Source code for toyplot.require

# Copyright 2014, Sandia Corporation. Under the terms of Contract
# DE-AC04-94AL85000 with Sandia Corporation, the U.S. Government retains certain
# rights in this software.

"""Functions used by the Toyplot implementation to validate inputs.  These are not intended for end-users.

from __future__ import division

import numbers
import numpy
import six

[docs]def instance(value, types): """Raise an exception if a value isn't one of the given type(s).""" if not isinstance(value, types): raise ValueError("Expected %s, received %s." % (types, type(value))) # pragma: no cover return value
[docs]def value_in(value, choices): """Raise an exception if a value doesn't match one of the given choices.""" if value not in choices: raise ValueError("Expected one of %s, received %r." % (", ".join([repr(choice) for choice in choices]), value)) # pragma: no cover return value
[docs]def table_keys(table, keys, length=None, min_length=None, modulus=None): """Raise an exception if any of the given keys fails to match the column keys in the given table.""" keys = string_vector(keys, length=length, min_length=min_length, modulus=modulus) allowed = list(table.keys()) for key in keys: if key not in allowed: raise ValueError("Table key must match one of %s, received %s." % (", ".join(allowed), key)) # pragma: no cover return keys
[docs]def scalar(value): """Raise an exception if a value isn't a number.""" if not isinstance(value, numbers.Number): raise ValueError("Expected a number, received %s." % value) # pragma: no cover return value
[docs]def scalar_array(value): """Raise an exception if a value isn't convertable to an array of numbers.""" array ="float64") array.mask =, ~numpy.isfinite(array)) return array
[docs]def vector(value, length=None, min_length=None, modulus=None): """Raise an exception if a value isn't convertable to a 1D array.""" array = if array.shape == (): array =, 1) if array.ndim != 1: raise ValueError("Expected a vector.") # pragma: no cover if length is not None: if len(array) != length: raise ValueError("Expected %s values, received %s" % (length, len(array))) # pragma: no cover if min_length is not None: if len(array) < min_length: raise ValueError("Expected %s or more values, received %s" % (min_length, len(array))) # pragma: no cover if modulus is not None: if len(array) % modulus != 0: raise ValueError("Expected a multiple of %s values, received %s" % (modulus, len(array))) # pragma: no cover return array
[docs]def integer_vector(value, length=None, min_length=None, modulus=None): """Raise an exception if a value isn't convertable to a 1D array of integers.""" return vector(value, length=length, min_length=min_length, modulus=modulus).astype("int64")
[docs]def scalar_vector(value, length=None, min_length=None, modulus=None): """Raise an exception if a value isn't convertable to a 1D array of numbers.""" return vector(value, length=length, min_length=min_length, modulus=modulus).astype("float64")
[docs]def string_vector(value, length=None, min_length=None, modulus=None): """Raise an exception if a value isn't convertable to a 1D array of numbers.""" return vector(value, length=length, min_length=min_length, modulus=modulus).astype("unicode")
[docs]def scalar_matrix(value, rows=None, columns=None): """Raise an exception if a value isn't convertable to a 2D array of numbers.""" array = scalar_array(value) if array.ndim != 2: raise ValueError("Expected a matrix.") # pragma: no cover if rows is not None: if array.shape[0] != rows: raise ValueError("Expected %s rows, received %s." % (rows, array.shape[0])) # pragma: no cover if columns is not None: if array.shape[1] != columns: raise ValueError("Expected %s columns, received %s." % (columns, array.shape[1])) # pragma: no cover return array
[docs]def optional_string(value): """Raise an exception if a value isn't a string, or None.""" if not isinstance(value, (six.string_types, type(None))): raise ValueError("Expected a string value or None, received %s." % value) # pragma: no cover return value
[docs]def filename(value): """Raise an exception if a value isn't a valid string filename, or None.""" return optional_string(value)