Source code for toyplot.projection

# Copyright 2014, Sandia Corporation. Under the terms of Contract
# DE-AC04-94AL85000 with Sandia Corporation, the U.S. Government retains certain
# rights in this software.

"""Classes and functions for projecting coordinates between spaces."""

from __future__ import division

import custom_inherit
import numpy
import six

def _mix(a, b, amount):
    return ((1.0 - amount) * a) + (amount * b)

def _log(x, base):
    return numpy.log10(numpy.abs(x)) / numpy.log10(base)

def _in_range(a, x, b):
    left = min(a, b)
    right = max(a, b)
    old_settings = numpy.seterr(invalid="ignore")
    result = numpy.logical_and(left <= x, x <= right)
    return result

[docs]@six.add_metaclass(custom_inherit.DocInheritMeta(style="numpy_napoleon")) class Projection(object): """Abstract interface for objects that can map between one-dimensional domain and range spaces. .. automethod:: __call__ """
[docs] def __call__(self, domain_values): """Map domain values to range values. Parameters ---------- domain_values: :class:`numpy.ndarray` or compatible. The domain values to convert. Returns ------- range_values: :class:`numpy.ndarray` The domain values projected into range values. Examples -------- >>> projection = toyplot.projection.linear(0, 1, -1, 1) >>> projection(0.75) 0.5 """ raise NotImplementedError() # pragma: no cover
[docs] def inverse(self, range_values): """Map range values to domain values. Parameters ---------- range_values: :class:`numpy.ndarray` or compatible. The range values to convert. Returns ------- domain_values: :class:`numpy.ndarray` The range values projected into domain values. Examples -------- >>> projection = toyplot.projection.linear(0, 1, -1, 1) >>> projection.inverse(-0.5) 0.25 """ raise NotImplementedError() # pragma: no cover
[docs]class Piecewise(Projection): """Projects between domain and range data using a piecewise collection of linear and log segments. Parameters ---------- segments: sequence of :class:`toyplot.projection.Piecewise.Segment` objects, required Callers must supply one-to-many segments, each of which defines a mapping between bounded, non-overlapping regions of the domain and range spaces. .. automethod:: __call__ """
[docs] class Segment(object): """Defines a mapping between bounded regions of domain-space and range-space. Parameters ---------- scale: "linear" or ("log", base) tuple, required domain_bounds_min, domain_bounds_max: number, required These values define the bounds of this segment in domain space, and may include positive or negative infinity. domain_min, domain_max: number, required These values are mapped to `range_min` and `range_max`, respectively. range_min, range_max: number, required These values are mapped to `domain_min` and `domain_max`, respectively. range_bounds_min, range_bounds_max: number, required These values define the bounds of this segment in range space, and may include positive or negative infinity. """ class _Container(object): pass def __init__( self, scale, domain_bounds_min, domain_min, domain_max, domain_bounds_max, range_bounds_min, range_min, range_max, range_bounds_max, ): self.scale = scale self.domain = Piecewise.Segment._Container() self.domain.bounds = Piecewise.Segment._Container() self.domain.bounds.min = domain_bounds_min self.domain.min = domain_min self.domain.max = domain_max self.domain.bounds.max = domain_bounds_max self.range = Piecewise.Segment._Container() self.range.bounds = Piecewise.Segment._Container() self.range.bounds.min = range_bounds_min self.range.min = range_min self.range.max = range_max self.range.bounds.max = range_bounds_max
def __init__(self, segments): self._segments = segments def __call__(self, domain_values): domain_values =, dtype="float64") range_values = numpy.empty_like(domain_values) for segment in self._segments: indices = _in_range( segment.domain.bounds.min, domain_values, segment.domain.bounds.max) if segment.scale == "linear": amount = (domain_values[indices] - segment.domain.min) / (segment.domain.max - segment.domain.min) range_values[indices] = _mix( segment.range.min, segment.range.max, amount) else: scale, base = segment.scale if scale == "log": amount = (_log(domain_values[indices], base) - _log(segment.domain.min, base)) / (_log(segment.domain.max, base) - _log(segment.domain.min, base)) range_values[indices] = _mix( segment.range.min, segment.range.max, amount) else: raise Exception("Unknown scale: %s" % (scale,)) # pragma: no cover if range_values.shape == (): range_values = numpy.asscalar(range_values) return range_values
[docs] def inverse(self, range_values): range_values =, dtype="float64") domain_values = numpy.empty_like(range_values) for segment in self._segments: indices = _in_range( segment.range.bounds.min, range_values, segment.range.bounds.max) if segment.scale == "linear": amount = (range_values[indices] - segment.range.min) / (segment.range.max - segment.range.min) domain_values[indices] = _mix( segment.domain.min, segment.domain.max, amount) else: scale, base = segment.scale if scale == "log": amount = (range_values[indices] - segment.range.min) / (segment.range.max - segment.range.min) domain_values[indices] = numpy.sign( segment.domain.min) * numpy.power(base, _mix( _log(segment.domain.min, base), _log(segment.domain.max, base), amount)) else: raise Exception("Unknown scale: %s" % (scale,)) # pragma: no cover if domain_values.shape == (): domain_values = numpy.asscalar(domain_values) return domain_values
[docs]def linear(domain_min, domain_max, range_min, range_max): """Return an instance of :class:`toyplot.projection.Piecewise` that performs a linear projection. Parameters ----------- domain_min, domain_max : number Defines a closed interval of domain values that will be mapped to the range. range_min, range_max : number Defines a closed interval of range values that will be mapped to the domain. Returns ------- projection : :class:`toyplot.projection.Piecewise` """ return Piecewise([ Piecewise.Segment( "linear", -numpy.inf, domain_min, domain_max, numpy.inf, -numpy.inf, range_min, range_max, numpy.inf, ), ])
[docs]def log( base, domain_min, domain_max, range_min, range_max, linear_domain_min=-1, linear_domain_max=1, ): """Return an instance of :class:`toyplot.projection.Piecewise` that performs a log projection. The returned projection will work correctly with both positive, negative, and zero domain values. To support mapping zero, the projection will switch from log projection to a linear projection within a user-defined region around the origin. Parameters ----------- base : number Logarithmic base used to map from domain values to range values. domain_min, domain_max : number Defines a closed interval of domain values that will be mapped to the range. range_min, range_max : number Defines a closed interval of range values that will be mapped to the domain. linear_domain_min, linear_domain_max : number, optional Defines an interval of domain values around the origin that will be mapped linearly. Returns ------- projection : :class:`toyplot.projection.Piecewise` """ # Domain is all positive. if 0 < domain_min: return Piecewise([ Piecewise.Segment( "linear", -numpy.inf, domain_min - (domain_max - domain_min), domain_min, domain_min, -numpy.inf, range_min - (range_max - range_min), range_min, range_min, ), Piecewise.Segment( ("log", base), domain_min, domain_min, domain_max, numpy.inf, range_min, range_min, range_max, numpy.inf, ), ]) # Domain is all negative. if domain_max < 0: return Piecewise([ Piecewise.Segment( ("log", base), -numpy.inf, domain_min, domain_max, domain_max, -numpy.inf, range_min, range_max, range_max, ), Piecewise.Segment( "linear", domain_max, domain_max, domain_max + (domain_max - domain_min), numpy.inf, range_max, range_max, range_max + (range_max - range_min), numpy.inf, ), ]) # Mixed negative / positive domain if domain_min < linear_domain_min and linear_domain_max < domain_max: linear_range_min = _mix(range_min, range_max, 0.4) linear_range_max = _mix(range_min, range_max, 0.6) return Piecewise([ Piecewise.Segment( ("log", base), -numpy.inf, domain_min, linear_domain_min, linear_domain_min, -numpy.inf, range_min, linear_range_min, linear_range_min, ), Piecewise.Segment( "linear", linear_domain_min, linear_domain_min, linear_domain_max, linear_domain_max, linear_range_min, linear_range_min, linear_range_max, linear_range_max, ), Piecewise.Segment( ("log", base), linear_domain_max, linear_domain_max, domain_max, numpy.inf, linear_range_max, linear_range_max, range_max, numpy.inf, ), ]) if domain_min < linear_domain_min: linear_range_min = _mix(range_min, range_max, 0.8) return Piecewise([ Piecewise.Segment( ("log", base), -numpy.inf, domain_min, linear_domain_min, linear_domain_min, -numpy.inf, range_min, linear_range_min, linear_range_min, ), Piecewise.Segment( "linear", linear_domain_min, linear_domain_min, linear_domain_max, numpy.inf, linear_range_min, linear_range_min, range_max, numpy.inf, ), ]) if linear_domain_max < domain_max: linear_range_max = _mix(range_min, range_max, 0.2) return Piecewise([ Piecewise.Segment( "linear", -numpy.inf, domain_min, linear_domain_max, linear_domain_max, -numpy.inf, range_min, linear_range_max, linear_range_max, ), Piecewise.Segment( ("log", base), linear_domain_max, linear_domain_max, domain_max, numpy.inf, linear_range_max, linear_range_max, range_max, numpy.inf, ), ]) return Piecewise([ Piecewise.Segment( "linear", -numpy.inf, domain_min, domain_max, numpy.inf, -numpy.inf, range_min, range_max, numpy.inf), ])