Source code for toyplot.locator

# Copyright 2014, Sandia Corporation. Under the terms of Contract
# DE-AC04-94AL85000 with Sandia Corporation, the U.S. Government retains certain
# rights in this software.

"""Strategy objects that compute the position and format of axis ticks and labels."""

from __future__ import division

import datetime

    import arrow
except: # pragma: no cover
import custom_inherit
import numpy
import six

import toyplot.broadcast

[docs]@six.add_metaclass(custom_inherit.DocInheritMeta(style="numpy_napoleon")) class TickLocator(object): """Base class for tick locators - objects that compute the position and format of axis tick labels."""
[docs] def ticks(self, domain_min, domain_max): """Return a set of ticks for the given domain. Parameters ---------- domain_min, domain_max: number Returns ------- locations : sequence of numbers Axis locations where ticks should be displayed. labels : sequence of strings Labels for each tick location. titles : sequence of strings Titles for each tick location. Typically, backends render titles as tooltips. """ raise NotImplementedError() # pragma: no cover
[docs]class Null(TickLocator): """Do-nothing tick locator that generates no ticks. Use :class:`toyplot.locator.Null` when you want to display an axis, but omit any ticks. """
[docs] def ticks(self, domain_min, domain_max): return [], [], []
[docs]class Uniform(TickLocator): """Generate :math:`N` evenly spaced ticks that include the minimum and maximum values of a domain. Parameters ---------- count: number, optional Number of ticks to generate. format : string, optional Format string used to generate labels from tick locations. """ def __init__(self, count=5, format="{:g}"): self._count = count self._format = format
[docs] def ticks(self, domain_min, domain_max): locations = numpy.linspace( domain_min, domain_max, self._count, endpoint=True) labels = [self._format.format(location) for location in locations] titles = numpy.repeat(None, len(labels)) return locations, labels, titles
[docs]class Explicit(TickLocator): """Explicitly specify a collection of tick locations and labels for an axis. You must specify the set of locations, the set of labels, or both. If you only specify locations, the labels will be generated using a formatting string. If you only specify labels, the locations will default to integers in the range :math:`[0, n)`. The latter behavior is especially useful for categorical axes. Parameters ---------- locations : sequence numbers, optional Axis locations where ticks should be displayed. labels : sequence of strings, optional Labels for each tick location. titles : sequence of strings, optional Titles for each tick location. Typically, backends render titles as tooltips. format : string, optional Format string used to generate labels from tick locations. """ def __init__( self, locations=None, labels=None, titles=None, format="{:g}"): if locations is not None and labels is not None: locations = numpy.array(locations).astype("float64") labels = numpy.array(labels).astype("unicode") if len(locations) != len(labels): raise ValueError("Location and label counts must match.") # pragma: no cover elif locations is not None: locations = numpy.array(locations).astype("float64") labels = [format.format(location) for location in locations] elif labels is not None: labels = numpy.array(labels).astype("str") locations = numpy.arange(len(labels)) else: raise ValueError("Must supply locations, labels, or both.") # pragma: no cover titles = toyplot.broadcast.pyobject(titles, len(locations)) self._locations = locations self._labels = labels self._titles = titles
[docs] def ticks(self, domain_min, domain_max): return self._locations, self._labels, self._titles
# An alpha version of the Talbot, Lin, Hanrahan tick mark generator for matplotlib. # Described in "An Extension of Wilkinson's Algorithm for Positioning Tick Labels on Axes" # by Justin Talbot, Sharon Lin, and Pat Hanrahan, InfoVis 2010. # Implementation by Justin Talbot # This implementation is in the public domain. # Report bugs to # A shortcoming: # The weights used in the paper were designed for static plots where the extent of # the tick marks unioned with the extent of the data defines the extent of the plot. # In a plot where the extent of the plot is defined by the user (e.g. an interactive # plot supporting panning and zooming), the weights don't work as well. In particular, # you would want to retune them assuming that the tick labels must be inside # the provided view range. You probably want higher weighting on simplicity and lower # on coverage and possibly density. But I haven't experimented in any detail with this. # # If you do intend on using this for static plots in matplotlib, you should set # only_inside to False in the call to Extended.extended. And then you should # manually set your view extent to include the min and max ticks if they are outside # the data range. This should produce the same results as the paper.
[docs]class Extended(TickLocator): """Generate ticks using "An Extension of Wilkinson's Algorithm for Positioning Tick Labels on Axes" by Talbot, Lin, and Hanrahan. Parameters ---------- count: number, optional Desired number of ticks. Note that the algorithm may produce fewer ticks than requested. steps: sequence of numbers, optional Prioritized list of "nice" values to use for generating ticks. only_inside: boolean If set to `True`, only ticks inside the axis domain will be generated. format : string, optional Format string used to generate labels from tick locations. """ def __init__(self, count=5, steps=None, weights=None, only_inside=False, format="{0:.{digits}f}"): self._count = count self._steps = steps if steps is not None else [1, 5, 2, 2.5, 4, 3] self._weights = weights if weights is not None else [0.25, 0.2, 0.5, 0.05] self._only_inside = only_inside self._format = format
[docs] def ticks(self, domain_min, domain_max): def coverage(dmin, dmax, lmin, lmax): range_ = dmax - dmin return 1 - 0.5 * (numpy.power(dmax - lmax, 2) + numpy.power(dmin - lmin, 2)) / numpy.power(0.1 * range_, 2) def coverage_max(dmin, dmax, span): range_ = dmax - dmin if span > range_: half = (span - range_) / 2.0 return 1 - numpy.power(half, 2) / numpy.power(0.1 * range_, 2) else: return 1 def density(k, m, dmin, dmax, lmin, lmax): r = (k - 1.0) / (lmax - lmin) rt = (m - 1.0) / (max(lmax, dmax) - min(lmin, dmin)) return 2 - max(r / rt, rt / r) def density_max(k, m): if k >= m: return 2 - (k - 1.0) / (m - 1.0) else: return 1 def simplicity(q, Q, j, lmin, lmax, lstep): eps = 1e-10 n = len(Q) i = Q.index(q) + 1 v = 1 if ((lmin % lstep < eps or (lstep - lmin % lstep) < eps) and lmin <= 0 and lmax >= 0) else 0 return (n - i) / (n - 1.0) + v - j def simplicity_max(q, Q, j): n = len(Q) i = Q.index(q) + 1 v = 1 return (n - i) / (n - 1.0) + v - j def legibility(lmin, lmax, lstep): return 1 def legibility_max(lmin, lmax, lstep): return 1 # pragma: no cover def extended(dmin, dmax, m, Q, only_inside, w): n = len(Q) best_score = -2.0 j = 1.0 while j < float('infinity'): for q in Q: sm = simplicity_max(q, Q, j) if w[0] * sm + w[1] + w[2] + w[3] < best_score: j = float('infinity') break k = 2.0 while k < float('infinity'): dm = density_max(k, m) if w[0] * sm + w[1] + w[2] * dm + w[3] < best_score: break delta = (dmax - dmin) / (k + 1.0) / j / q z = numpy.ceil(numpy.log10(delta)) while z < float('infinity'): step = j * q * numpy.power(10, z) cm = coverage_max(dmin, dmax, step * (k - 1.0)) if w[0] * sm + w[1] * cm + \ w[2] * dm + w[3] < best_score: break min_start = numpy.floor( dmax / step) * j - (k - 1.0) * j max_start = numpy.ceil(dmin / step) * j if min_start > max_start: z = z + 1 break for start in range( int(min_start), int(max_start) + 1): lmin = start * (step / j) lmax = lmin + step * (k - 1.0) lstep = step s = simplicity(q, Q, j, lmin, lmax, lstep) c = coverage(dmin, dmax, lmin, lmax) d = density(k, m, dmin, dmax, lmin, lmax) l = legibility(lmin, lmax, lstep) score = w[0] * s + w[1] * \ c + w[2] * d + w[3] * l if score > best_score and (not only_inside or (lmin >= dmin and lmax <= dmax)): best_score = score best = (lmin, lmax, lstep, q, k) z = z + 1 k = k + 1 j = j + 1 return best lmin, lmax, lstep, q, k = extended( domain_min, domain_max, self._count - 1, self._steps, self._only_inside, self._weights) locations = numpy.arange(k) * lstep + lmin digits = max(0, int(numpy.max(-numpy.floor(numpy.log10(lstep)), 0))) labels = [self._format.format(location, digits=digits) for location in locations] titles = numpy.repeat(None, len(labels)) return locations, labels, titles
[docs]class Heckbert(TickLocator): """Generate ticks using the "Nice numbers for graph labels" algorithm by Paul Heckbert. Note that this locator can produce ticks outside the minimum / maximum axis domain. Parameters ---------- count: number of ticks to generate format : string, optional Format string used to generate labels from tick locations. """ def __init__(self, count=5, format="{0:.{digits}f}"): self._count = count self._format = format
[docs] def ticks(self, domain_min, domain_max): def nicenum(x, rounding): exponent = numpy.floor(numpy.log10(x)) fraction = x / numpy.power(10, exponent) if rounding: # pragma: no cover if fraction < 1.5: nice_fraction = 1 elif fraction < 3: nice_fraction = 2 elif fraction < 7: nice_fraction = 5 else: nice_fraction = 10 else: # pragma: no cover if fraction <= 1: nice_fraction = 1 elif fraction <= 2: nice_fraction = 2 elif fraction <= 5: nice_fraction = 5 else: nice_fraction = 10 return nice_fraction * numpy.power(10, exponent) tick_range = nicenum(domain_max - domain_min, rounding=False) tick_spacing = nicenum(tick_range / (self._count - 1), rounding=True) tick_min = numpy.floor(domain_min / tick_spacing) * tick_spacing tick_max = numpy.ceil(domain_max / tick_spacing) * tick_spacing locations = numpy.linspace(tick_min, tick_max, self._count) digits = max(0, int(numpy.max(-numpy.floor(numpy.log10(tick_spacing)), 0))) labels = [self._format.format(location, digits=digits) for location in locations] titles = numpy.repeat(None, len(labels)) return locations, labels, titles
[docs]class Integer(TickLocator): """Generate evenly-spaced integer ticks Parameters ---------- step: integer, optional Number of integer values to skip between labels. """ def __init__(self, step=1): self._step = step
[docs] def ticks(self, domain_min, domain_max): locations = numpy.arange( domain_min, domain_max + 1, self._step, dtype="int64") labels = [repr(location) for location in locations] titles = numpy.repeat(None, len(locations)) return locations, labels, titles
[docs]class Log(TickLocator): """Generate ticks that are evenly spaced on a logarithmic scale Parameters ---------- base : number, optional Logarithm base. format : string, optional Python format string, see `Format String Syntax <>`_ for the syntax. The format string will be called with a single positional argument containing the locator value, and two keyword arguments `base` and `exponent`. If omitted, the locator will generate high-quality labels using superscript notation. Examples -------- Generate locator labels using fixed decimal point notation and two significant digits: >>> locator = toyplot.locator.Log(format="{:.2g}") Generate locator labels using scientific notation and three significant digits: >>> locator = toyplot.locator.Log(format="{:.3e}") Generate locator labels using mixed scientific and decimal notation and four significant digits: >>> locator = toyplot.locator.Log(format="{:.4g}") Generate locator labels using "carat" notation: >>> locator = toyplot.locator.Log(format="{base}^{exponent}") """ def __init__(self, base=10, format="{base}<sup> {exponent}</sup>"): self._base = base self._format = format
[docs] def ticks(self, domain_min, domain_max): if domain_min < 0 and domain_max < 0: negative_exponents = numpy.arange( numpy.ceil(numpy.log10(numpy.abs(domain_min)) / numpy.log10(self._base)), numpy.floor(numpy.log10(numpy.abs(domain_max)) / numpy.log10(self._base)) - 1, -1) elif domain_min < 0: negative_exponents = numpy.arange( numpy.ceil(numpy.log10(numpy.abs(domain_min)) / numpy.log10(self._base)), -1, -1) else: negative_exponents = [] negative_locations = -numpy.power(self._base, negative_exponents) if domain_max == 0 or domain_min == 0 or domain_min < 0 and domain_max > 0: linear_locations = [0] else: linear_locations = [] if domain_min > 0 and domain_max > 0: positive_exponents = numpy.arange( numpy.floor( numpy.log10(domain_min) / numpy.log10( self._base)), numpy.ceil( numpy.log10(domain_max) / numpy.log10( self._base)) + 1) elif domain_max > 0: positive_exponents = numpy.arange( 0, numpy.ceil( numpy.log10(domain_max) / numpy.log10( self._base)) + 1) if domain_max != 0 else [] else: positive_exponents = [] positive_locations = numpy.power(self._base, positive_exponents) negative_labels = [] for exponent, location in zip(negative_exponents, negative_locations): negative_labels.append( "-" + self._format.format(location, base=self._base, exponent=int(exponent)) ) linear_labels = [str(location) for location in linear_locations] positive_labels = [] for exponent, location in zip(positive_exponents, positive_locations): positive_labels.append( self._format.format(location, base=self._base, exponent=int(exponent)) ) locations = numpy.concatenate( (negative_locations, linear_locations, positive_locations)) labels = negative_labels + linear_labels + positive_labels titles = numpy.repeat(None, len(labels)) return locations, labels, titles
def _year_generator(interval): def implementation(domain_min, domain_max): for year in numpy.arange(domain_min.year - (domain_min.year % interval), domain_max.year + 1, interval): value = arrow.Arrow(year, 1, 1) if value >= domain_min and value <= domain_max: yield value.timestamp return implementation def _month_generator(interval): def implementation(domain_min, domain_max): for year in numpy.arange(domain_min.year, domain_max.year + 1): for month in numpy.arange(0, 12, interval): value = arrow.Arrow(year, month + 1, 1) if value >= domain_min and value <= domain_max: yield value.timestamp return implementation def _day_generator(interval): def implementation(domain_min, domain_max): value = arrow.Arrow(domain_min.year, domain_min.month, while value <= domain_max: if value >= domain_min: yield value.timestamp value += datetime.timedelta(days=interval) return implementation def _hour_generator(interval): def implementation(domain_min, domain_max): value = arrow.Arrow(domain_min.year, domain_min.month, while value <= domain_max: if value >= domain_min: yield value.timestamp value += datetime.timedelta(hours=interval) return implementation def _minute_generator(interval): def implementation(domain_min, domain_max): value = arrow.Arrow(domain_min.year, domain_min.month, while value <= domain_max: if value >= domain_min: yield value.timestamp value += datetime.timedelta(minutes=interval) return implementation def _second_generator(interval): def implementation(domain_min, domain_max): value = arrow.Arrow(domain_min.year, domain_min.month, while value <= domain_max: if value >= domain_min: yield value.timestamp value += datetime.timedelta(seconds=interval) return implementation _intervals = [ dict(interval=datetime.timedelta(days=365 * 1000), generator=_year_generator(1000), format="{0:YYYY}"), dict(interval=datetime.timedelta(days=365 * 100), generator=_year_generator(100), format="{0:YYYY}"), dict(interval=datetime.timedelta(days=365 * 10), generator=_year_generator(10), format="{0:YYYY}"), dict(interval=datetime.timedelta(days=365 * 5), generator=_year_generator(5), format="{0:YYYY}"), dict(interval=datetime.timedelta(days=365), generator=_year_generator(1), format="{0:YYYY}"), dict(interval=datetime.timedelta(days=90), generator=_month_generator(3), format="{0:MMMM} {0:YYYY}"), dict(interval=datetime.timedelta(days=30), generator=_month_generator(1), format="{0:MMMM} {0:YYYY}"), dict(interval=datetime.timedelta(days=7), generator=_day_generator(7), format="{0:ddd}, {0:MMM} {0:D}, {0:YYYY}"), dict(interval=datetime.timedelta(days=1), generator=_day_generator(1), format="{0:ddd}, {0:MMM} {0:D}"), dict(interval=datetime.timedelta(hours=12), generator=_hour_generator(12), format="{0:M}/{0:D} {0:HH}:{0:mm}"), dict(interval=datetime.timedelta(hours=6), generator=_hour_generator(6), format="{0:M}/{0:D} {0:HH}:{0:mm}"), dict(interval=datetime.timedelta(hours=4), generator=_hour_generator(4), format="{0:M}/{0:D} {0:HH}:{0:mm}"), dict(interval=datetime.timedelta(hours=1), generator=_hour_generator(1), format="{0:M}/{0:D} {0:HH}:{0:mm}"), dict(interval=datetime.timedelta(minutes=15), generator=_minute_generator(15), format="{0:M}/{0:D} {0:HH}:{0:mm}"), dict(interval=datetime.timedelta(minutes=10), generator=_minute_generator(10), format="{0:M}/{0:D} {0:HH}:{0:mm}"), dict(interval=datetime.timedelta(minutes=5), generator=_minute_generator(5), format="{0:M}/{0:D} {0:HH}:{0:mm}"), dict(interval=datetime.timedelta(minutes=1), generator=_minute_generator(1), format="{0:M}/{0:D} {0:HH}:{0:mm}"), dict(interval=datetime.timedelta(seconds=15), generator=_second_generator(15), format="{0:HH}:{0:mm}:{0:ss}"), dict(interval=datetime.timedelta(seconds=10), generator=_second_generator(10), format="{0:HH}:{0:mm}:{0:ss}"), dict(interval=datetime.timedelta(seconds=5), generator=_second_generator(5), format="{0:HH}:{0:mm}:{0:ss}"), dict(interval=datetime.timedelta(seconds=1), generator=_second_generator(1), format="{0:HH}:{0:mm}:{0:ss}"), ]
[docs]class Timestamp(TickLocator): """Generate ticks when the domain is UTC timestamps relative to the Unix epoch. Callers may explicitly specify the desired time interval as a string: >>> toyplot.locator.Timestamp(interval="hours") or as a tuple containing a quantity of units: >>> toyplot.locator.Timestamp(interval=(3, "days")) Instead of specifying an interval, the caller may supply the desired number of ticks, and the interval that produces the closest number of ticks will be used (note that the number of ticks produced may not match exactly): >>> toyplot.locator.Timestamp(count=4) If the count is not specified, it defaults to `7`. Parameters ---------- count: number, optional Specifies the desired number of ticks. interval: string or (integer, string) tuple, optional Specifies the desired tick interval in anthropomorphic time units. Allowed units are "millenium", "millenia", "century", "centuries", "decade", "decades", "year", "years", "quarter", "quarters", "month", "months", "week", "weeks", "day", "days", "hour", "hours", "minute", "minutes", "second", and "seconds". timezone: string, optional Specifies a local timezone to be used for label generation. Defaults to "utc". Supports any timezone code allowed by :class:`arrow.arrow.Arrow`. format: string, optional Format string used to generate labels from tick locations. The formatted value will be a :class:`arrow.arrow.Arrow` object, so any of the attributes and formatting provided by may be used in the format. For example, to display the full day of the week, month, day of the month without zero padding, and year, you could use: >>> toyplot.locator.Timestamp(format="{0:dddd}, {0:MMMM} {0:D}, {0:YYYY}") """ def __init__(self, count=None, interval=None, timezone="utc", format=None): if interval is not None: if isinstance(interval, six.string_types): interval = (1, interval) interval = (int(interval[0]), interval[1].lower()) amount, units = interval if units in ["millenium", "millenia"]: interval = dict(interval=datetime.timedelta(days=365 * 1000 * amount), generator=_year_generator(1000 * amount), format="{0:YYYY}") elif units in ["century", "centuries"]: interval = dict(interval=datetime.timedelta(days=365 * 100 * amount), generator=_year_generator(100 * amount), format="{0:YYYY}") elif units in ["decade", "decades"]: interval = dict(interval=datetime.timedelta(days=365 * 10 * amount), generator=_year_generator(10 * amount), format="{0:YYYY}") elif units in ["year", "years"]: interval = dict(interval=datetime.timedelta(days=365 * amount), generator=_year_generator(amount), format="{0:YYYY}") elif units in ["quarter", "quarters"]: interval = dict(interval=datetime.timedelta(days=90 * amount), generator=_month_generator(3 * amount), format="{0:MMMM} {0:YYYY}") elif units in ["month", "months"]: interval = dict(interval=datetime.timedelta(days=30 * amount), generator=_month_generator(amount), format="{0:MMMM} {0:YYYY}") elif units in ["week", "weeks"]: interval = dict(interval=datetime.timedelta(days=7 * amount), generator=_day_generator(7 * amount), format="{0:ddd}, {0:MMM} {0:D}, {0.year}") elif units in ["day", "days"]: interval = dict(interval=datetime.timedelta(days=amount), generator=_day_generator(amount), format="{0:ddd}, {0:MMM} {0:D}") elif units in ["hour", "hours"]: interval = dict(interval=datetime.timedelta(hours=amount), generator=_hour_generator(amount), format="{0:M}/{0:D} {0:HH}:{0:mm}") elif units in ["minute", "minutes"]: interval = dict(interval=datetime.timedelta(minutes=amount), generator=_minute_generator(amount), format="{0:M}/{0:D} {0:HH}:{0:mm}") elif units in ["second", "seconds"]: interval = dict(interval=datetime.timedelta(seconds=amount), generator=_second_generator(amount), format="{0:HH}:{0:mm}:{0:ss}") self._count = count self._interval = interval self._timezone = timezone self._format = format
[docs] def ticks(self, domain_min, domain_max): # If the caller didn't specify an interval, find one that yields the number of locations closest to the requested count if self._interval is None: if self._count is None: self._count = 7 closest_difference = None for match in _intervals: count = (domain_max - domain_min) / match["interval"].total_seconds() difference = numpy.abs(self._count - count) if (closest_difference is None) or (difference < closest_difference): self._interval = match closest_difference = difference # Generate ticks locations = [location for location in self._interval["generator"]( arrow.get(domain_min), arrow.get(domain_max), )] label_format = self._interval["format"] if self._format is None else self._format labels = [label_format.format(arrow.get(location).to(self._timezone)) for location in locations] titles = numpy.repeat(None, len(labels)) return locations, labels, titles