): """Return a sequence of animation frames that can be used to animate the canvas contents. Parameters ---------- frames: integer, tuple, or sequence Pass a sequence of values that specify the time (in seconds) of the beginning / end of each frame. Note that the number of frames will be the length of the sequence minus one. Alternatively, you can pass a 2-tuple containing the number of frames and the frame rate in frames-per-second. Finally, you may simply specify the number of frames, in which case the rate will default to 30 frames-per-second. Yields ------ frames: :class:`toyplot.canvas.AnimationFrame` Use the methods and properties of each frame object to modify the state of the canvas over time. """ if isinstance(frames, numbers.Integral): frames = (frames, 30.0) if isinstance(frames, tuple): frame_count, frame_rate = frames times = numpy.linspace(0, frame_count / frame_rate, frame_count + 1, endpoint=True) for index, (begin, end) in enumerate(zip(times[:-1], times[1:])): yield AnimationFrame(changes=self._changes, count=frame_count, number=index, begin=begin, end=end)
[docs] def animation(self): """Return a summary of the canvas animation state. Returns ------- begin: float Start-time of the animation in seconds. end: float End-time of the animation in seconds. changes: object Opaque collection of data structures that describe changes to the canvas state during animation (if any). """ begin = 0.0 end = numpy.max(self._changes._end) if self._changes._end else 0.0 changes = collections.defaultdict(lambda: collections.defaultdict(list)) for begin, change, state in zip(self._changes._begin, self._changes._change, self._changes._state): changes[begin][change].append(state) return begin, end, changes
[docs] def autorender(self, enable=None, autoformat=None): """Enable / disable canvas autorendering. Autorendering - which is enabled by default when a canvas is created - controls how the canvas should be displayed automatically without caller intervention in certain interactive environments, such as Jupyter notebooks. Note that autorendering is disabled when a canvas is explicitly shown using any of the rendering backends. Parameters ---------- enable: boolean, optional Turn autorendering on / off for this canvas. Defaults to the value in :data:`toyplot.config.autorender`. format: string, optional Specify the format ("html" or "png") to be used for autorendering this canvas. Defaults to the value in :data:`toyplot.config.autoformat`. """ if enable is None: enable = toyplot.config.autorender if autoformat is None: autoformat = toyplot.config.autoformat Canvas._autorender = [entry for entry in Canvas._autorender if entry[0] != self] if enable: Canvas._autorender.append((self, autoformat))
[docs] def cartesian( self, aspect=None, bounds=None, corner=None, grid=None, hyperlink=None, label=None, margin=50, padding=10, palette=None, rect=None, show=True, xlabel=None, xmax=None, xmin=None, xscale="linear", xshow=True, xticklocator=None, ylabel=None, ymax=None, ymin=None, yscale="linear", yshow=True, yticklocator=None, ): """Add a set of Cartesian axes to the canvas. See Also -------- :ref:`cartesian-coordinates` Parameters ---------- aspect: string, optional Set to "fit-range" to automatically expand the domain so that its aspect ratio matches the aspect ratio of the range. bounds: (xmin, xmax, ymin, ymax) tuple, optional Use the bounds property to position / size the axes by specifying the position of each of its boundaries. Assumes CSS pixels if units aren't provided, and supports all units described in :ref:`units`, including percentage of the canvas width / height. corner: (corner, inset, width, height) tuple, optional Use the corner property to position / size the axes by specifying its width and height, plus an inset from a corner of the canvas. Allowed corner values are "top-left", "top", "top-right", "right", "bottom-right", "bottom", "bottom-left", and "left". The width and height may be specified using absolute units as described in :ref:`units`, or as a percentage of the canvas width / height. The inset only supports absolute drawing units. All units default to CSS pixels if unspecified. grid: (rows, columns, index) tuple, or (rows, columns, i, j) tuple, or (rows, columns, i, rowspan, j, columnspan) tuple, optional Use the grid property to position / size the axes using a collection of grid cells filling the canvas. Specify the number of rows and columns in the grid, then specify either a zero-based cell index (which runs in left-ot-right, top-to-bottom order), a pair of i, j cell coordinates, or a set of i, column-span, j, row-span coordinates so the legend can cover more than one cell. hyperlink: string, optional When specified, the range (content area of the axes) is hyperlinked to the given URI. Note that this overrides the canvas hyperlink, if any, and is overridden by hyperlinks set on other entities such as marks or text. label: string, optional Human-readable axes label. margin: number, (top, side) tuple, (top, side, bottom) tuple, or (top, right, bottom, left) tuple, optional Specifies the amount of empty space to leave between the axes contents and the containing grid cell When using the `grid` parameter for positioning. Assumes CSS pixels by default, and supports all of the absolute units described in :ref:`units`. padding: number, string, or (number, string) tuple, optional Distance between the axes and plotted data. Assumes CSS pixels if units aren't provided. See :ref:`units` for details on how Toyplot handles real-world units. palette: :class:`toyplot.color.Palette`, optional Specifies a palette to be used when automatically assigning per-series colors. rect: (x, y, width, height) tuple, optional Use the rect property to position / size the axes by specifying its upper-left-hand corner, width, and height. Assumes CSS pixels if units aren't provided, and supports all units described in :ref:`units`, including percentage of the canvas width / height. show: bool, optional Set to `False` to hide the axes (the axes contents will still be visible). xmin, xmax, ymin, ymax: float, optional Used to explicitly override the axis domain (normally, the domain is implicitly defined by the marks added to the axes). xshow, yshow: bool, optional Set to `False` to hide individual axes. xlabel, ylabel: string, optional Human-readable axis labels. xticklocator, yticklocator: :class:`toyplot.locator.TickLocator`, optional Controls the placement and formatting of axis ticks and tick labels. xscale, yscale: "linear", "log", "log10", "log2", or a ("log", <base>) tuple, optional Specifies the mapping from data to canvas coordinates along an axis. See :ref:`log-scales` for examples. Returns ------- axes: :class:`toyplot.coordinates.Cartesian` """ xmin_range, xmax_range, ymin_range, ymax_range = toyplot.layout.region( 0, self._width, 0, self._height, bounds=bounds, rect=rect, corner=corner, grid=grid, margin=margin, ) axes = toyplot.coordinates.Cartesian( aspect=aspect, hyperlink=hyperlink, label=label, padding=padding, palette=palette, scenegraph=self._scenegraph, show=show, xaxis=None, xlabel=xlabel, xmax=xmax, xmax_range=xmax_range, xmin=xmin, xmin_range=xmin_range, xscale=xscale, xshow=xshow, xticklocator=xticklocator, ylabel=ylabel, yaxis=None, ymax=ymax, ymax_range=ymax_range, ymin=ymin, ymin_range=ymin_range, yscale=yscale, yshow=yshow, yticklocator=yticklocator, ) self._scenegraph.add_edge(self, "render", axes) return axes
[docs] def legend( self, entries, bounds=None, corner=None, grid=None, label=None, margin=50, rect=None, ): """Add a legend to the canvas. See Also -------- :ref:`labels-and-legends` Parameters ---------- entries: sequence of entries to add to the legend Each entry to be displayed in the legend must be either a (label, mark) tuple or a (label, marker) tuple. Labels are human-readable text, markers are specified using the syntax described in :ref:`markers`, and marks can be any instance of :class:`toyplot.mark.Mark`. bounds: (xmin, xmax, ymin, ymax) tuple, optional Use the bounds property to position / size the legend by specifying the position of each of its boundaries. The boundaries may be specified in absolute drawing units, or as a percentage of the canvas width / height using strings that end with "%". corner: (corner, inset, width, height) tuple, optional Use the corner property to position / size the legend by specifying its width and height, plus an inset from a corner of the canvas. Allowed corner values are "top-left", "top", "top-right", "right", "bottom-right", "bottom", "bottom-left", and "left". The width and height may be specified in absolute drawing units, or as a percentage of the canvas width / height using strings that end with "%". The inset is specified in absolute drawing units. grid: (rows, columns, index) tuple, or (rows, columns, i, j) tuple, or (rows, columns, i, rowspan, j, columnspan) tuple, optional Use the grid property to position / size the legend using a collection of grid cells filling the canvas. Specify the number of rows and columns in the grid, then specify either a zero-based cell index (which runs in left-ot-right, top-to-bottom order), a pair of i, j cell coordinates, or a set of i, column-span, j, row-span coordinates so the legend can cover more than one cell. label: str, optional Optional human-readable label for the legend. margin: number, (top, side) tuple, (top, side, bottom) tuple, or (top, right, bottom, left) tuple, optional Specifies the amount of empty space to leave between legend and the containing grid cell when using the `grid` parameter for positioning. rect: (x, y, width, height) tuple, optional Use the rect property to position / size the legend by specifying its upper-left-hand corner, width, and height. Each parameter may be specified in absolute drawing units, or as a percentage of the canvas width / height using strings that end with "%". Returns ------- legend: :class:`toyplot.coordinates.Table` """ xmin, xmax, ymin, ymax = toyplot.layout.region( 0, self._width, 0, self._height, bounds=bounds, corner=corner, grid=grid, margin=margin, rect=rect, ) table = toyplot.coordinates.Table( annotation=True, brows=0, columns=2, filename=None, label=label, lcolumns=0, scenegraph=self._scenegraph, rcolumns=0, rows=len(entries), trows=0, xmax_range=xmax, xmin_range=xmin, ymax_range=ymax, ymin_range=ymin, ) table.cells.column[0].align = "right" table.cells.column[1].align = "left" for index, (label, spec) in enumerate(entries): # pylint: disable=redefined-argument-from-local if isinstance(spec, toyplot.mark.Mark): markers = spec.markers else: markers = [toyplot.marker.convert(spec)] text = "" for marker in markers: if text: text = text + " " text = text + marker table.cells.cell[index, 0].data = text table.cells.cell[index, 1].data = label self._scenegraph.add_edge(self, "render", table) return table
[docs] def matrix( self, data, blabel=None, blocator=None, bounds=None, bshow=None, colorshow=False, corner=None, filename=None, grid=None, label=None, llabel=None, llocator=None, lshow=None, margin=50, rect=None, rlabel=None, rlocator=None, rshow=None, step=1, tlabel=None, tlocator=None, tshow=None, ): """Add a matrix visualization to the canvas. See Also -------- :ref:`matrix-visualization` Parameters ---------- data: matrix, or (matrix, :class:`toyplot.color.Map`) tuple, required The given data will be used to populate the visualization, using either the given colormap or a default. blabel: str, optional Human readable label along the bottom of the matrix. blocator: :class:`toyplot.locator.TickLocator`, optional Supplies column labels along the bottom of the matrix. bounds: (xmin, xmax, ymin, ymax) tuple, optional Use the bounds property to position / size the legend by specifying the position of each of its boundaries. The boundaries may be specified in absolute drawing units, or as a percentage of the canvas width / height using strings that end with "%". bshow: bool, optional Set to `False` to hide column labels along the bottom of the matrix. colorshow: bool, optional Set to `True` to add a color scale to the visualization. corner: (corner, inset, width, height) tuple, optional Use the corner property to position / size the legend by specifying its width and height, plus an inset from a corner of the canvas. Allowed corner values are "top-left", "top", "top-right", "right", "bottom-right", "bottom", "bottom-left", and "left". The width and height may be specified in absolute drawing units, or as a percentage of the canvas width / height using strings that end with "%". The inset is specified in absolute drawing units. filename: str, optional Supplies a default filename for users who choose to download the matrix contents. Note that users and web browsers are free to ignore or override this. grid: (rows, columns, index) tuple, or (rows, columns, i, j) tuple, or (rows, columns, i, rowspan, j, columnspan) tuple, optional Use the grid property to position / size the legend using a collection of grid cells filling the canvas. Specify the number of rows and columns in the grid, then specify either a zero-based cell index (which runs in left-ot-right, top-to-bottom order), a pair of i, j cell coordinates, or a set of i, column-span, j, row-span coordinates so the legend can cover more than one cell. label: str, optional Optional human-readable label for the matrix. llabel: str, optional Human readable label along the left side of the matrix. llocator: :class:`toyplot.locator.TickLocator`, optional Supplies row labels along the left side of the matrix. lshow: bool, optional Set to `False` to hide row labels along the left side of the matrix. margin: number, (top, side) tuple, (top, side, bottom) tuple, or (top, right, bottom, left) tuple, optional Specifies the amount of empty space to leave between the matrix and the containing grid cell when using the `grid` parameter for positioning. rect: (x, y, width, height) tuple, optional Use the rect property to position / size the legend by specifying its upper-left-hand corner, width, and height. Each parameter may be specified in absolute drawing units, or as a percentage of the canvas width / height using strings that end with "%". rlabel: str, optional Human readable label along the right side of the matrix. rlocator: :class:`toyplot.locator.TickLocator`, optional Supplies row labels along the right side of the matrix. rshow: bool, optional Set to `False` to hide row labels along the right side of the matrix. step: integer, optional Specifies the number of rows or columns to skip between indices. This is useful when the matrix cells become too small relative to the index text. tlabel: str, optional Human readable label along the top of the matrix. tlocator: :class:`toyplot.locator.TickLocator`, optional Supplies column labels along the top of the matrix. tshow: bool, optional Set to `False` to hide column labels along the top of the matrix. Returns ------- axes: :class:`toyplot.coordinates.Table` """ if isinstance(data, tuple): matrix = toyplot.require.scalar_matrix(data[0]) colormap = toyplot.require.instance(data[1], toyplot.color.Map) else: matrix = toyplot.require.scalar_matrix(data) colormap ="BlueRed", domain_min=matrix.min(), domain_max=matrix.max()) colors = colormap.colors(matrix) xmin_range, xmax_range, ymin_range, ymax_range = toyplot.layout.region( 0, self._width, 0, self._height, bounds=bounds, rect=rect, corner=corner, grid=grid, margin=margin) table = toyplot.coordinates.Table( annotation=False, brows=2, columns=matrix.shape[1], filename=filename, label=label, lcolumns=2, scenegraph=self._scenegraph, rcolumns=2, rows=matrix.shape[0], trows=2, xmax_range=xmax_range, xmin_range=xmin_range, ymax_range=ymax_range, ymin_range=ymin_range, )[[0, 1]].height = 20 table.bottom.row[[0, 1]].height = 20 table.left.column[[0, 1]].width = 20 table.right.column[[0, 1]].width = 20 table.left.column[1].align = "right" table.right.column[0].align = "left" table.cells.column[[0, -1]].lstyle = {"font-weight":"bold"} table.cells.row[[0, -1]].lstyle = {"font-weight":"bold"} if tlabel is not None: cell =[0].merge() = tlabel if llabel is not None: cell = table.left.column[0].merge() = llabel cell.angle = 90 if rlabel is not None: cell = table.right.column[1].merge() = rlabel cell.angle = 90 if blabel is not None: cell = table.bottom.row[1].merge() = blabel if tshow is None: tshow = True if tshow: if tlocator is None: tlocator = toyplot.locator.Integer(step=step) for j, label, title in zip(*tlocator.ticks(0, matrix.shape[1] - 1)): # pylint: disable=redefined-argument-from-local[1, int(j)].data = label[1, j].title = title if lshow is None: lshow = True if lshow: if llocator is None: llocator = toyplot.locator.Integer(step=step) for i, label, title in zip(*llocator.ticks(0, matrix.shape[0] - 1)): # pylint: disable=redefined-argument-from-local table.left.cell[int(i), 1].data = label #table.left.cell[i, 1].title = title if rshow is None and rlocator is not None: rshow = True if rshow: if rlocator is None: rlocator = toyplot.locator.Integer(step=step) for i, label, title in zip(*rlocator.ticks(0, matrix.shape[0] - 1)): # pylint: disable=redefined-argument-from-local table.right.cell[int(i), 0].data = label #table.right.cell[i, 0].title = title if bshow is None and blocator is not None: bshow = True if bshow: if blocator is None: blocator = toyplot.locator.Integer(step=step) for j, label, title in zip(*blocator.ticks(0, matrix.shape[1] - 1)): # pylint: disable=redefined-argument-from-local table.bottom.cell[0, int(j)].data = label #table.bottom.cell[0, j].title = title = matrix table.body.cells.format = toyplot.format.NullFormatter() for i in numpy.arange(matrix.shape[0]): for j in numpy.arange(matrix.shape[1]): cell = table.body.cell[i, j] = {"stroke": "none", "fill": toyplot.color.to_css(colors[i, j])} cell.title = "%.6f" % matrix[i, j] self._scenegraph.add_edge(self, "render", table) if colorshow: self.color_scale( colormap=colormap, x1=xmax_range, y1=ymax_range, x2=xmax_range, y2=ymin_range, width=10, padding=10, show=True, label="", ticklocator=None, scale="linear", ) return table
[docs] def color_scale( self, colormap, x1=None, y1=None, x2=None, y2=None, bounds=None, corner=None, grid=None, label=None, margin=50, max=None, min=None, offset=None, padding=10, rect=None, scale="linear", show=True, ticklocator=None, width=10, ): """Add a color scale to the canvas. The color scale displays a mapping from scalar values to colors, for the given colormap. Note that the supplied colormap must have an explicitly defined domain (specified when the colormap was created), otherwise the mapping would be undefined. Parameters ---------- colormap: :class:`toyplot.color.Map`, required Colormap to be displayed. min, max: float, optional Used to explicitly override the domain that will be shown. show: bool, optional Set to `False` to hide the axis (the color bar will still be visible). label: string, optional Human-readable label placed below the axis. ticklocator: :class:`toyplot.locator.TickLocator`, optional Controls the placement and formatting of axis ticks and tick labels. scale: "linear", "log", "log10", "log2", or a ("log", <base>) tuple, optional Specifies the mapping from data to canvas coordinates along an axis. Returns ------- axes: :class:`toyplot.coordinates.Numberline` """ axes = self.numberline( bounds=bounds, corner=corner, grid=grid, label=label, margin=margin, max=max, min=min, padding=padding, palette=None, rect=rect, scale=scale, show=show, ticklocator=ticklocator, x1=x1, x2=x2, y1=y1, y2=y2, ) axes.colormap( colormap=colormap, width=width, offset=offset, ) return axes
[docs] def numberline( self, x1=None, y1=None, x2=None, y2=None, bounds=None, corner=None, grid=None, label=None, margin=50, max=None, min=None, padding=None, palette=None, rect=None, scale="linear", show=True, spacing=None, ticklocator=None, ): """Add a 1D numberline to the canvas. Parameters ---------- min, max: float, optional Used to explicitly override the numberline domain (normally, the domain is implicitly defined by any marks added to the numberline). show: bool, optional Set to `False` to hide the numberline (the numberline contents will still be visible). label: string, optional Human-readable label placed below the numberline axis. ticklocator: :class:`toyplot.locator.TickLocator`, optional Controls the placement and formatting of axis ticks and tick labels. See :ref:`tick-locators`. scale: "linear", "log", "log10", "log2", or a ("log", <base>) tuple, optional Specifies the mapping from data to canvas coordinates along the axis. See :ref:`log-scales`. spacing: number, string, or (number, string) tuple, optional Distance between plotted data added to the numberline. Assumes CSS pixels if units aren't provided. See :ref:`units` for details on how Toyplot handles real-world units. padding: number, string, or (number, string) tuple, optional Distance between the numberline axis and plotted data. Assumes CSS pixels if units aren't provided. See :ref:`units` for details on how Toyplot handles real-world units. Defaults to the same value as `spacing`. Returns ------- axes: :class:`toyplot.coordinates.Cartesian` """ xmin_range, xmax_range, ymin_range, ymax_range = toyplot.layout.region( 0, self._width, 0, self._height, bounds=bounds, rect=rect, corner=corner, grid=grid, margin=margin) if x1 is None: x1 = xmin_range else: x1 = toyplot.units.convert(x1, target="px", default="px", reference=self._width) if x1 < 0: x1 = self._width + x1 if y1 is None: y1 = 0.5 * (ymin_range + ymax_range) else: y1 = toyplot.units.convert(y1, target="px", default="px", reference=self._height) if y1 < 0: y1 = self._height + y1 if x2 is None: x2 = xmax_range else: x2 = toyplot.units.convert(x2, target="px", default="px", reference=self._width) if x2 < 0: x2 = self._width + x2 if y2 is None: y2 = 0.5 * (ymin_range + ymax_range) else: y2 = toyplot.units.convert(y2, target="px", default="px", reference=self._height) if y2 < 0: y2 = self._height + y2 if spacing is None: spacing = 20 if padding is None: padding = spacing axes = toyplot.coordinates.Numberline( label=label, max=max, min=min, padding=padding, palette=palette, scenegraph=self._scenegraph, scale=scale, show=show, spacing=spacing, ticklocator=ticklocator, x1=x1, x2=x2, y1=y1, y2=y2, ) self._scenegraph.add_edge(self, "render", axes) return axes
[docs] def table( self, data=None, rows=None, columns=None, annotation=False, bounds=None, brows=None, corner=None, filename=None, grid=None, label=None, lcolumns=None, margin=50, rcolumns=None, rect=None, trows=None, ): """Add a set of table axes to the canvas. Parameters ---------- Returns ------- axes: :class:`toyplot.coordinates.Table` """ if data is not None: data = rows = data.shape[0] if rows is None else max(rows, data.shape[0]) columns = data.shape[1] if columns is None else max( columns, data.shape[1]) if trows is None: trows = 1 if rows is None or columns is None: # pragma: no cover raise ValueError("You must specify data, or rows and columns.") if trows is None: trows = 0 if brows is None: brows = 0 if lcolumns is None: lcolumns = 0 if rcolumns is None: rcolumns = 0 xmin_range, xmax_range, ymin_range, ymax_range = toyplot.layout.region( 0, self._width, 0, self._height, bounds=bounds, rect=rect, corner=corner, grid=grid, margin=margin, ) table = toyplot.coordinates.Table( annotation=annotation, brows=brows, columns=columns, filename=filename, label=label, lcolumns=lcolumns, scenegraph=self._scenegraph, rcolumns=rcolumns, rows=rows, trows=trows, xmax_range=xmax_range, xmin_range=xmin_range, ymax_range=ymax_range, ymin_range=ymin_range, ) if data is not None: for j, (key, column) in enumerate(data.items()): if trows:[trows - 1, j].data = key for i, (value, mask) in enumerate(zip(column, if not mask: table.body.cell[i, j].data = value if issubclass(column._data.dtype.type, numpy.floating): if trows:[0, j].align = "center" table.body.cell[:, j].format = toyplot.format.FloatFormatter() table.body.cell[:, j].align = "separator" elif issubclass(column._data.dtype.type, numpy.character): table.cells.cell[:, j].align = "left" elif issubclass(column._data.dtype.type, numpy.integer): table.cells.cell[:, j].align = "right" if trows: # Format top cells for use as a header = {"font-weight": "bold"} # Enable a single horizontal line between top and body. table.cells.grid.hlines[trows] = "single" self._scenegraph.add_edge(self, "render", table) return table
[docs] def image( self, data, bounds=None, corner=None, grid=None, margin=50, rect=None, ): """Add an image to the canvas. Parameters ---------- data: image, or (image, colormap) tuple bounds: (xmin, xmax, ymin, ymax) tuple, optional Use the bounds property to position / size the image by specifying the position of each of its boundaries. Assumes CSS pixels if units aren't provided, and supports all units described in :ref:`units`, including percentage of the canvas width / height. rect: (x, y, width, height) tuple, optional Use the rect property to position / size the image by specifying its upper-left-hand corner, width, and height. Assumes CSS pixels if units aren't provided, and supports all units described in :ref:`units`, including percentage of the canvas width / height. corner: (corner, inset, width, height) tuple, optional Use the corner property to position / size the image by specifying its width and height, plus an inset from a corner of the canvas. Allowed corner values are "top-left", "top", "top-right", "right", "bottom-right", "bottom", "bottom-left", and "left". The width and height may be specified using absolute units as described in :ref:`units`, or as a percentage of the canvas width / height. The inset only supports absolute drawing units. All units default to CSS pixels if unspecified. grid: (rows, columns, index) tuple, or (rows, columns, i, j) tuple, or (rows, columns, i, rowspan, j, columnspan) tuple, optional Use the grid property to position / size the image using a collection of grid cells filling the canvas. Specify the number of rows and columns in the grid, then specify either a zero-based cell index (which runs in left-ot-right, top-to-bottom order), a pair of i, j cell coordinates, or a set of i, column-span, j, row-span coordinates so the legend can cover more than one cell. margin: size of the margin around grid cells, optional Specifies the amount of empty space to leave between grid cells When using the `grid` parameter for positioning. Assumes CSS pixels by default, and supports all of the absolute units described in :ref:`units`. """ colormap = None if isinstance(data, tuple): data, colormap = data if not isinstance(colormap, toyplot.color.Map): raise ValueError("Expected toyplot.color.Map, received %s." % colormap) # pragma: no cover data = numpy.atleast_3d(data) if data.shape[2] != 1: raise ValueError("Expected an image with one channel.") # pragma: no cover data = colormap.colors(data) xmin_range, xmax_range, ymin_range, ymax_range = toyplot.layout.region( 0, self._width, 0, self._height, bounds=bounds, rect=rect, corner=corner, grid=grid, margin=margin, ) mark = toyplot.mark.Image( xmin_range, xmax_range, ymin_range, ymax_range, data=data, ) self._scenegraph.add_edge(self, "render", mark) return mark
[docs] def text( self, x, y, text, angle=0.0, fill=None, opacity=1.0, title=None, style=None): """Add text to the canvas. Parameters ---------- x, y: float Coordinates of the text anchor in canvas drawing units. Note that canvas Y coordinates increase from top-to-bottom. text: string The text to be displayed. title: string, optional Human-readable title for the mark. The SVG / HTML backends render the title as a tooltip. style: dict, optional Collection of CSS styles to apply to the mark. See :class:`toyplot.mark.Text` for a list of useful styles. Returns ------- text: :class:`toyplot.mark.Text` """ table = table["x"] = toyplot.require.scalar_vector(x) table["y"] = toyplot.require.scalar_vector(y, table.shape[0]) table["text"] = toyplot.broadcast.pyobject(text, table.shape[0]) table["angle"] = toyplot.broadcast.scalar(angle, table.shape[0]) table["fill"] = toyplot.broadcast.pyobject(fill, table.shape[0]) table["toyplot:fill"] = toyplot.color.broadcast( colors=fill, shape=(table.shape[0],),, ) table["opacity"] = toyplot.broadcast.scalar(opacity, table.shape[0]) table["title"] = toyplot.broadcast.pyobject(title, table.shape[0]) style =, mark = toyplot.mark.Text( coordinate_axes=["x", "y"], table=table, coordinates=["x", "y"], text=["text"], angle=["angle"], fill=["toyplot:fill"], opacity=["opacity"], title=["title"], style=style, annotation=True, filename=None, ) self._scenegraph.add_edge(self, "render", mark) return mark
def _point_scale(self, width=None, height=None, scale=None): """Return a scale factor to convert this canvas to a target width or height in points.""" if numpy.count_nonzero( [width is not None, height is not None, scale is not None]) > 1: raise ValueError("Specify only one of width, height, or scale.") # pragma: no cover if width is not None: scale = toyplot.units.convert( width, "pt") / toyplot.units.convert((self._width, "px"), "pt") elif height is not None: scale = toyplot.units.convert( height, "pt") / toyplot.units.convert((self._height, "px"), "pt") elif scale is None: scale = 1.0 scale *= 72.0 / 96.0 return scale @staticmethod def _ipython_post_execute(): # pragma: no cover try: import IPython.display for canvas, autoformat in Canvas._autorender: if autoformat == "html": IPython.display.display_html(canvas) elif autoformat == "png": IPython.display.display_png(canvas) except: pass @staticmethod def _ipython_register(): # pragma: no cover try: import IPython if IPython.get_ipython(): IPython.get_ipython().events.register( "post_execute", Canvas._ipython_post_execute) except: pass
Canvas._autorender = [] Canvas._ipython_register()