Source code for toyplot.broadcast

# Copyright 2014, Sandia Corporation. Under the terms of Contract
# DE-AC04-94AL85000 with Sandia Corporation, the U.S. Government retains certain
# rights in this software.

"""Functions for broadcasting values into 1D or 2D arrays.

The functions in this module are used by Toyplot to handle the conversion from
`constant`, `per-series`, and `per-datum` values into their canonical 1D and 2D
array representations.

from __future__ import division

import numpy

[docs]def scalar(value, shape): """Return a 1D or 2D array of floats with the given shape. Parameters ---------- shape: (tuple) Shape of the desired output array. A 1-tuple will produce a 1D output vector containing :math:`N` per-series values. A 2-tuple will produce an :math:`M \\times N` output matrix of per-datum values grouped into :math:`N` series. Returns ------- array: :class:`numpy.ndarray` """ array = numpy.array(value).astype("float64") # As a special-case, allow a vector with shape M to be matched-up with an # M x 1 matrix. if array.ndim == 1 and isinstance(shape, tuple) and len( shape) == 2 and array.shape[0] == shape[0] and shape[1] == 1: return numpy.reshape(array, shape) return numpy.broadcast_arrays(array, numpy.empty(shape))[0]
#def string(value, shape): # array = numpy.array(value).astype("unicode") # # As a special-case, allow a vector with shape M to be matched-up with an # # M x 1 matrix. # if array.ndim == 1 and isinstance(shape, tuple) and len( # shape) == 2 and array.shape[0] == shape[0] and shape[1] == 1: # return numpy.reshape(array, shape) # return numpy.broadcast_arrays(array, numpy.empty(shape))[0]
[docs]def pyobject(value, shape): """Return a 1D or 2D array of objects with the given shape. Parameters ---------- shape: (tuple) Shape of the desired output array. A 1-tuple will produce a 1D output vector containing :math:`N` per-series values. A 2-tuple will produce an :math:`M \\times N` output matrix of per-datum values grouped into :math:`N` series. Returns ------- array: :class:`numpy.ndarray` """ array = numpy.array(value) # As a special-case, allow a vector with shape M to be matched-up with an # M x 1 matrix. if array.ndim == 1 and isinstance(shape, tuple) and len( shape) == 2 and array.shape[0] == shape[0] and shape[1] == 1: return numpy.reshape(array, shape) result = numpy.empty(shape, dtype="object") result.flat = [u for u, _ in numpy.broadcast(array, result)] return result