Source code for toyplot.text

# Copyright 2014, Sandia Corporation. Under the terms of Contract
# DE-AC04-94AL85000 with Sandia Corporation, the U.S. Government retains certain
# rights in this software.

"""Functions for manipulating text."""

import copy
import sys
import xml.etree.ElementTree as xml

import numpy

import toyplot.font
import toyplot.require
import toyplot.transform
import toyplot.units

[docs]def extents(text, angle, style): """Compute canvas coordinate extents for a text string, based on the given angle and style. """ text = toyplot.require.string_vector(text) angle = toyplot.require.scalar_vector(angle) style =, # TODO: don't hard-code this. fonts = toyplot.font.ReportlabLibrary() layouts = numpy.array([toyplot.text.layout(string, style, fonts) for string in text]) left = numpy.array([layout.left for layout in layouts]) right = numpy.array([layout.right for layout in layouts]) top = numpy.array([ for layout in layouts]) bottom = numpy.array([layout.bottom for layout in layouts]) corner1 = numpy.column_stack((left, top)) corner2 = numpy.column_stack((right, top)) corner3 = numpy.column_stack((right, bottom)) corner4 = numpy.column_stack((left, bottom)) for index, theta in enumerate(angle): transformation = toyplot.transform.rotation(theta) corner1[index] = numpy.matmul(corner1[index], transformation) corner2[index] = numpy.matmul(corner2[index], transformation) corner3[index] = numpy.matmul(corner3[index], transformation) corner4[index] = numpy.matmul(corner4[index], transformation) left = numpy.minimum(corner1.T[0], numpy.minimum( corner2.T[0], numpy.minimum(corner3.T[0], corner4.T[0]))) right = numpy.maximum(corner1.T[0], numpy.maximum( corner2.T[0], numpy.maximum(corner3.T[0], corner4.T[0]))) top = -numpy.maximum(corner1.T[1], numpy.maximum( corner2.T[1], numpy.maximum(corner3.T[1], corner4.T[1]))) bottom = -numpy.minimum(corner1.T[1], numpy.minimum( corner2.T[1], numpy.minimum(corner3.T[1], corner4.T[1]))) return (left, right, top, bottom)
[docs]class Layout(object): """Top-level container for one-or-more lines of text.""" def __init__(self, style): = style self.children = []
[docs]class LineBox(object): """Container for one line of text.""" def __init__(self, style): = style self.children = []
[docs]class TextBox(object): """Container for a block of text that shares a single style.""" def __init__(self, text, style): self.text = text = style
[docs]class MarkerBox(object): """Container for a Toyplot marker specification.""" def __init__(self, marker, style): self.marker = marker = style
class _LineBreak(object): """Marks the position of a line break.""" pass
[docs]def layout(text, style, fonts): """Convert text with markup into a layout that is ready to be rendered. Parameters ---------- text: string, required Text with markup to be converted. style: dict, required Collection of CSS properties to be used as defaults for the text layout. fonts: :class:`toyplot.font.Library`, required Font library that will supply font information for the text layout. Returns ------- layout: :class:`toyplot.text.Layout` The text layout contains a hierarchy of styled, positiioned nodes that are ready to be rendered. """ def cascade_styles(style, node): """Cascades style information so that each node in an XML DOM has an explicit representation of each property/value pair.""" if node.tag in ["b", "strong"]: style =, {"font-weight": "bold"}) elif node.tag in ["code"]: style =, {"font-family": "monospace"}) elif node.tag in ["em", "i"]: style =, {"font-style": "italic"}) elif node.tag in ["a"]: style =, {"fill": "steelblue", "text-decoration-line": "none"}) if "style" in node.attrib: node_style =["style"]), style =, node_style) node.set("style", copy.deepcopy(style)) for child in node: cascade_styles(style, child) def compute_styles(reference_font_size, node): """Compute explicit numeric CSS pixel values for the baseline-shift, font-size, line-height, and -toyplot-text-anchor-shift properties.""" font_size = node.get("style")["font-size"] font_size = toyplot.units.convert(font_size, target="px", default="px", reference=reference_font_size) baseline_shift = node.get("style")["baseline-shift"] baseline_shift = toyplot.units.convert(baseline_shift, target="px", default="px", reference=reference_font_size) toyplot_anchor_shift = node.get("style")["-toyplot-anchor-shift"] toyplot_anchor_shift = toyplot.units.convert(toyplot_anchor_shift, target="px", default="px", reference=reference_font_size) # Note that baseline shift is the opposite of canvas coordinates (positive values shift UP) if node.tag == "small": font_size *= 0.8 elif node.tag == "sub": font_size *= 0.7 baseline_shift -= 0.2 * font_size elif node.tag == "sup": font_size *= 0.7 baseline_shift += 0.3 * font_size line_height = node.get("style")["line-height"] if line_height == "normal": line_height = "120%" line_height = toyplot.units.convert(line_height, target="px", default="px", reference=font_size) node.get("style")["baseline-shift"] = baseline_shift node.get("style")["font-size"] = "%spx" % font_size node.get("style")["line-height"] = line_height node.get("style")["-toyplot-anchor-shift"] = toyplot_anchor_shift for child in node: compute_styles(font_size, child) def build_formatting_model(node, root=None): """Convert the XML DOM into a flat layout containing text boxes and line breaks.""" if node.tag == "body": root = Layout(node.get("style")) if node.tag in ["body", "b", "code", "i", "em", "small", "span", "strong", "sub", "sup"]: if node.text: root.children.append(TextBox(node.text, node.get("style"))) for child in node: build_formatting_model(child, root) if child.tail: root.children.append(TextBox(child.tail, node.get("style"))) # Note: the tail doesn't get the child's style return root if node.tag == "a": root.children.append(PushHyperlink(node.get("href"), node.get("target", None), node.get("style"))) if node.text: root.children.append(TextBox(node.text, node.get("style"))) for child in node: build_formatting_model(child, root) if child.tail: root.children.append(TextBox(child.tail, node.get("style"))) # Note: the tail doesn't get the child's style root.children.append(PopHyperlink(node.get("style"))) return root if node.tag == "marker": root.children.append(MarkerBox(toyplot.marker.from_html(node), node.get("style"))) return root if node.tag == "br": root.children.append(_LineBreak()) return root raise ValueError("Unknown tag: %s" % node.tag) # pragma: no cover def split_lines(layout): """Convert a flat layout into a two level hierarchy of line boxes containing text boxes.""" children = [] current_line = None for child in layout.children: if isinstance(child, _LineBreak): current_line = None else: if current_line is None: current_line = LineBox( children.append(current_line) current_line.children.append(child) layout.children = children def compute_size(fonts, layout): """Compute width + height for the layout + line boxes + text boxes.""" for line in layout.children: for box in line.children: if isinstance(box, TextBox): font = fonts.font( box.width = font.width(box.text) # Box baseline is the relative offset from the line baseline in canvas coordinates alignment_baseline =["alignment-baseline"] if alignment_baseline == "alphabetic": box.baseline = 0 elif alignment_baseline == "central": box.baseline = font.ascent * 0.5 elif alignment_baseline == "hanging": box.baseline = font.ascent elif alignment_baseline == "middle": box.baseline = font.ascent * 0.35 else: raise ValueError("Unknown alignment-baseline value: %s" % alignment_baseline) # Box top is the relative offset from the line baseline in canvas coordinates = box.baseline - font.ascent # Box bottom is the relative offset from the line baseline in canvas coordinates box.bottom = box.baseline - font.descent box.height = box.bottom - elif isinstance(box, MarkerBox): font = fonts.font( box.baseline = 0 = box.baseline - font.ascent box.bottom = box.baseline - font.descent box.height = box.bottom - box.width = box.height elif isinstance(box, (PushHyperlink, PopHyperlink)): box.baseline = 0 = box.baseline box.bottom = box.baseline box.height = box.bottom - box.width = 0 else: raise Exception("Unexpected box type: %s" % box) # pragma: no cover # Line top is the relative offset from the line baseline in canvas coordinates = numpy.min([ for child in line.children]) if line.children else 0 # Line bottom is the relative offset from the line baseline in canvas coordinates line.bottom = numpy.max([child.bottom for child in line.children]) if line.children else 0 actual_line_height = line.bottom - explicit_line_height =["line-height"] offset = (explicit_line_height - actual_line_height) * 0.5 if offset > 0: -= offset line.bottom += offset line.width = numpy.sum([child.width for child in line.children]) if line.children else 0 line.height = line.bottom - layout.height = numpy.sum([line.height for line in layout.children]) if layout.children else 0 def compute_position(layout): """Compute top + bottom + left + right coordinates for line boxes + text boxes, relative to the layout anchor.""" if layout.children: toyplot_vertical_align =["-toyplot-vertical-align"] # Align the first line's baseline with the anchor. if toyplot_vertical_align == "first-baseline": offset_y = 0 # Align the last line's baseline with the anchor. elif toyplot_vertical_align == "last-baseline": offset_y = -(layout.height + layout.children[0].top - layout.children[-1].bottom) # Align the top of the layout with the anchor. elif toyplot_vertical_align == "top": offset_y = -layout.children[0].top # Align the middle of the layout with the anchor. elif toyplot_vertical_align == "middle": offset_y = -((layout.height * 0.5) + layout.children[0].top) # Align the bottom of the layout with the anchor. elif toyplot_vertical_align == "bottom": offset_y = -(layout.height + layout.children[0].top) else: raise ValueError("Unknown -toyplot-vertical-align value: %s" % toyplot_vertical_align) # pragma: no cover for line in layout.children: text_anchor =["text-anchor"] if line.children else "middle" if text_anchor == "start": anchor_offset = 0 elif text_anchor == "middle": anchor_offset = -line.width * 0.5 elif text_anchor == "end": anchor_offset = -line.width else: raise ValueError("Unknown text-anchor value: %s" % text_anchor) anchor_offset +=["-toyplot-anchor-shift"] offset_x = anchor_offset # Line left/right/bottom/top are relative offsets from the layout anchor in canvas coordinates. line.left = offset_x line.right = offset_x + line.width += offset_y line.baseline = offset_y line.bottom += offset_y for child in line.children: # Child left/right/bottom/top are relative offsets from the layout anchor in canvas coordinates. child.left = offset_x child.right = child.left + child.width += offset_y child.baseline += offset_y child.bottom += offset_y # Note that baseline-shift is the opposite of canvas coordinates (positive values shift UP) child.baseline -=["baseline-shift"] offset_x += child.width offset_y += line.height = layout.children[0].top layout.left = numpy.min([line.left for line in layout.children]) layout.right = numpy.max([line.right for line in layout.children]) layout.bottom = layout.children[-1].bottom else: = 0 layout.left = 0 layout.right = 0 layout.bottom = 0 # Layout top/left/right/bottom are relative offsets from the layout anchor in canvas coordinates layout.width = layout.right - layout.left layout.height = layout.bottom - def cleanup_styles(layout): """Remove style properties that we don't want rendered (because their effect is already baked into the box positions.""" for line in layout.children: for child in line.children:"-toyplot-anchor-shift", None)"-toyplot-vertical-align", None)"alignment-baseline", None)"baseline-shift", None)"text-anchor", None)"line-height", None) dom = xml.fromstring(("<body>" + text + "</body>").encode("utf-8")) default_style = { "-toyplot-anchor-shift": "0", "-toyplot-vertical-align": "middle", "alignment-baseline": "alphabetic", "baseline-shift": "0", "fill":, "font-family": "helvetica", "font-size": "12px", "font-weight": "normal", "line-height": "normal", "stroke": "none", "text-anchor": "middle", "vertical-align": "baseline", "white-space": "pre", } style =, style) reference_font_size = toyplot.units.convert(style["font-size"], target="px", default="px") cascade_styles(style, dom) compute_styles(reference_font_size, dom) root = build_formatting_model(dom) split_lines(root) compute_size(fonts, root) compute_position(root) cleanup_styles(root) return root
[docs]def dump(box, stream=None, level=0, indent=" ", recursive=True): # pragma: no cover """Writes formatted text layout information to a stream. Parameters ---------- box: :class:`toyplot.text.Layout`, :class:`toyplot.text.LineBox`, :class:`toyplot.text.TextBox`, :class:`toyplot.text.MarkerBox`, :class:`toyplot.text.PushHyperlink`, or :class:`toyplot.text.PopHyperlink`, required The layout object to be formatted. stream: file like object, optional The stream where formatted data will be written. Defaults to :data:`sys.stdout` recursive: boolean, optional If `True`, recursively print the entire layout tree underneath `box`. """ if stream is None: stream = sys.stdout stream.write(indent * level) stream.write("%s.%s\n" % (box.__module__, box.__class__.__name__)) for key, value in sorted(box.__dict__.items()): if key in ["children"]: continue if key == "style": stream.write(indent * (level + 1)) stream.write("style:\n") for pair in sorted( stream.write(indent * (level + 2)) stream.write("%s: %s\n" % pair) elif key in ["text"]: stream.write(indent * (level + 1)) stream.write("%s: %r\n" % (key, value)) else: stream.write(indent * (level + 1)) stream.write("%s: %s\n" % (key, value)) stream.write("\n") if recursive and hasattr(box, "children"): for child in box.children: dump(box=child, stream=stream, level=level+1, indent=indent)