Source code for toyplot.format

# Copyright 2014, Sandia Corporation. Under the terms of Contract
# DE-AC04-94AL85000 with Sandia Corporation, the U.S. Government retains certain
# rights in this software.

"""Strategy objects for formatting text."""

from __future__ import division

import numbers
import warnings

import custom_inherit
import numpy
import six

import toyplot

[docs]@six.add_metaclass(custom_inherit.DocInheritMeta(style="numpy_napoleon")) class Formatter(object): """Abstract interface for formatters - objects that compute text representations from data."""
[docs] def format(self, value): """Return a text representation of the given value. Parameters ---------- value: value to be formatted Returns ------- prefix : string Formatted data to be displayed before the separator. separator : string Separator between formatted data, or empty string. suffix : string Formatted data to be displayed after the separator, or empty string. """ raise NotImplementedError() # pragma: no cover
[docs]class NullFormatter(Formatter): """Do-nothing formatter that returns empty strings."""
[docs] def format(self, value): return "", "", ""
[docs]class BasicFormatter(Formatter): """Convert data to its default string representation.""" def __init__(self, nanshow=True): self._nanshow = nanshow
[docs] def format(self, value): try: if not self._nanshow and numpy.isnan(value): return "", "", "" except: pass return "%s" % value, "", ""
[docs]class DefaultFormatter(BasicFormatter): """Deprecated, use :class:`toyplot.format.BasicFormatter` instead.""" def __init__(self): # pragma: no cover super(DefaultFormatter, self).__init__(nanshow=True) warnings.warn("toyplot.format.DefaultFormatter is deprecated, use toyplot.format.BasicFormatter instead.", toyplot.DeprecationWarning, stacklevel=2)
[docs]class FloatFormatter(BasicFormatter): """Formats floating-point values with aligned decimal points. Parameters ---------- format: format string, optional Uses standard Python Format String Syntax. nanshow: bool, optional Set to `False` to hide NaN values. """ def __init__(self, format="{:.6g}", nanshow=True): super(FloatFormatter, self).__init__(nanshow=nanshow) self._format = format
[docs] def format(self, value): if isinstance(value, numbers.Number) and not numpy.isnan(value): formatted = self._format.format(value).split(".") if len(formatted) == 1: return formatted[0], "", "" return formatted[0], ".", formatted[1] return super(FloatFormatter, self).format(value)
[docs]class UnitFormatter(BasicFormatter): """Formats values with corresponding units Parameters ---------- format: format string, optional Uses standard Python Format String Syntax. nanshow: bool, optional Set to `False` to hide NaN values. """ def __init__(self, format="{:.6g}", nanshow=True, units='pt'): super(UnitFormatter, self).__init__(nanshow=nanshow) self._format = format self._units = units if units not in UnitFormatter._units: raise Exception("Incorrect type of units provided") #pragma: no cover
[docs] def format(self, value): """Return a text representation of the given value. Parameters ---------- value: value to be formatted units: units to be formatted Returns ------- prefix : string Formatted data to be displayed before the separator. separator : string Separator between formatted data, or empty string. suffix : string Formatted data to be displayed after the separator, or empty string. units : string Formatted units to be displayed after the suffix, or empty string. """ if isinstance(value, numbers.Number) and not numpy.isnan(value): formatted = self._format.format(value).split(".") if len(formatted) == 1: return formatted[0] +" " +UnitFormatter._units[self._units], "", "" return formatted[0], ".", formatted[1] +" " +UnitFormatter._units[self._units] return super(UnitFormatter, self).format(value)
UnitFormatter._units = { "centimeter": "cm", "centimeters": "cm", "cm": "cm", "decimeter": "dm", "decimeters": "dm", "dm": "dm", "in": "in", "inch": "in", "inches": "in", "m": "m", "meter": "m", "meters": "m", "millimeter": "mm", "millimeters": "mm", "mm": "mm", "pc": "pc", "pica": "pc", "picas": "pc", "pixel": "px", "pixels": "px", "point": "pt", "points": "pt", "pt": "pt", "px": "px", }
[docs]class CurrencyFormatter(BasicFormatter): """Formats currency value with corresponding codes places: required number of places after the decimal point curr: optional currency symbol before the sign (may be blank) sep: optional grouping separator (comma, period, space, or blank) dp: decimal point indicator (comma or period) only specify as blank when places is zero """ def __init__(self, format="{:,.2f}", nanshow=True, curr='cad', sep=',', dp='.',): super(CurrencyFormatter, self).__init__(nanshow=nanshow) self._format = format self._curr = curr self._sep = sep self._dp = dp if self._curr not in CurrencyFormatter._codes: raise Exception("Incorrect currency provided") #pragma: no cover
[docs] def format(self, value): """Return a text representation of the given currency value. Parameters ---------- value: value to be formatted Returns ------- codes : string Formatted currency code to be displayed before the prefix, or empty string. prefix : string Formatted data to be displayed before the separator. dp : string Separator between formatted data, or empty string. suffix : string Formatted data to be displayed after the separator, or empty string. """ if isinstance(value, numbers.Number) and not numpy.isnan(value): formatted = self._format.format(value).split(".") return CurrencyFormatter._codes[self._curr] + formatted[0], self._dp, formatted[1] return super(CurrencyFormatter, self).format(value)
CurrencyFormatter._codes = { "aud": "$", "cad": "$", "eur": u"\u20AC", "gbp": u"\u00a3", "hkd": "HK$", "usd": "$", }